FACT++  1.0
factofits Class Reference

#include <factofits.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for factofits:
+ Collaboration diagram for factofits:

Public Member Functions

 factofits (uint32_t numTiles=DefaultMaxNumTiles(), uint32_t rowPerTile=DefaultNumRowsPerTile(), uint32_t maxMem=DefaultMaxMemory())
 constructors More...
 factofits (const char *fname, uint32_t numTiles=DefaultMaxNumTiles(), uint32_t rowPerTile=DefaultNumRowsPerTile(), uint32_t maxMem=DefaultMaxMemory())
virtual ~factofits ()
virtual bool IsOffsetCalibration ()
 whether or not a calibration was given to the file writer More...
void SetDrsCalibration (const std::vector< float > &calib)
 assign a given drs offset calibration More...
void SetDrsCalibration (const std::vector< int16_t > &vec)
 assign a given drs offset calibration More...
void SetDrsCalibration (const DrsCalibration &drs)
 assign a given drs offset calibration More...
bool WriteTableHeader (const char *name="DATA")
 Overload of the super function. More...
virtual bool WriteDrsOffsetsTable ()
 Uncompressed version of the DrsCalibration table. More...
virtual void DrsOffsetCalibrate (char *target_location)
 Apply the drs offset calibration (overload of super-method) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from zofits
 zofits (uint32_t numTiles=DefaultMaxNumTiles(), uint32_t rowPerTile=DefaultNumRowsPerTile(), uint32_t maxUsableMem=DefaultMaxMemory())
 zofits (const char *fname, uint32_t numTiles=DefaultMaxNumTiles(), uint32_t rowPerTile=DefaultNumRowsPerTile(), uint32_t maxUsableMem=DefaultMaxMemory())
 zofits (const std::string &fname, uint32_t numTiles=DefaultMaxNumTiles(), uint32_t rowPerTile=DefaultNumRowsPerTile(), uint32_t maxUsableMem=DefaultMaxMemory())
void InitMemberVariables (const uint32_t nt=0, const uint32_t rpt=0, const uint64_t maxUsableMem=0)
void open (const char *filename, bool addEXTNAMEKey=true)
void open (const std::string &filename, bool addEXTNAMEKey=true)
uint32_t GetBytesPerRow () const
bool WriteCatalog ()
CatalogRowAddOneCatalogRow ()
bool WriteRow (const void *ptr, size_t cnt, bool=true)
void FlushNumRows ()
 update the real number of rows More...
CompressionTarget InitNextCompression ()
uint32_t ShrinkCatalog ()
 Shrinks a catalog that is too long to fit into the reserved space at the beginning of the file. More...
bool close ()
bool AddColumn (uint32_t cnt, char typechar, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit, const std::string &comment="", bool addHeaderKeys=true)
 Overload of the ofits method. Just calls the zofits specific one with default, uncompressed options for this column. More...
bool AddColumn (const FITS::Compression &comp, uint32_t cnt, char typechar, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit, const std::string &comment="", bool addHeaderKeys=true)
 Overload of the simplified compressed version. More...
int32_t GetNumThreads () const
 Get and set the actual number of threads for this object. More...
bool SetNumThreads (uint32_t num)
uint32_t GetNumTiles () const
void SetNumTiles (uint32_t num)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ofits
 ofits ()
 ofits (const char *fname)
virtual ~ofits ()
bool is_open ()
bool is_open () const
void AllowCommentsTrimming (bool allow)
bool SetKeyComment (const std::string &key, const std::string &comment)
bool CopyKeys (const fits &fin, bool update=false)
bool SetRaw (const std::string &key, const std::string &val, const std::string &comment)
bool SetBool (const std::string &key, bool b, const std::string &comment="")
bool AddEmpty (const std::string &key, const std::string &comment="")
bool SetStr (const std::string &key, std::string s, const std::string &comment="")
bool SetInt (const std::string &key, int64_t i, const std::string &comment="")
bool SetFloat (const std::string &key, double f, int p, const std::string &comment="")
bool SetFloat (const std::string &key, double f, const std::string &comment="")
bool SetHex (const std::string &key, uint64_t i, const std::string &comment="")
bool AddComment (const std::string &comment)
bool AddHistory (const std::string &comment)
void End ()
bool AddColumnShort (uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnInt (uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnLong (uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnFloat (uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnDouble (uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnChar (uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnByte (uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnBool (uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnShort (const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnInt (const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnLong (const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnFloat (const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnDouble (const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnChar (const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnByte (const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnBool (const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnShort (const FITS::Compression &comp, uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnInt (const FITS::Compression &comp, uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnLong (const FITS::Compression &comp, uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnFloat (const FITS::Compression &comp, uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnDouble (const FITS::Compression &comp, uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnChar (const FITS::Compression &comp, uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnByte (const FITS::Compression &comp, uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnBool (const FITS::Compression &comp, uint32_t cnt, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnShort (const FITS::Compression &comp, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnInt (const FITS::Compression &comp, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnLong (const FITS::Compression &comp, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnFloat (const FITS::Compression &comp, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnDouble (const FITS::Compression &comp, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnChar (const FITS::Compression &comp, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnByte (const FITS::Compression &comp, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
bool AddColumnBool (const FITS::Compression &comp, const std::string &name, const std::string &unit="", const std::string &comment="")
Checksum WriteHeader (std::ostream &fout)
Checksum WriteHeader ()
void FlushHeader ()
Checksum WriteFitsHeader ()
template<size_t N>
void revcpy (char *dest, const char *src, int num)
template<typename N >
bool WriteRow (const std::vector< N > &vec)
size_t GetNumRows () const
void AlignTo2880Bytes ()
Checksum UpdateHeaderChecksum ()
std::pair< std::string, int > GetChecksumData ()
void SetDefaultKeys ()

