This is the complete list of members for LocalShell, including all inherited members.
AddToHistory(const std::string &str, int skip=2) | Readline | |
BindKeySequence(const char *seq, int(*func)(int, int)) | Readline | |
ClearHistory() | Readline | static |
Compare(const std::string &str, const std::string &txt) | Readline | static |
Complete(const char *text, int state) | Readline | protectedvirtual |
Complete(const std::vector< std::string > &v, const char *text) | Readline | protected |
CompletionDisplay(char **matches, int num, int max) | ReadlineWindow | protectedvirtual |
CompletionMatches(const char *text, char *(*func)(const char *, int)) | Readline | static |
DumpFunctions() | Readline | static |
DumpFunmap() | Readline | static |
DumpHistory() | Readline | static |
DumpVariables() | Readline | static |
EventHook(bool=false) | ReadlineWindow | protectedvirtual |
Execute(const std::string &fname, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &args=std::map< std::string, std::string >()) | Readline | |
ExecuteShellCommand(const std::string &cmd) | Readline | virtual |
fCompletion | Readline | protected |
fName | LocalControl< Shell > | protected |
fScript | Readline | protectedstatic |
fStateMachine | LocalControl< Shell > | protected |
GetAbsCursor() | Readline | static |
GetBuffer() | Readline | static |
GetBufferLength() | Readline | static |
Getc(FILE *) | Readline | protectedvirtual |
GetCols() const | Readline | |
GetCursor() | Readline | static |
GetExternalInput() | Readline | inlinestatic |
GetHistory() const | Readline | |
GetLine() const | Readline | inline |
GetLineLength() | Readline | static |
GetLinePrompt() const | Readline | virtual |
GetName() const | Readline | inline |
GetPrompt() | Readline | static |
GetRows() const | Readline | |
GetScript() | Readline | inlinestatic |
GetScriptDepth() | Readline | inlinestatic |
GetStreamIn() | Shell | inline |
GetStreamIn() const | Shell | inline |
GetStreamOut() | Shell | inline |
GetStreamOut() const | Shell | inline |
GetUpdatePrompt() const | LocalShell | inlinevirtual |
Instance() | Readline | inlinestatic |
IsScriptStopped() | Readline | inlinestatic |
IsStopped() const | Readline | |
LocalControl(const char *name) | LocalControl< Shell > | inlineprotected |
LocalShell(const char *name, bool=false) | LocalShell | inline |
Lock() | Shell | inline |
lout | LocalControl< Shell > | protected |
PreProcess(const std::string &str) | Readline | virtual |
PrintCommands() | LocalControl< Shell > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
PrintGeneralHelp() | LocalControl< Shell > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
PrintKeyBindings() | Shell | virtual |
PrintReadlineError(const std::string &str) | Readline | protectedvirtual |
Process(const std::string &str) | LocalControl< Shell > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ProcessLine(const std::string &str) | Readline | |
Prompt(const std::string &prompt) | Readline | virtual |
PromptEOF(std::string &str) | Readline | virtual |
Readline(const char *prgname) | Readline | |
ReadlineWindow(const char *prgname) | ReadlineWindow | |
RedirectionWrapper(std::ostream &out, bool(*function)()) | Readline | static |
Redisplay() | ReadlineWindow | protectedvirtual |
Refresh() | Shell | inlinevirtual |
Resize(int h) | Shell | |
ReadlineWindow::Resize() | Readline | static |
ReadlineWindow::Resize(int w, int h) | Readline | static |
RewindCursor() const | ReadlineWindow | |
Run(const char *="") | Shell | inlinevirtual |
SetColorPrompt(int col) | ReadlineWindow | inline |
SetCompletion(const std::vector< std::string > *v) | Readline | inlineprotected |
SetExternalInput(const std::string &inp) | Readline | inlinestatic |
SetLabel(int l) | Readline | inline |
SetMaxSize(int lines) | Readline | inline |
SetReceiver(StateMachineImp &imp) | LocalControl< Shell > | inline |
SetScriptDepth(unsigned int d) | Readline | inlinestatic |
SetSection(int) | Readline | inlineprotectedvirtual |
SetStreamIn(FILE *f) | Readline | static |
SetStreamOut(FILE *f) | Readline | static |
SetWindow(WINDOW *w) | ReadlineWindow | |
Shell(const char *prgname) | Shell | |
ShowHide(int v) | Shell | |
Startup() | ReadlineWindow | protectedvirtual |
StaticPopHistory(const std::string &fname) | Readline | static |
StaticPrompt(const std::string &prompt) | Readline | static |
StaticPushHistory(const std::string &fname) | Readline | static |
Stop() | Readline | static |
StopScript() | Readline | inlinestatic |
This | Shell | protectedstatic |
Unlock() | Shell | inline |
UpdatePrompt(const std::string &prompt) const | Readline | |
UpdatePrompt() const | Readline | inline |
win | Shell | protected |
wout | Shell | protected |
~Readline() | Readline | virtual |
~Shell() | Shell |