FACT++  1.0

Example for the usage of the class Configuration

#include "Configuration.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf, int &opt)
// Default in case the option was not specified
typed_value* default_value(const T& v)
typed_value* default_value(const T& v, const std::string& textual)
// Default value in case the option was given
// forces -o to become -o5
// forces --opt to become --opt=3
typed_value* implicit_value(const T &v)
typed_value* implicit_value(const T &v, const std::string& textual)
// notifier function when the final value is determined
typed_value* notifier(function1<void, const T&> f)
typed_value* composing()
// Specifies that the value can span multiple tokens.
typed_value* multitoken()
typed_value* zero_tokens()
// Specifies that the value must occur.
typed_value* required()
// To merge the options from several parsers (e.g. comand_line and
// config file) use po_strings()->composing()
po::options_description generic("Generic options");
("help-config", "Print available configuration file options.")
("help-env", "Print available environment variables.")
("help", "Print available commandline options.")
("print-unknown", "Print unrecognized options.")
("config", po_string("config.txt"), "Set configuration file name.")
// Declare the supported options.
po::options_description generic("Generaic options");
// ("testreq", po_int()->required(), "set compression level (madatory)")
("default", po_string("my_default"), "set compression level")
("unknown", po_int(1), "set compression level")
("U", po_int(2)->implicit_value(1), "set compression level")
// Declare a group of options that will be
// allowed both on command line and in
// config file
po::options_description config("Configuration");
("compression", var<int>(), "set compression level")
("optimization", var<int>(10, &opt), "optimization level")
("test-def", var<int>(42), "optimization level")
("include-path,I", vars<string>()/*->composing()*/, "include path")
("test,T", vars<string>()/*->composing()*/, "include path")
("file1", vars<string>(), "include path")
("int1", var<int>(), "include path")
("Int2", var<int>(), "include path")
("Int1", var<int>(), "include path")
("test-db", var<string>("database"), "include path")
("float1", var<double>(), "include path")
// (",A", po_float(), "include path")
("radec", po::value<vector<double>>(), "include path")
("switch", po_switch(), "include path")
("bool", var<bool>()->implicit_value(true), "include path")
// !!! Option which are "shorted" must be placed last.
// Can this be switched off?
po::options_description sections("Sections");
("unregistered", var<string>(), "include path")
("Section1.unregistered", var<string>(), "include path")
// ("Section2*", po_string(), "include path")
// The latter accepts all options starting with Section2.
// Hidden options, will be allowed both on command line and
// in config file, but will not be shown to the user.
po::options_description hidden("Hidden options");
("input-file", vars<string>(), "input file")
("output-file", vars<string>(), "output file")
("test-file", vars<string>(), "test file")
po::options_description env("Environment options");
("linux", var<string>(), "LINUX env")
("path", var<string>(), "PATH env")
("dns", var<string>(), "DIM_DNS_SERVER env")
conf.AddEnv("linux", "LINUX");
conf.AddEnv("path", "PATH");
conf.AddEnv("dns", "DIM_DNS_SERVER");
// define translation from position to name
po::positional_options_description p;
p.add("output-file", 2); // The first 2 positional options is output-file
p.add("test-file", 3); // The next three positional options is output-file
p.add("input-file", -1); // All others go to...
conf.AddOptionsCommandline(hidden, false);
conf.AddOptionsConfigfile(hidden, false);
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
int opt;
Configuration conf(argv[0]);
SetupConfiguration(conf, opt);
po::variables_map vm;
vm = conf.Parse(argc, argv);
catch (std::exception &e)
#if BOOST_VERSION > 104000
po::multiple_occurrences *MO = dynamic_cast<po::multiple_occurrences*>(&e);
if (MO)
cout << "Error: " << e.what() << " of '" << MO->get_option_name() << "' option." << endl;
cout << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;
cout << endl;
return -1;
if (conf.HasHelp() || conf.HasPrint())
return -1;
cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Program " << argv[0] << " started successfully." << endl;
cout << conf.Has("switch") << " " << conf.Get<bool>("switch") << endl;
cout << conf.Has("bool") << " " << conf.Get<bool>("bool") << endl;
return 0;
if (vm.count("compression"))
cout << "Compression level was set to " << vm["compression"].as<int>() << ".\n";
cout << "Compression level was not set.\n";
cout << "Test default is always: " << vm["test-def"].as<int>() << "\n";
cout << "Optimization level is " << vm["optimization"].as<int>() << "\n";
//cout << "Int2: " << vm["Int2"].as<int>() << "\n";
cout << conf.GetString("unregistered") << endl;
cout << conf.GetString("Section1.unregistered") << endl;
cout << conf.Has("Section2.unregistered") << endl;
cout << conf.GetString("Section2.Section3.unregistered") << endl;
cout << "test-db: " << conf.GetString("test-db") << endl;
if (vm.count("include-path"))
vector<string> v = vm["include-path"].as< vector<string> >();
for (vector<string>::iterator s=v.begin(); s<v.end(); s++)
cout << "Incl P: " << *s << endl;
if (vm.count("input-file"))
vector<string> v = vm["input-file"].as< vector<string> >();
for (vector<string>::iterator s=v.begin(); s<v.end(); s++)
cout << "Incl F: " << *s << endl;
if (vm.count("output-file"))
vector<string> v = vm["output-file"].as< vector<string> >();
for (vector<string>::iterator s=v.begin(); s<v.end(); s++)
cout << "Out: " << *s << endl;
if (vm.count("test-file"))
vector<string> v = vm["test-file"].as< vector<string> >();
for (vector<string>::iterator s=v.begin(); s<v.end(); s++)
cout << "Testf: " << *s << endl;
cout << "Linux: " << conf.Get<string>("linux") << endl;
if (vm.count("path"))
cout << "Path: " << vm["path"].as<string>() << endl;
if (vm.count("file1"))
cout << "File1: " << vm["file1"].as<string>() << endl;
if (vm.count("int1"))
cout << "Int1: " << vm["int1"].as<int>() << endl;
if (vm.count("float1"))
cout << "Float1: " << vm["float1"].as<float>() << endl;
if (vm.count("test"))
vector<string> v = vm["test"].as< vector<string> >();
for (vector<string>::iterator s=v.begin(); s<v.end(); s++)
cout << "Test: " << *s << endl;
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