Severity of a message.
Enumerator |
kMessage |
Just a message, usually obsolete.
kInfo |
An info telling something which can be interesting to know.
kWarn |
A warning, things that somehow might result in unexpected or unwanted bahaviour.
kError |
Error, something unexpected happened, but can still be handled by the program.
kAlarm |
Error, something unexpected happened, but needs user intervention (i.e. it needs a signal to the user)
kFatal |
An error which cannot be handled at all happend, the only solution is program termination.
kComment |
A comment which is always printed.
kDebug |
A message used for debugging only.
A warning, things that somehow might result in unexpected or unwanted bahaviour.
An info telling something which can be interesting to know.
Just a message, usually obsolete.
A message used for debugging only.
Error, something unexpected happened, but can still be handled by the program.
A comment which is always printed.
Error, something unexpected happened, but needs user intervention (i.e. it needs a signal to the user...
An error which cannot be handled at all happend, the only solution is program termination.