The url you specify when calling SmartFACT++ can contain links to the
page you intend to view first, but also special arguments for steering
the display, <I>e.g.</I>


Would open the status page (status.page) and display the content
with a fixed size of 320x200. Both, width and height, can be omitted.

Also possible


Usually the graphic is adapted to fit into the viewport (the size of
your browser window). This option instructs SmartFACT++ to display the 
graphics always quadratically and with the full width, <I>i.e.</I> it
might range outside of your window on the bottom of your page and a scroll
bas would be displayed.

Since SmartFACT++ is also meant for mobile devices, some compromises had
to be made. One is that modern HTML5 techniques could not be applied to
the fullest. If your browser has problems with switching pages, you
can turn off the sliding effect by:


On pages which are regularly updated, <i>i.e.</i> the main page and
the status page, sound output for certain circumstances can be enabled
with the sound option:


All of the options can be combined as long as they make sense, <i>e.g.</i>


In all examples above the url would usually be
