FACT++  1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 C_time_formatHelper to manipulate the input and output format of a time in a stream
 CChatClientImplements a remote control based on a Readline class for the Chat client
 CChatClientImpThe base implementation for a chat client
 CChatConsoleDerives the ChatClient from Control and adds a proper prompt
 CChatShellDerives the ChatClient from Shell and adds colored prompt
 CCheckBoxDelegateA delegate which displays an arrow if there are sub items and raises an event if the checkbox is checked
 CCheckBoxEventAn event posted by the CheckBoxDelegate if the CheckBox is used
 CConfigurationCommandline parsing, resource file parsing and database access
 CConnectionMaintains an ansynchronous TCP/IP client connection
 CConsoleThis is an extension to the Readline class provding buffered output
 CConsoleStreamThis is an extension to the Readline class provding a colored output
 CConverterA compiler for the DIM data format string
 CDataLoggerLogs all message and infos between the services
 CDescriptionA struct which stores a name, a unit and a comment
 CDimDescriptionServiceA DimService which broadcasts descriptions for services and commands
 CDimErrorRedirecterA base class taking care of padding, exit handler and error handlers
 CDimLogEnsures that the MessageDimTX is initialized before errors could be redirected to it
 CDimNetworkImplements automatic subscription to MESSAGE and STATE services
 CDimServerListMaintains a list of all servers based on DIS_DNS/SERVER_LIST
 CDimServiceInfoListMaintains a list of all services available in the Dim network
 CDimStartEnsures calling DimServer::start() in its constructor and DimServer::stop() in its destructor
 CDimWriteStatisticsStatistics service telling the free space on disk and the total size written so far
 CDockWindowA main window which can be used to display a QDockWidget from a tab
 CedgeStructure for storing edges of hexagons (for blurry display)
 CEventConcerete implementation of an EventImp stroring name, format, data and time
 CEventDimConcerete implementation of an EventImp as a DimCommand
 CEventImpA general base-class describing events issues in a state machine
 CFactFitsFITS writter for the FACT project
 CFitsDumperDumps contents of fits tables to stdout or a file
 CFitsFileFITS writter for the FACT project
 CFitsLoaderLoad a given Fits file and table, and dump selected columns if requested
 CHtmlDelegateA Qt-Delegate to display HTML text (QTextDocument) in a list
 CInterpolator2DExtra- and interpolate in 2D
 CLocalConsoleDerives the LocalControl from Control and adds prompt
 CLocalControlImplements a local control for a StateMachine based on a Readline class
 CLocalShellDerives the LocalControl from Shell and adds a colored prompt
 CLocalStreamDerives the LocalControl from ConsoleStream
 CMessageDimRXBased on MessageImp, subscribes to a MESSAGE service in the Dim network
 CMessageDimTXBased on MessageImp, redirects log-output to a Dim service MESSAGE
 CMessageImpThe base implementation of a distributed messaging system
 CNumSubAndFitsTypeDistributes the number of opened subscriptions and fits files
 COpenFileToDimDistributes which files were opened
 CPixelsNeighborsStructure for storing neighbors of pixels. For camera position calculation and blurry display
 CReadlineC++ wrapper for GNU's readline library
 CReadlineWindowHelper to redirect readline's in- and output to an ncurses window
 CRemoteConsoleDerives the RemoteControl from Control and adds a proper prompt
 CRemoteControlImplements a remote control based on a Readline class for the dim network
 CRemoteControlImpThis implements the basic functions of a remote control via dim
 CRemoteShellDerives the RemoteControl from Shell and adds colored prompt
 CRunNumberTypeRun number record. Used to keep track of which run numbers are still active
 CServiceListMaintains a list of all servers and services available in the Dim nbetwork
 CShellImplementation of a console based user shell with an input and output window
 CSpinBox4nsA QSpinBox which only accepts values dividable by 4
 CSpinBoxHexA QSpinBox which displays the value as hex-value
 CStateA struct which stores an index, a comment and a name of a State
 CStateClientA simple Dim client diriving from MessageDimRX subscribing to the STATE service
 CStateMachineClass for a state machine implementation just on the console
 CStateMachineDimClass for a state machine implementation within a DIM network
 CStateMachineImpBase class for a state machine implementation
 CSubscriptionTypeDim subscription type. Stores all the relevant info to handle a Dim subscription
 CTimeAdds some functionality to boost::posix_time::ptime for our needs
 CWindowLogA C++ ostream to an ncurses window supporting attributes and colors