1 throw new Error("Description for built in functions. Must not be included!");
  2 /**
  3  * @fileOverview
  4  *    Documentation of the Thread object
  5  */
  7 /**
  8  * @class
  9  *
 10  * Creates a handle to a new thread.
 11  *
 12  * The handle can be used to
 13  * kill the thread or be ignored. The function provided is
 14  * executed after an initial timeout. Note that although this
 15  * looks similar to the setTimeout in web-browsers, after started,
 16  * the thread will not run until completion but run in parallel to
 17  * the executed script.<P>
 18  *
 19  * To stop the script from within a thread, use exit(). To stop only
 20  * execution of the thread (silently) throw a null exception
 21  * ("throw null;"). To terminate the script with an exception
 22  * throw a normal exception ("throw new Error("my error");").
 23  *
 24  * Note that a running thread might consume all CPU. Although it is
 25  * a seperated thread, JavaScript allows only one thread to run at
 26  * a time (thus it can make programming simpler, but is not really
 27  * consuming more CPU). In certain circumstances, it might be necessary
 28  * to give CPU time with v8.sleep(...) back to allow other threads to run.
 29  *
 30  * @param {Integer} timeout
 31  *    A positive integer given the initial delay in milliseconds before
 32  *    the thread is executed.
 33  *
 34  * @param {Function} function
 35  *    A function which is executed aftr the initial timeout.
 36  *
 37  * @param {Object} [_this]
 38  *    An object which will be the reference for 'this' in the function call.
 39  *    If none is given, the function itself will be the 'this' object.
 40  *
 41  * @throws
 42  *    <li> If number or type of arguments is wrong
 43  *
 44  * @example
 45  *    var handle = new Thread(100, function() { console.out("Hello world!"); });
 46  *    ...
 47  *    handle.kill();
 48  */
 49 function Thread(timeout, function, _this)
 50 {
 51     /**
 52      *
 53      * Kills a running thread
 54      *
 55      * @returns {Boolean}
 56      *     If the thread was still known, true is returned, false
 57      *     otherwise. If the thread terminated already, false is
 58      *     returned.
 59      *
 60      */
 61     this.kill = function() { /* [native code] */ }
 62 };