Private Member Functions

bool VerifyCalibrationSize (uint32_t size)
 Checks if the size of the input calibration is ok. More...

Private Attributes

std::vector< int16_t > fOffsetCalibration
 The calibration itself. More...
int32_t fStartCellsOffset
 Offset in bytes for the startcell data. More...
int32_t fDataOffset
 Offset in bytes for the data. More...
int32_t fNumSlices
 Number of samples per pixel per event. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from zofits
static uint32_t DefaultNumThreads (const uint32_t &_n=-2)
 static setter for the default number of threads to use. -1 means all available physical cores More...
static uint32_t DefaultMaxMemory (const uint32_t &_n=0)
static uint32_t DefaultMaxNumTiles (const uint32_t &_n=0)
static uint32_t DefaultNumRowsPerTile (const uint32_t &_n=0)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from zofits
void reallocateBuffers ()
 Allocates the required objects. More...
bool writeCompressedDataToDisk (char *src, const uint32_t sizeToWrite)
bool CompressBuffer (const CompressionTarget &target)
bool WriteBufferToDisk (const WriteTarget &target)
uint64_t compressBuffer (char *dest, char *src, uint32_t num_rows, CatalogRow &catalog_row)
 Compress a given buffer based on its source and destination. More...
void copyTransposeTile (const char *src, char *dest, uint32_t num_rows)
uint32_t compressUNCOMPRESSED (char *dest, const char *src, uint32_t size)
uint32_t compressHUFFMAN16 (char *dest, const char *src, uint32_t numRows, uint32_t sizeOfElems, uint32_t numRowElems)
uint32_t applySMOOTHING (char *data, uint32_t numElems)
uint32_t UnApplySMOOTHING (char *data, uint32_t numElems)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ofits
std::vector< Table::Column >::const_iterator findcol (const std::string &name)
- Protected Attributes inherited from zofits
MemoryManager fMemPool
 Actual memory manager, providing memory for the compression buffers. More...
int32_t fNumQueues
 Current number of threads that will be used by this object. More...
uint64_t fMaxUsableMem
 Maximum number of bytes that can be allocated by the memory manager. More...
int32_t fLatestWrittenTile
 Index of the last tile written to disk (for correct ordering while using several threads) More...
std::vector< Queue< CompressionTarget > > fCompressionQueues
 Processing queues (=threads) More...
Queue< WriteTarget, QueueMin< WriteTarget > > fWriteToDiskQueue
 Writing queue (=thread) More...
CatalogType fCatalog
 Catalog for this file. More...
uint32_t fCatalogSize
 Actual catalog size (.size() is slow on large lists) More...
uint32_t fNumTiles
 Number of pre-reserved tiles. More...
uint32_t fNumRowsPerTile
 Number of rows per tile. More...
off_t fCatalogOffset
 Offset of the catalog from the beginning of the file. More...
Checksum fCatalogSum
 Checksum of the catalog. More...
Checksum fRawSum
 Raw sum (specific to FACT) More...
int32_t fCheckOffset
 offset to the data pointer to calculate the checksum More...
std::vector< CompressedColumnfRealColumns
 Vector hosting the columns of the file. More...
uint32_t fRealRowWidth
 Width in bytes of one uncompressed row. More...
std::shared_ptr< char > fSmartBuffer
 Smart pointer to the buffer where the incoming rows are written. More...
std::vector< char > fRawSumBuffer
 buffer used for checksuming the incoming data, before compression More...
std::exception_ptr fThreadsException
 exception pointer to store exceptions coming from the threads More...
int fErrno
 propagate errno to main th
- Protected Attributes inherited from ofits
std::filebuf fFilebuf
Table fTable
std::vector< char > fOutputBuffer
Checksum fDataSum
Checksum fHeaderSum
bool fCommentTrimming
bool fManualExtName

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file factofits.h.

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