FACT++  1.0
const po::variables_map & Configuration::Parse ( int  argc,
const char **  argv,
const std::function< void()> &  PrintHelp = std::function<void()>() 

The idea of the Parse() memeber-function is to parse the command-line, the configuration files, the databse and the environment and return a proper combined result.

In details the following actions are performed in the given order:

  • (0) Init local variables with the list of options described by the data members.
  • (1) Reset the data members fPriorityFile, fDefaultFile, fDatabase
  • (2) Parse the command line
  • (3) Check for –help* command-line options and performe corresponding action
  • (4) Check for –print and –print-all and perform corresponding action
  • (5) Read and parse the global configuration file, which is compiled from the path corresponding to the argument given in the constructor + "/fact++.rc", unrecognized options are always allowed. Note that in contradiction to all other options the options in this file are not checked at all. Hence, typos might stay unnoticed.
  • (6) Read and parse the default configuration file, which is either given by the default name or the –default command-line option. The default name is compiled from the argument given to the constructor and ".rc". If the file-name is identical to the default (no command-line option given) a missing configuration file is no error. Depending on the –dont-check and –dont-check-files options, unrecognized options in the file throw an exception or not.
  • (7) Check for –print-default and –print-all and perform corresponding action
  • (8) Read and parse the priority configuration file, which must be given by the –config or -C command-line option or a corresponding entry in the default-configuration file. If an option on the command-line and the in the configuration file exists, the command-line option has priority. If none is given, no priority file is read. Depending on the –dont-check and –dont-check-files options, unrecognized options in the file throw an exception or not.
  • (9) Check for –print-config and –print-all and perform corresponding action
  • (10) Retrieve options from the database according to the options –database and –no-database. Note that options given on the command-line have highest priority. The second priority is the priority-configuration file. The options from the default configuration-file have lowest priority.
  • (11) Check for –print-database and –print-all and perform corresponding action
  • (12) Parse the environment options.
  • (13) Check for –print-environment and –print-all and perform corresponding action
  • (14) Compile the final result. The priority of the options is (in decreasing order): command-line options, options from the priority configuration file, options from the database, options from the default configuration-file and options from the environment.
  • (15) Find all options which were found and flagged as unrecognized, because they are not in the user-defined list of described options, are collected and stored in the corresponding data-members.
  • (16) Find all options which where registered with wildcards and store the list in fWildcardOptions.
  • (17) Before the function returns it check for –print-options and –print-unknown and performs the corresponding actions.
argc,argvarguments passed to main(int argc, char **argv)
A reference to the list with the resulting options with their values.
  • describe the exceptions
  • describe what happens in a more general way
  • print a waring when no default coonfig file is read
  • proper handling and error messages if files not available

Definition at line 947 of file Configuration.cc.

References CreateWildcardOptions(), fArgumentPositions, fDatabase, fDefaultFile, fName, fNameMapper, fOptionsCommandline, fOptionsConfigfile, fOptionsDatabase, fOptionsEnvironment, fPrintUsage, fPriorityFile, fUnknownCommandline, fUnknownConfigfile, fUnknownDatabase, fUnknownEnvironment, fVariables, GetName(), i, kVisible, parse_database(), PrintHelp(), PrintOptions(), PrintParsed(), PrintUnknown(), PrintVersion(), and PrintWildcardOptions().

Referenced by DoParse(), GetOptions(), and main().

