Definition at line 2146 of file
References ConnectionFTM::CmdPing(), ConnectionFTM::CmdReqDynDat(), ConnectionFTM::CmdReqStatDat(), ConnectionFTM::CmdResetCamera(), ConnectionFTM::CmdStopRun(), ConnectionFTM::CmdToggleLed(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::ConfigureFTM(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::DisableAllPatchesExcept(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::DisableAllPixelsExcept(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::DisableReports(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::Disconnect(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::Enable(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::EnableFTU(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::EnableLP(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::EnablePatch(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::EnablePixel(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::GetRegister(), FTM::StaticData::kClockConditioner, FTM::State::kConfigError1, FTM::State::kConfigError2, FTM::State::kConfigured1, FTM::State::kConfigured2, FTM::State::kConfiguring1, FTM::State::kConfiguring2, FTM::State::kConnected, FTM::State::kDisconnected, FTM::StaticData::kExt1, FTM::StaticData::kExt2, FTM::StaticData::kGroup1, FTM::StaticData::kGroup2, FTM::State::kIdle, FTM::StaticData::kLPext, FTM::StaticData::kLPint, FTM::StaticData::kTrigger, FTM::State::kTriggerOn, FTM::State::kValid, FTM::StaticData::kVeto, StateMachineFTM< T, S >::LoadStaticData(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::Reconnect(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::ResetConfig(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::ResetCrate(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SaveStaticData(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetAllThresholds(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetCalibMultiplicity(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetCalibWindow(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetClockFrequency(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetClockRegister(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetDeadTime(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetDynamicOut(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetHexOutput(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetIntensity(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetNoutof4(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetPrescaling(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetRegister(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetSelectedThresholds(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetThreshold(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetTimeMarkerDelay(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetTriggerDelay(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetTriggerInterval(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetTriggerMultiplicity(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetTriggerSeq(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetTriggerWindow(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::SetVerbosity(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::StartRun(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::TakeNevents(), StateMachineFTM< T, S >::ToggleFTU(), and StateMachineFTM< T, S >::TogglePixel().
2151 "FTM board not connected via ethernet.");
2154 "Ethernet connection to FTM established (no state received yet).");
2157 "Ethernet connection to FTM established, FTM in idle state.");
2160 "FTM in idle state and the last sent and received static data block are bitwise identical.");
2163 "Command to disable run sent... waiting for response.");
2165 "New configuration sent... waiting for response.");
2167 "Received answer identical with target configuration.");
2169 "Waiting for acknowledge of trigger enable.");
2172 "Ethernet connection to FTM established, FTM trigger output to FADs enabled.");
2189 (
"request transmission of dynamic data block");
2193 (
"request transmission of static data from FTM to memory");
2197 (
"read register from address addr" 2198 "|addr[short]:Address of register");
2202 (
"set register to value" 2203 "|addr[short]:Address of register" 2204 "|val[short]:Value to be set");
2208 (
"start a run (start distributing triggers)");
2212 (
"stop a run (stop distributing triggers)");
2216 (
"take n events (distribute n triggers)|number[int]:Number of events to be taken");
2220 (
"disable sending rate reports" 2221 "|status[bool]:disable or enable that the FTM sends rate reports (yes/no)");
2225 (
"Set the comparator threshold" 2226 "|Patch[idx]:Index of the patch (0-159), -1 for all" 2227 "|Threshold[counts]:Threshold to be set in binary counts");
2231 (
"Set the comparator thresholds. Only thresholds which are different and >=0 are sent." 2232 "|Thresholds[counts]:Threshold to be set in binary counts");
2236 (
"Set the comparator thresholds" 2237 "|Thresholds[counts]:Threshold to be set in binary counts");
2241 (
"Set the comparator threshold" 2242 "|Board[idx]:Index of the board (0-39), -1 for all" 2243 "|Threshold[counts]:Threshold to be set in binary counts");
