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Built-In Namespace String

Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
An abbreviation for String.form.
count(regex, case)
Like String match, but return the number counts how often the regular expression matches.
String.form(format, elements)
Format a string (similar to printf in C).
Method Detail
{String} $(arg)
An abbreviation for String.form. Converts all arguments provided by the user into an array which is passed to String.form. The contents of the String itself is passed as format string. This allows a very compact syntax to format any kind of object, array or number. For details see String.form.
Defined in: String.js.
Author: Thomas Bretz.
   var result = "%5d = %12s".$(5, "five");
An argument to be formated.
. . . Optional
An undefined number of additional optional arguments.
see String.form
{String} see String.form

{Interger} count(regex, case)
Like String match, but return the number counts how often the regular expression matches.
Defined in: String.js.
Author: Thomas Bretz.
   var result = "Thomas Bretz".count("[hme]"); // returns 3
{String} regex
The regular expression to search for, e.g., "s" (to count the s's) or "As+A" (to count how often s's are surrounded by A's)
{Boolean} case Optional, Default: false
Search is case insensitive if set to true.
{Interger} The number of occurances of the regular expression

<static> {String} String.form(format, elements)
Format a string (similar to printf in C). This function replaces modifiers (very similar to printf) with a formated version of the argument. Since JavaScript does implicit format conversion already, this is actually a very powerful tool, because the type of th arguments to be formated is of no importance. Implicit conversion means that also arrays and objects can be given as arguments. A shortcut is available as $-extension of the native String class.

Note that this function is completely written in JavaScript. It can be found in

The following modifiers are available (optional parts are put in brackets:

  • c: %[[-][0]N]c
    Extracts the first element from an array. In case of a String this is the first character.

  • s: %[[-][0]N]s
    Converts the argument to a string using toString()

  • f: %[[-][0]N[.n]]f
    Converts to a Number value with n internal decimal places

  • p: %[[-][0]N[.n]]p
    Converts to a Number value with a precision of n decimal places

  • e: %[[-][0]N]e
    Converts to an exponential with a precision of n decimal places

  • x: %[[-][0]N[#b]x
    Converts to an integer value using the basis b for conversion (default is 16 for hexadecimal)

  • d: %[[-][0]N[.n][#b]]d
    Converts from a value using the basis b for conversion (default is 10 for decimal). The integer can be rounded to the given precision n.

    The output string will have at least a length of N. If 0 is given, it is filled with 0's instead of white spaces. If prefixed by a minus the contents will be left aligned.
    Defined in: String.js.

  •    var result;
       result = String.form("%5d %3d", [ 5, "2" ]);
       result = String.form("%5x", [ 12 ]);
       result = String.form("%#16d", [ "b" ]);
       result = String.form("%s", [ [ 1, 2, 3, ] ]);
       result = String.form("%s", [ { a:1, b:2, c:3, } ]);
       var abbrev = "%03d".$(42);
    {String} format
    The format string defining how the given argument elements are formated
    {Array} elements
    An array with the elements to be formated
    {String} The formated string is returned.

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