948 {
949  const po::positional_options_description &opt_positional = fArgumentPositions;
951  // ------------------------ (0) --------------------------
952 #ifdef DEBUG
953  cout << "--0--" << endl;
954 #endif
956  po::options_description opt_commandline;
957  po::options_description opt_configfile;
958  po::options_description opt_environment;
959  po::options_description opt_database;
961  for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
962  {
963  opt_commandline.add(fOptionsCommandline[i]);
964  opt_configfile.add(fOptionsConfigfile[i]);
965  opt_environment.add(fOptionsEnvironment[i]);
966  opt_database.add(fOptionsDatabase[i]);
967  }
969  // ------------------------ (1) --------------------------
970 #ifdef DEBUG
971  cout << "--1--" << endl;
972 #endif
974  fPriorityFile = "";
975  fDefaultFile = "";
976  fDatabase = "";
978  // ------------------------ (2) --------------------------
979 #ifdef DEBUG
980  cout << "--2--" << endl;
981 #endif
983  po::command_line_parser parser(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv));
984  parser.options(opt_commandline);
985  parser.positional(opt_positional);
986  parser.style(style::unix_style&~style::allow_guessing);
987  //parser.allow_unregistered();
989  const po::parsed_options parsed_commandline = parser.run();
991  // ------------------------ (3) --------------------------
992 #ifdef DEBUG
993  cout << "--3--" << endl;
994 #endif
996  po::variables_map getfiles;
997  po::store(parsed_commandline, getfiles);
999  if (getfiles.count("version"))
1000  PrintVersion();
1001  if (getfiles.count("help"))
1002  {
1003  fPrintUsage();
1004  cout <<
1005  "Options:\n"
1006  "The following describes the available commandline options. "
1007  "For further details on how command line option are parsed "
1008  "and in which order which configuration sources are accessed "
1009  "please refer to the class reference of the Configuration class." << endl;
1010  cout << fOptionsCommandline[kVisible] << endl;
1011  }
1012  if (getfiles.count("help-config"))
1013  cout << fOptionsConfigfile[kVisible] << endl;
1014  if (getfiles.count("help-env"))
1015  cout << fOptionsEnvironment[kVisible] << endl;
1016  if (getfiles.count("help-database"))
1017  cout << fOptionsDatabase[kVisible] << endl;
1021  // ------------------------ (4) --------------------------
1022 #ifdef DEBUG
1023  cout << "--4--" << endl;
1024 #endif
1026  if (getfiles.count("print") || getfiles.count("print-all"))
1027  {
1028  cout << endl << "Parsed commandline options:" << endl;
1029  PrintParsed(parsed_commandline);
1030  cout << endl;
1031  }
1033  if (getfiles.count("help") || getfiles.count("help-config") ||
1034  getfiles.count("help-env") || getfiles.count("help-database"))
1035  {
1036  if (PrintHelp)
1037  PrintHelp();
1038  }
1040  // ------------------------ (5) --------------------------
1041 #ifdef DEBUG
1042  cout << "--5--" << endl;
1043 #endif
1045  const boost::filesystem::path path(GetName());
1046  const string globalfile = (path.parent_path()/boost::filesystem::path("fact++.rc")).string();
1048  cerr << "Reading global options from '" << globalfile << "'." << endl;
1050  ifstream gfile(globalfile.c_str());
1051  // ===> FIXME: Proper handling of missing file or wrong file name
1052  const po::parsed_options parsed_globalfile =
1053  !gfile ?
1054  po::parsed_options(&opt_configfile) :
1055  po::parse_config_file<char>(gfile, opt_configfile, true);
1057  // ------------------------ (6) --------------------------
1058 #ifdef DEBUG
1059  cout << "--6--" << endl;
1060 #endif
1062  // Get default file from command line
1063  if (getfiles.count("default"))
1064  {
1065  fDefaultFile = getfiles["default"].as<string>();
1066  cerr << "Reading default options from '" << fDefaultFile << "'." << endl;
1067  }
1069  const bool checkf = !getfiles.count("dont-check-files") && !getfiles.count("dont-check");
1070  const bool defaulted = getfiles.count("default") && getfiles["default"].defaulted();
1071  //const bool exists = boost::filesystem::exists(fDefaultFile);
1073  ifstream indef(fDefaultFile.c_str());
1074  // ===> FIXME: Proper handling of missing file or wrong file name
1075  const po::parsed_options parsed_defaultfile =
1076  !indef && defaulted ?
1077  po::parsed_options(&opt_configfile) :
