Class Thread
Creates a handle to a new thread. The handle can be used to kill the thread or be ignored. The function provided is executed after an initial timeout. Note that although this looks similar to the setTimeout in web-browsers, after started, the thread will not run until completion but run in parallel to the executed script.
To stop the script from within a thread, use exit(). To stop only
execution of the thread (silently) throw a null exception
("throw null;"). To terminate the script with an exception
throw a normal exception ("throw new Error("my error");").
Note that a running thread might consume all CPU. Although it is
a seperated thread, JavaScript allows only one thread to run at
a time (thus it can make programming simpler, but is not really
consuming more CPU). In certain circumstances, it might be necessary
to give CPU time with v8.sleep(...) back to allow other threads to run.
Defined in: Thread.js.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
Thread(timeout, function, _this)
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
Kills a running thread
var handle = new Thread(100, function() { console.out("Hello world!"); }); ... handle.kill();
- Parameters:
- {Integer} timeout
- A positive integer given the initial delay in milliseconds before the thread is executed.
- {Function} function
- A function which is executed aftr the initial timeout.
- {Object} _this Optional
- An object which will be the reference for 'this' in the function call. If none is given, the function itself will be the 'this' object.
- Throws:
- If number or type of arguments is wrong
- Returns:
- {Boolean} If the thread was still known, true is returned, false otherwise. If the thread terminated already, false is returned.