2247 (
"Sets the FTU readout time intervals" 2248 "|time[0.5s]:The interval is given in units of 0.5s, i.e. 1 means 0.5s, 2 means 1s, ...");
2252 (
"Enable or disable FTU" 2253 "|Board[idx]:Index of the board (0-39), -1 for all" 2254 "|Enable[bool]:Whether FTU should be enabled or disabled (yes/no)");
2286 (
"Toggle status of FTU (this is mainly meant to be used in the GUI)" 2287 "|Board[idx]:Index of the board (0-39)");
2291 (
"Sets the trigger interval which is the distance between two consecutive artificial triggers." 2292 "|interval[ms]:The applied trigger interval in millisecond (min 1ms / 10bit)");
2297 "|delay[int]:The applied trigger delay is: delay*4ns+8ns");
2302 "|delay[int]:The applied time marker delay is: delay*4ns+8ns");
2307 "|dead_time[int]:The applied dead time is: dead_time*4ns+8ns");
2311 (
"Switch on the physics trigger" 2312 "|Enable[bool]:Enable physics trigger (yes/no)");
2317 (
"Switch on the triggers through the first external line" 2318 "|Enable[bool]:Enable ext1 trigger (yes/no)");
2323 (
"Switch on the triggers through the second external line" 2324 "|Enable[bool]:Enable ext2 trigger (yes/no)");
2329 "|Enable[bool]:Enable veto (yes/no)");
2333 (
"Enable clock conidtioner output in favor of time marker output" 2334 "|Enable[bool]:Enable clock conditioner (yes/no)");
2358 (
"Setup the sequence of artificial triggers produced by the FTM" 2359 "|Ped[short]:number of pedestal triggers in a row" 2360 "|LPext[short]:number of triggers of the external light pulser" 2361 "|LPint[short]:number of triggers of the internal light pulser");
2365 (
"Setup the Multiplicity condition for physcis triggers" 2366 "|N[int]:Number of requirered coincident triggers from sum-patches (1-40)");
2374 (
"Setup the Multiplicity condition for artificial (calibration) triggers" 2375 "|N[int]:Number of requirered coincident triggers from sum-patches (1-40)");
2397 (
"Reset states during a configuration or in case of configuration error");
2403 (
"Reset one of the crates 0-3" 2404 "|crate[short]:Crate number to be reseted (0-3)");
2408 (
"Reset all crates. The commands are sent in the order 0,1,2,3");
2414 (
"Saves the static data (FTM configuration) from memory to a file" 2415 "|filename[string]:Filename (can include a path), .bin is automatically added");
2419 (
"Loads the static data (FTM configuration) from a file into memory and sends it to the FTM" 2420 "|filename[string]:Filename (can include a path), .bin is automatically added");
2425 T::AddEvent(
2427 (
"set verbosity state" 2428 "|verbosity[bool]:disable or enable verbosity for received data (yes/no), except dynamic data");
2430 T::AddEvent(
2432 (
"enable or disable hex output for received data" 2433 "|hexout[bool]:disable or enable hex output for received data (yes/no)");
2435 T::AddEvent(
2437 (
"enable or disable output for received dynamic data (data is still broadcasted via Dim)" 2438 "|dynout[bool]:disable or enable output for dynamic data (yes/no)");
2444 (
"disconnect from ethernet");
2448 (
"(Re)connect ethernet connection to FTM, a new address can be given" 2449 "|[host][string]:new ethernet address in the form <host:port>");
2451 fFTM.StartConnect();
int SetClockRegister(const EventImp &evt)
int LoadStaticData(const EventImp &evt)
int DisableAllPatchesExcept(const EventImp &evt)
int SetHexOutput(const EventImp &evt)
int SetIntensity(const EventImp &evt, FTM::StaticData::GeneralSettings lp)
int DisableReports(const EventImp &evt)
function< int(const EventImp &)> Wrapper(function< void()> func)
int SetNoutof4(const EventImp &evt)
int SetVerbosity(const EventImp &evt)
int SetClockFrequency(const EventImp &evt)
int EnableFTU(const EventImp &evt)
int SetDynamicOut(const EventImp &evt)
External trigger signal 2.
int GetRegister(const EventImp &evt)
int SetDeadTime(const EventImp &evt)
int EnableLP(const EventImp &evt, FTM::StaticData::GeneralSettings lp, FTM::StaticData::LightPulserEnable group)
int SetSelectedThresholds(const EventImp &evt)
Select clock conditioner frequency (1) / time marker (0) as output.
int SetTriggerSeq(const EventImp &evt)
int EnablePatch(const EventImp &evt, bool enable)
int SetCalibWindow(const EventImp &evt)
int SaveStaticData(const EventImp &evt)
int SetCalibMultiplicity(const EventImp &evt)
int SetTriggerInterval(const EventImp &evt)
int Enable(const EventImp &evt, FTM::StaticData::GeneralSettings type)
int SetRegister(const EventImp &evt)
External trigger signal 1.
int Reconnect(const EventImp &evt)
int DisableAllPixelsExcept(const EventImp &evt)
int SetTimeMarkerDelay(const EventImp &evt)
int SetTriggerMultiplicity(const EventImp &evt)
int SetPrescaling(const EventImp &evt)
Enable trigger decision after light pulse (CalibrationTrigger, LP1)
int SetAllThresholds(const EventImp &evt)
Enable artificial trigger after light pulse (LP2)
int TogglePixel(const EventImp &evt)
int ResetCrate(const EventImp &evt)
int ToggleFTU(const EventImp &evt)
int ConfigureFTM(const EventImp &evt)
Veto trigger decision / artifical triggers.
int TakeNevents(const EventImp &evt)
int SetTriggerWindow(const EventImp &evt)
int SetTriggerDelay(const EventImp &evt)
Physics trigger decision (PhysicTrigger)
int SetThreshold(const EventImp &evt)
int EnablePixel(const EventImp &evt, bool b)