1078  po::parse_config_file<char>(indef, opt_configfile, !checkf);
1080  // ------------------------ (7) --------------------------
1081 #ifdef DEBUG
1082  cout << "--7--" << endl;
1083 #endif
1085  if (getfiles.count("print-default") || getfiles.count("print-all"))
1086  {
1087  if (!indef.is_open() && defaulted)
1088  cout << "No configuration file by --default option specified." << endl;
1089  else
1090  {
1091  cout << endl << "Parsed options from '" << fDefaultFile << "':" << endl;
1092  PrintParsed(parsed_defaultfile);
1093  cout << endl;
1094  }
1095  }
1097  po::store(parsed_defaultfile, getfiles);
1099  // ------------------------ (8) --------------------------
1100 #ifdef DEBUG
1101  cout << "--8--" << endl;
1102 #endif
1104  // Get priority from commandline(1), defaultfile(2)
1105  if (getfiles.count("config"))
1106  {
1107  fPriorityFile = getfiles["config"].as<string>();
1108  cerr << "Reading config options from '" << fPriorityFile << "'." << endl;
1109  }
1111  ifstream inpri(fPriorityFile.c_str());
1112  // ===> FIXME: Proper handling of missing file or wrong file name
1113  const po::parsed_options parsed_priorityfile =
1114  fPriorityFile.empty() ? po::parsed_options(&opt_configfile) :
1115  po::parse_config_file<char>(inpri, opt_configfile, !checkf);
1117  // ------------------------ (9) --------------------------
1118 #ifdef DEBUG
1119  cout << "--9--" << endl;
1120 #endif
1122  if (getfiles.count("print-config") || getfiles.count("print-all"))
1123  {
1124  if (fPriorityFile.empty())
1125  cout << "No configuration file by --config option specified." << endl;
1126  else
1127  {
1128  cout << endl << "Parsed options from '" << fPriorityFile << "':" << endl;
1129  PrintParsed(parsed_priorityfile);
1130  cout << endl;
1131  }
1132  }
1134  // ------------------------ (10) -------------------------
1135 #ifdef DEBUG
1136  cout << "--10--" << endl;
1137 #endif
1139  po::variables_map getdatabase;
1140  po::store(parsed_commandline, getdatabase);
1141  po::store(parsed_priorityfile, getdatabase);
1142  po::store(parsed_defaultfile, getdatabase);
1143  po::store(parsed_globalfile, getdatabase);
1145  if (getdatabase.count("database") && !getdatabase.count("no-database"))
1146  {
1147  fDatabase = getdatabase["database"].as<string>();
1148  cerr << "Requesting options from database for '" << fName << "'" << endl;
1149  }
1151  const bool checkdb = !getdatabase.count("dont-check-database") && !getdatabase.count("dont-check");
1153  const po::parsed_options parsed_database =
1154  fDatabase.empty() ? po::parsed_options(&opt_database) :
1155 #if BOOST_VERSION < 104600
1156  parse_database(path.filename(), fDatabase, opt_database, !checkdb);
1157 #else
1158  parse_database(path.filename().string(), fDatabase, opt_database, !checkdb);
1159 #endif
1160  // ------------------------ (11) -------------------------
1161 #ifdef DEBUG
1162  cout << "--11--" << endl;
1163 #endif
1165  if (getfiles.count("print-database") || getfiles.count("print-all"))
1166  {
1167  if (fDatabase.empty())
1168  cout << "No database access requested." << endl;
1169  else
1170  {
1171  cout << endl << "Options received from '" << fDatabase << "':" << endl;
1172  PrintParsed(parsed_database);
1173  cout << endl;
1174  }
1175  }
1177  // ------------------------ (12) -------------------------
1178 #ifdef DEBUG
1179  cout << "--12--" << endl;
1180 #endif
1182  const po::parsed_options parsed_environment = po::parse_environment(opt_environment, fNameMapper);
1184  // ------------------------ (13) -------------------------
1185 #ifdef DEBUG
1186  cout << "--13--" << endl;
1187 #endif
1189  if (getfiles.count("print-environment"))
1190  {
1191  cout << "Parsed options from environment:" << endl;
1192  PrintParsed(parsed_environment);
1193  cout << endl;
1194  }
1196  // ------------------------ (14) -------------------------
1197 #ifdef DEBUG
1198  cout << "--14--" << endl;
1199 #endif
1201  po::variables_map result;
1202  po::store(parsed_commandline, result);
1203  po::store(parsed_priorityfile, result);
1204  po::store(parsed_database, result);
1205  po::store(parsed_defaultfile, result);
1206  po::store(parsed_globalfile, result);
1207  po::store(parsed_environment, result);
1208  po::notify(result);
1210  fVariables = result;
