# config.mk
# @file        config.mk
# @maintitle

# @code

# compilers

CC       = gcc
CXX      = g++
F77      = f77
AR       = ar -src

#  ----->>>   settings for compilation
OPTIM    = -O -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wconversion -Woverloaded-virtual
# ggc 3.2: removed -fnonnull-objects -Wtraditional -Wnested-externs
DEBUG    = 

# For Mac OSX we need to kind of shared objects. One which can be plugged
# into root (bundle) and one which can be linked to the executables (dynlib)
SOFLAG   = -bundle -flat_namespace -Xlinker -bind_at_load
DYFLAG   = -dynamiclib -single_module -flat_namespace

DYLIB    = $(SOLIB:.so=.dylib)

# For debugging information use '-g'
# For producing gmon.out use    '-pg'

#MARS_LIB = -Llib $(SUBDIRS:%=-l%) $(MARSLIBS)

# uncomment this for quiet compilation


# @endcode