To write your own page you need to understand the syntax of the files.
The first line in the file is the title. It is just the title
displayed. If the first character is an asterix (*) then the page is
considered a page which is intented for script submission (<I>control
page</I>). If the page name starts with <B>help-</B>, the page is
considered a help page and the help symbol is inactive. If the page is
a control page, the submitted script with have the name of the page
without extension,  with the extension <B>.dim</B>, <I>e.g.</I>
if the page name is <I></I> the submitted scripts
name is <I>mypage.dim</I>.

Each following line of the file describes a row in the table and is
split by pipes (&#124;). To use a pipe in a line you have to 
write &#38;#124;. Lines which containes less than two pipes are
concatenated until the number of pipes in one line is at least two. So
the description of one row can look like


but also


If <I>leftlink</I> is available, a left arrow is displayed on the left
and the row will link to page called <I></I>. The same for
<I>rightlink</i>, just that a right arrow is displayed on the right instead.
Both are mutually exclusive, and can also be omotted.

The <I>Description</I> is just a text which appears on the left side of
the row in bold-face. if the format is omitted, it will fill the full
width of the table and be displayed in normal-face. Consequently, a
simple text entry could look like:

This is my simple text entry.&lt;br/&gt;<br/>
We can have more lines...

...and even a paragraph-break.&lt;br/&gt;<br/>

Every line starting with a # is ignored.

The description can also have special contents (see below).

If the help is not a help-page, a data file is loaded and its data is
displayed on the right of each row according the format given.
|Special tag descriptions||help-description
|Data file and data file format||help-datafile
|Binary file format||help-binaryfile