#!/bin/bash # # ======================================================================== # # * # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. # * # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express # * or implied warranty. # * # # # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 10/2006 <mailto:daniela.dorner@unige.ch> # # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2011 # # # ======================================================================== # # This script backups the databases give in setup.XXX in the array dbnames # # In addition, it writes out the commands how to create the database # MyMagic, in case all databases are backuped. # today=`date +%F` olday=`date +%F --date="-30day"` source `dirname $0`/sourcefile printprocesslog "INFO starting $0" set -C path=/home/`whoami`/DB_Backup logpath=$path/log filepath=$path/files mkdir -pv $logpath mkdir -pv $filepath logfile=$logpath/budb$today.log oldlog=$logpath/budb$olday.log date > $logfile getdbsetup echo "today: $today" >> $logfile 2>&1 echo "date to remove: $olday" >> $logfile 2>&1 if ls $oldlog >/dev/null 2>&1 then echo "removing old logfile..." >> $logfile 2>&1 rm -v $oldlog >> $logfile 2>&1 fi if [ "${dbnames[0]}" == "all" ] then dbname=MyMagic command=$filepath/Create$dbname$today.txt oldcommand=$filepath/Create$dbname$olday.txt file=$filepath/alldatabases end=.sql.bz2 zipfile=$file$today$end oldzip=$file$olday$end echo "removing old files..." >> $logfile 2>&1 if ls $oldzip >/dev/null 2>&1 then rm -v $oldzip >> $logfile 2>&1 fi if ls $oldcommand >/dev/null 2>&1 then rm -v $oldcommand >> $logfile 2>&1 fi echo "writing create commands to $command..." >> $logfile 2>&1 # commands to create MyMagic if ! mysqldump --host=$ho --database $dbname -u dump --no-data >| $command 2>> $logfile then printprocesslog "ERROR mysqldump failed " echo "ERROR mysqldump failed " >> $logfile 2>&1 fi echo "writing all databases to $zipfile..." >> $logfile 2>&1 # complete databases if ! mysqldump --host=$ho --all-databases -u dump | bzip2 -9 -c >| $zipfile 2>> $logfile then printprocesslog "ERROR mysqldump failed " echo "ERROR mysqldump failed " >> $logfile 2>&1 fi else echo "doing backup for the following databases: "${dbnames[@]} >> $logfile 2>&1 for dbname in ${dbnames[@]} do filepath2=$filepath/$dbname command=$filepath2"/Create_"$dbname"_"$today".txt" oldcommand=$filepath2"/Create_"$dbname"_"$olday".txt" mkdir -pv $filepath2 file=$filepath2/$dbname end=.sql.bz2 zipfile=$file"_"$today$end oldzip=$file"_"$olday$end echo "removing old files..." >> $logfile 2>&1 if ls $oldzip >/dev/null 2>&1 then rm -v $oldzip >> $logfile 2>&1 fi if ls $oldlog >/dev/null 2>&1 then rm -v $oldlog >> $logfile 2>&1 fi if ls $oldcommand >/dev/null 2>&1 then rm -v $oldcommand >> $logfile 2>&1 fi echo "writing create commands to $command..." >> $logfile 2>&1 # commands to create db if ! mysqldump --host=$ho --database $dbname -u dump --no-data >| $command 2>> $logfile then printprocesslog "ERROR mysqldump failed " echo "ERROR mysqldump failed " >> $logfile 2>&1 fi echo "writing database $dbname to $zipfile..." >> $logfile 2>&1 if ! mysqldump --host=$ho --database $dbname -u dump | bzip2 -9 -c >| $zipfile 2>> $logfile then printprocesslog "ERROR mysqldump failed " echo "ERROR mysqldump failed " >> $logfile 2>&1 fi done fi finish >> $logfile 2>&1