1212  // ------------------------ (15) -------------------------
1213 #ifdef DEBUG
1214  cout << "--15--" << endl;
1215 #endif
1217  const vector<string> unknown0 = collect_unrecognized(parsed_globalfile.options, po::exclude_positional);
1218  const vector<string> unknown1 = collect_unrecognized(parsed_defaultfile.options, po::exclude_positional);
1219  const vector<string> unknown2 = collect_unrecognized(parsed_priorityfile.options, po::exclude_positional);
1221  fUnknownConfigfile.clear();
1222  fUnknownConfigfile.insert(fUnknownConfigfile.end(), unknown0.begin(), unknown0.end());
1223  fUnknownConfigfile.insert(fUnknownConfigfile.end(), unknown1.begin(), unknown1.end());
1224  fUnknownConfigfile.insert(fUnknownConfigfile.end(), unknown2.begin(), unknown2.end());
1226  fUnknownCommandline = collect_unrecognized(parsed_commandline.options, po::exclude_positional);
1227  fUnknownEnvironment = collect_unrecognized(parsed_environment.options, po::exclude_positional);
1228  fUnknownDatabase = collect_unrecognized(parsed_database.options, po::exclude_positional);
1230  // ------------------------ (16) -------------------------
1231 #ifdef DEBUG
1232  cout << "--16--" << endl;
1233 #endif
1237  // ------------------------ (17) -------------------------
1238 #ifdef DEBUG
1239  cout << "--17--" << endl;
1240 #endif
1242  if (result.count("print-options"))
1243  PrintOptions();
1245  if (result.count("print-wildcards"))
1248  if (result.count("print-unknown"))
1249  PrintUnknown();
1251 #ifdef DEBUG
1252  cout << "------" << endl;
1253 #endif
1255  return fVariables;
1256 }
void PrintWildcardOptions() const
std::string fDatabase
File name of the default configuration file (usually {program}.rc)
Definition: Configuration.h:39
std::string fPriorityFile
Options which were registered using wildcards.
Definition: Configuration.h:37
int i
Definition: db_dim_client.c:21
std::vector< std::string > fUnknownDatabase
Storage container for unrecognized options from the environment.
Definition: Configuration.h:33
po::options_description fOptionsEnvironment[2]
Description of options from the database.
Definition: Configuration.h:26
void CreateWildcardOptions()
Helper for Parse to create list of used wildcard options.
void PrintHelp()
Definition: fact.cc:30
std::function< std::string(std::string)> fNameMapper
Pointer to the mapper function for environment variables.
Definition: Configuration.h:50
Index for options visible in PrintParsed.
Definition: Configuration.h:16
po::positional_options_description fArgumentPositions
Description of options from the environment.
Definition: Configuration.h:28
po::options_description fOptionsDatabase[2]
Description of the options in the configuration file.
Definition: Configuration.h:25
void PrintParsed(const po::parsed_options &parsed) const
Print all options from a list of already parsed options.
void PrintUnknown() const
void PrintOptions() const
std::string fDefaultFile
File name of the priority configuration file (overwrites option from the databse) ...
Definition: Configuration.h:38
po::options_description fOptionsCommandline[2]
Definition: Configuration.h:23
const std::string fName
Definition: Configuration.h:19
po::options_description fOptionsConfigfile[2]
Description of the command-line options.
Definition: Configuration.h:24
std::vector< std::string > fUnknownCommandline
Description of positional command-line options (arguments)
Definition: Configuration.h:30
std::function< void()> fPrintUsage
Definition: Configuration.h:51
static po::basic_parsed_options< char > parse_database(const std::string &prgname, const std::string &database, const po::options_description &desc, bool allow_unregistered=false)
Retrieve data from a database and return them as options.
if(extraDns) new Dns
po::variables_map fVariables
URL for database connection (see Configuration::parse_database)
Definition: Configuration.h:41
virtual void PrintVersion() const
std::vector< std::string > fUnknownConfigfile
Storage container for unrecognized commandline options.
Definition: Configuration.h:31
std::vector< std::string > fUnknownEnvironment
Storage container for unrecognized options from configuration files.
Definition: Configuration.h:32
const std::string & GetName() const

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function: