FACT++  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * QtGl.cpp
3  *
4  * Created on: Jul 19, 2011
5  * Author: lyard
6  *
7  ******
8  */
9 #include <math.h>
10 #include <fstream>
12 #include <boost/date_time/local_time/local_time.hpp>
14 #include "RawEventsViewer.h"
15 #include "viewer.h"
17 #include <QFileDialog>
18 #include <QMouseEvent>
20 #include <qwt_symbol.h>
21 #include <qwt_plot_grid.h>
22 #include <qwt_plot_zoomer.h>
24 #include "src/Configuration.h"
25 #include "externals/factfits.h"
28 using namespace std;
31 #define ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS 1440
33 //bounding box for diplaying the impulse curve
34 float bboxMin[2] = {-0.8,-0.9};
35 float bboxMax[2] = {0.8,-0.3};
36 /************************************************************
37  * CALC BLUR COLOR if in blur display mode, calculate the interpolated
38  * colour for a given vertex
39  ************************************************************/
40 void RawDataViewer::calcBlurColor(int pixel, int vertex)
41 {
42  GLfloat color[3];
43  int first, second;
44  first = vertex-1;
45  second = vertex;
46  if (first < 0)
47  first = 5;
49  first = neighbors[pixel][first];
50  second = neighbors[pixel][second];
51 // cout << pixel << " " << vertex << " " << "first: " << first << " second: " << second << endl;
52  for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
53  color[i] = pixelsColor[pixel][i];
54  float divide = 1;
55  if (first != -1)
56  {
57  divide++;
58  for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
59  color[i] += pixelsColor[first][i];
60  }
61  if (second != -1)
62  {
63  divide++;
64  for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
65  color[i] += pixelsColor[second][i];
66  }
67  for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
68  color[i] /= divide;
70 // cout << color[0] << " " << color[1] << " " << color[2] << endl;
72  glColor3fv(color);
73 }
74 void RawDataViewer::calcMidBlurColor(int pixel, int vertex)
75 {
76  GLfloat color[3];
77  int first;
78  first = vertex-1;
79  if (first < 0)
80  first = 5;
81  first = neighbors[pixel][first];
82  for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
83  color[i] = pixelsColor[pixel][i];
84  float divide = 1;
85  if (first != -1)
86  {
87  divide++;
88  for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
89  color[i] += pixelsColor[first][i];
90  }
91  for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
92  color[i] /= divide;
93  glColor3fv(color);
94 }
95 /************************************************************
96  * DRAW BLURRY HEXAGON. draws a solid hexagon, with interpolated colours
97  ************************************************************/
99 {
101 //per-pixel mesh
102  GLfloat color[3];
103  for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
104  color[i] = pixelsColor[index][i];
105  glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
106  calcBlurColor(index, 0);
107  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][0]]);
108  glColor3fv(color);
109  glVertex2fv(pixelsCoords[index]);
111  calcBlurColor(index, 1);
112  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][1]]);
114  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][1]]);
115  glColor3fv(color);
116  glVertex2fv(pixelsCoords[index]);
118  calcBlurColor(index, 2);
119  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][2]]);
121  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][2]]);
122  glColor3fv(color);
123  glVertex2fv(pixelsCoords[index]);
125  calcBlurColor(index, 3);
126  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][3]]);
128  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][3]]);
129  glColor3fv(color);
130  glVertex2fv(pixelsCoords[index]);
132  calcBlurColor(index, 4);
133  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][4]]);
135  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][4]]);
136  glColor3fv(color);
137  glVertex2fv(pixelsCoords[index]);
139  calcBlurColor(index, 5);
140  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][5]]);
142  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][5]]);
143  glColor3fv(color);
144  glVertex2fv(pixelsCoords[index]);
146  calcBlurColor(index, 0);
147  glVertex2fv(verticesList[verticesIndices[index][0]]);
148  glEnd();
150  return;
151 }
153 /************************************************************
154  * DRAW CAMERA draws all the camera pixels
155  ************************************************************/
156 void RawDataViewer::drawCamera(bool alsoWire)
157 {
158  glLoadIdentity();
159  if (!drawImpulse)
160  {
161  glTranslatef(0,-0.44,0);
162  glRotatef(cameraRotation, 0,0,-1);
163  if (cameraRotation == 90)
164  {
165  glTranslatef(-0.45,-0.45,0);
166  }
167  if (cameraRotation == -90)
168  {
169  glTranslatef(0.45,-0.45,0);
170  }
171  glScalef(1.5,1.5,1);
172  }
173  else
174  {
175  glRotatef(cameraRotation, 0,0,-1);
176  if (cameraRotation == 90)
177  {
178  glTranslatef(-0.45/1.5,-0.45/1.5,0);
179  }
180  if (cameraRotation == -90)
181  {
182  glTranslatef(0.45/1.5,-0.45/1.5,0);
183  }
184  }
185  glColor3f(0.5,0.5,0.5);
186  glLineWidth(1.0);
187  float color;
189  for (int i=0;i<ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS;i++)
190  {
191  if (!nRoi)
192  color = (float)(i)/(float)(ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS);
193  else
195 // if (_softwareOrdering)
196 // color = float(eventData[nRoi*i + whichSlice] + (VALUES_SPAN/2))/(float)(VALUES_SPAN-1);
197 // else
198  color = float(eventData[nRoi*hardwareMapping[i] + whichSlice]+(VALUES_SPAN/2))/(float)(VALUES_SPAN-1);
199  if (logScale)
200  {
201  color *= 9;
202  color += 1;
203  color = log10(color);
204  }
206  if (color < ss[0])
207  {
208  pixelsColor[i][0] = tooLowValueCoulour[0];
209  pixelsColor[i][1] = tooLowValueCoulour[1];
210  pixelsColor[i][2] = tooLowValueCoulour[2];
211  continue;
212  }
213  if (color > ss[4])
214  {
215  pixelsColor[i][0] = tooHighValueCoulour[0];
216  pixelsColor[i][1] = tooHighValueCoulour[1];
217  pixelsColor[i][2] = tooHighValueCoulour[2];
218  continue;
219  }
220  int index = 0;
221  while (ss[index] < color && index < 4)
222  index++;
223  index--;
224  if (index < 0) index = 0;
225  float weight0 = (color-ss[index]) / (ss[index+1]-ss[index]);
226  if (weight0 > 1.0f) weight0 = 1.0f;
227  if (weight0 < 0.0f) weight0 = 0.0f;
228  float weight1 = 1.0f-weight0;
229  pixelsColor[i][0] = weight1*rr[index] + weight0*rr[index+1];
230  pixelsColor[i][1] = weight1*gg[index] + weight0*gg[index+1];
231  pixelsColor[i][2] = weight1*bb[index] + weight0*bb[index+1];
232  }
234  for (int i=0;i<ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS;i++)
235  {
237  glColor3fv(pixelsColor[i]);
238  glLoadName(i);
239 if (drawBlur)
240  drawBlurryHexagon(i);
241 else
242  drawHexagon(i,true);
244  }
245  if (!alsoWire)
246  return;
247  glTranslatef(0,0,0.1f);
248  glColor3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
249  for (int i=0;i<ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS;i++)
250  {
252  drawHexagon(i, false);
253  }
255 }
257 /************************************************************
258  * DRAW PIXEL CURVE. draws the raw impulse curve of the currently selected pixel
259  ************************************************************/
261 {
262  float xRange = bboxMax[0] - bboxMin[0];
263  float yRange = bboxMax[1] - bboxMin[1];
265  glBegin(GL_LINES);
266  glLineWidth(1.0f);
267  glColor3f(0.0,0.0,0.0);
268  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0], bboxMin[1]);
269  glVertex2f(bboxMax[0], bboxMin[1]);
270  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0], bboxMin[1]);
271  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0], bboxMax[1]);
272  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0], (bboxMin[1]+bboxMax[1])/2.0f);
273  glVertex2f(bboxMax[0], (bboxMin[1]+bboxMax[1])/2.0f);
274  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0] + xRange*nRoi/(float)(nRoi+nRoiTM),
275  bboxMin[1]);
276  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0] + xRange*nRoi/(float)(nRoi+nRoiTM),
277  bboxMax[1]);
278  glEnd();
279  glTranslatef(0,0,0.1f);
280  if (!nRoi)
281  return;
282  glBegin(GL_LINES);
283  glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
284  float divideMe = (float)(VALUES_SPAN-1);
285  float plusMe = (float)(VALUES_SPAN)/2;
286  if (divideMe <= 0)
287  divideMe = 1;
289  /*
290  if (drawCalibrationLoaded)
291  plusMe += 0;//VALUES_SPAN/2;
292  if (drawCalibrationLoaded && calibrationLoaded)
293  {
294  divideMe /=2;
295  plusMe = 0 ;///=2;
296  }*/
298 // int mapping = _softwareOrdering ? selectedPixel : hardwareMapping[selectedPixel];
299  int mapping = hardwareMapping[selectedPixel];
300  const int hw = mapping;
301  const PixelMapEntry& mapEntry = fPixelMap.index(selectedPixel);
302  const int pixelIdInPatch = mapEntry.pixel();
303  const int patchId = mapEntry.patch();
304  const int boardId = mapEntry.board();
305  const int crateId = mapEntry.crate();
307  if (selectedPixel != -1)
308  {
309  for (int i=0;i<nRoi-1;i++)
310  {
311  float d1 = eventData[nRoi*hw + i]+plusMe;
312  float d2 = eventData[nRoi*hw + i+1]+plusMe;
313  if (!finite(d1)) d1 = 20000;
314  if (!finite(d2)) d2 = 20000;
315  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0] + xRange*i/(float)(nRoi+nRoiTM),
316  bboxMin[1] + yRange*(d1) /divideMe);
317  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0] + xRange*(i+1)/(float)(nRoi+nRoiTM),
318  bboxMin[1] + yRange*(d2) /divideMe);
319  }
320  glEnd();
322  glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
323  glBegin(GL_LINES);
324  if (pixelIdInPatch == 8)//this channel has a time marker
325  {
327  for (int i=0;i<nRoiTM-1;i++)
328  {
329  float d1 = eventData[nRoi*1440 + nRoiTM*(40*crateId + 4*boardId + patchId) + i] + plusMe;
330  float d2 = eventData[nRoi*1440 + nRoiTM*(40*crateId + 4*boardId + patchId) + i+1] + plusMe;
331  if (!finite(d1)) d1 = 20000;
332  if (!finite(d2)) d2 = 20000;
333  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0] + xRange*(i+nRoi)/(float)(nRoi+nRoiTM),
334  bboxMin[1] + yRange*(d1)/divideMe);
335  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0] + xRange*(i+1+nRoi)/(float)(nRoi+nRoiTM),
336  bboxMin[1] + yRange*(d2) / divideMe);
337  }
338  }
340  }
341  glEnd();
342  glTranslatef(0,0,0.1f);
343  glBegin(GL_LINES);
344  glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0);
345  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0] + xRange*whichSlice/(float)(nRoi+nRoiTM),
346  bboxMin[1]);
347  glVertex2f(bboxMin[0] + xRange*whichSlice/(float)(nRoi+nRoiTM),
348  bboxMax[1]);
350  glEnd();
352 }
353 /************************************************************
355  ************************************************************/
356 RawDataViewer::RawDataViewer(QWidget *cParent) : BasicGlCamera(cParent), RMSvalues(1440), Meanvalues(1440), Maxvalues(1440), PosOfMaxvalues(1440), VALUES_SPAN(4096)
358 {
360  whichSlice = 0;
362  nRoi = 0;
363  nRoiTM = 0;
364  offSetRoi = 0;
365  eventNum = 0;
366  rowNum = -1;
367  eventStep = 1;
368  selectedPixel = 393;
369  inputFile = NULL;
370  eventData = NULL;
371  drawPatch = false;
372  drawImpulse = true;
373  drawBlur = false;
374  loopCurrentEvent = false;
375  fIsDrsCalibration = false;
376  SetAutoRefresh(true);
377  runType = "unkown";
380 }
382 void RawDataViewer::assignPixelMapFile(const string& map)
383 {
384  PixelMap mypMap;
385  if (map.empty())
386  {
387  if (!mypMap.Read("FACTmap111030.txt"))
388  {
389  if (!mypMap.Read("/swdev_nfs/FACT++/FACTmap111030.txt"))
390  {
391  if (!mypMap.Read("./FACTmap111030.txt"))
392  {
393  cerr << "ERROR - Problems reading FACTmap111030.txt" << endl;
394  exit(-1);
395  }
396  }
397  }
398  }
399  else
400  {
401  if (!mypMap.Read(map))
402  {
403  cerr << "ERROR - Problems reading mapping file '" << map << "'" << endl;
404  exit(-1);
405  }
406  }
408  assignPixelMap(mypMap);
410  for (int i=0;i<160;i++)
411  {
412  const float color[3] = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.3 };
414  for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
415  patchesColor[i][j] = color[j];
416  }
417  fZeroArray = NULL;
419  _softwareOrdering = false;
420 }
421 /************************************************************
423  ************************************************************/
425 {
426  if (inputFile != NULL)
427  {
428  inputFile->close();
429  delete inputFile;
430  }
431  if (eventData != NULL) {
432  delete[] eventData;
433  delete[] rawEventData;
434  delete[] waveLetArray;
435  }
436  if (fZeroArray != NULL)
437  delete[] fZeroArray;
438 }
440 {
441  if (fZeroArray == NULL)
442  {
443  fZeroArray = new char[8192];
444  }
445 }
446 /************************************************************
447  * PAINT GL. main drawing function.
448  ************************************************************/
450 {
451  //Should not be required, but apparently it helps when piping it through X forwarding
452  glFinish();
454  glLoadIdentity();
456  glTranslatef(0,0,-0.5);
458  if (drawBlur)
459  {
460  glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
461  drawCamera(false);
462  }
463  else
464  {
465  glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);
466  drawCamera(true);
467  }
468  glTranslatef(0,0,0.1f);
469  if (drawPatch)
470  drawPatches();
471  glTranslatef(0,0,0.1f);
472  if (!drawBlur && (selectedPixel != -1))
473  {
474  glLineWidth(1.0f);
475  glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0);
476  drawHexagon(selectedPixel, false);
477  }
478  glTranslatef(0,0,0.1f);
479  if (drawImpulse)
480  {
481  // glRotatef(cameraRotation, 0,0,1);
482  glLoadIdentity();
483  glLineWidth(2.0);
484  drawPixelCurve();
485  }
486  glTranslatef(0,0,0.1f);
487  DrawScale();
488 }
490 /************************************************************
491  * MOUSE PRESS EVENT. mouse click handler.
492  ************************************************************/
493 void RawDataViewer::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *cEvent)
494 {
495  if (cEvent->pos().x() > width()-(width()/50.f))
496  {
498  return;
499  }
500  lastPos = cEvent->pos();
501  if (setCorrectSlice(cEvent))
502  return;
503  int face = PixelAtPosition(cEvent->pos());
505  selectedPixel = face;
506  emit signalCurrentPixel(face);
508  updateGL();
509 }
511 /************************************************************
512  * SET CORRECT SLICE. if displayed, figures out if the graph was
513  * clicked, and if so, which slice should be displayed
514  ************************************************************/
515 bool RawDataViewer::setCorrectSlice(QMouseEvent* cEvent)
516 {
517  if (!drawImpulse)
518  return false;
519  float cx = (float)cEvent->x() * pixelSize - shownSizex/2;
520  float cy = ((float)height()-(float)cEvent->y())*pixelSize - shownSizey/2;
521  if (cx < bboxMin[0] ||
522  cx > bboxMax[0] ||
523  cy < bboxMin[1] ||
524  cy > bboxMax[1])
525  return false;
526  whichSlice = (cx - bboxMin[0])*(nRoi+nRoiTM)/(bboxMax[0] - bboxMin[0]);
527  if (whichSlice >= nRoi)
528  whichSlice = nRoi-1;
530  return true;
531 }
533 /************************************************************
534  * MOUSE MOVE EVENT. used to track the dragging of slices display
535  ************************************************************/
536 void RawDataViewer::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *cEvent)
537 {
538  if (cEvent->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) {
539  setCorrectSlice(cEvent);
540  updateGL();
541  } else if (cEvent->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) {
542  updateGL();
543  }
544  lastPos = cEvent->pos();
545 }
547 /************************************************************
548  * MOUSE DOUBLE CLICK EVENT. used to select pixels
549  ************************************************************/
550 void RawDataViewer::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *cEvent)
551 {
552  int face = PixelAtPosition(cEvent->pos());
553  if (face != -1) {
554  selectedPixel = face;
555  emit signalCurrentPixel(face);
556  updateGL();
557  }
558 }
560 /************************************************************
561  * OPEN FILE. opens a new fits file
562  ************************************************************/
563 void RawDataViewer::openFile(string& file)
564 {
565  if (inputFile)
566  {
567  inputFile->close();
568  delete inputFile;
569  }
570  try {
571  inputFile = new factfits(file, "Events");
572  }
573  catch (std::runtime_error e)
574  {
575  cout << "Something went wrong while loading fits. Aborting: " << e.what() << endl;
576  return;
577  }
578  if (!*inputFile)
579  {
580  delete inputFile;
581  inputFile = NULL;
582  return;
583  }
584  vector<string> entriesToCheck;
586  entriesToCheck.push_back("ZNAXIS2");
587  else
588  entriesToCheck.push_back("NAXIS2");
589  entriesToCheck.push_back("NROI");
590  entriesToCheck.push_back("REVISION");
591  entriesToCheck.push_back("RUNID");
592  entriesToCheck.push_back("NBOARD");
593  entriesToCheck.push_back("NPIX");
594  entriesToCheck.push_back("NROITM");
595  entriesToCheck.push_back("TIMESYS");
596  entriesToCheck.push_back("DATE");
597  entriesToCheck.push_back("NIGHT");
598  entriesToCheck.push_back("CAMERA");
599  entriesToCheck.push_back("DAQ");
600  entriesToCheck.push_back("TSTART");
601  entriesToCheck.push_back("TSTOP");
604  for (vector<string>::const_iterator it=entriesToCheck.begin(); it != entriesToCheck.end(); it++)
605  {
606  try {
607  if (!inputFile->HasKey(*it)){
608  cout << "Warning: header keyword " << *it << " missing." << endl;
609  }
610  }
611  catch (std::runtime_error e)
612  {
613  cout << e.what() << endl;
614  return;
615  }
616  }
618  nRows = 0;
620  nRows = inputFile->HasKey("ZNAXIS2") ? inputFile->GetInt("ZNAXIS2") : 0;
621  else
622  nRows = inputFile->HasKey("NAXIS2") ? inputFile->GetInt("NAXIS2") : 0;
623  nRoi = inputFile->HasKey("NROI") ? inputFile->GetInt("NROI") : 0;
624  runNumber = inputFile->HasKey("RUNID") ? inputFile->GetInt("RUNID") : -1;
625  nTM = inputFile->HasKey("NTMARK") ? inputFile->GetInt("NTMARK") : 0;
627  runType = "unkown";
628  if (inputFile->HasKey("RUNTYPE"))
629  {
630  runType = inputFile->GetStr("RUNTYPE");
631  if (runType == "")
632  runType = "unkown";
633  }
634  firstDataTime = inputFile->HasKey("TSTART") ? inputFile->GetInt("TSTART") : -1;
635  lastDataTime = inputFile->HasKey("TSTOP") ? inputFile->GetInt("TSTOP"): -1;
636  nRoiTM = inputFile->HasKey("NROITM") ? inputFile->GetInt("NROITM") : 0;
637  revision = inputFile->HasKey("REVISION") ? inputFile->GetInt("REVISION") : -1;
638  builderVersion = inputFile->HasKey("BLDVER") ? inputFile->GetInt("BLDVER") : -1;
639  nBoards = inputFile->HasKey("NBOARD") ? inputFile->GetInt("NBOARD") : 0;
640  nPixels = inputFile->HasKey("NPIX") ? inputFile->GetInt("NPIX") : 0;
641  timeSystem = inputFile->HasKey("TIMESYS") ? inputFile->GetStr("TIMESYS") : "";
642  creationDate = inputFile->HasKey("DATE") ? inputFile->GetStr("DATE") : "";
643  nightInt = inputFile->HasKey("NIGHT") ? inputFile->GetInt("NIGHT") : 0;
644  camera = inputFile->HasKey("CAMERA") ? inputFile->GetStr("CAMERA") : "";
645  daq = inputFile->HasKey("DAQ") ? inputFile->GetStr("DAQ") : "";
646  adcCount = inputFile->HasKey("ADCRANGE") ? inputFile->GetFloat("ADCRANGE") : 2000;
647  if (nPixels == 0)
648  {
649  cout << "could not read num pixels from fits header. Assuming 1440 (FACT)." << endl;
650  nPixels = 1440;
651  }
652  if (nRoi == 0 && !inputFile->HasKey("NROI"))
653  {//let's try to figure out the roi from the column's format
654  const fits::Table::Columns& cols = inputFile->GetColumns();
655  if (cols.find("Data") == cols.end())
656  {
657  cout << "ERROR: Column \"Data\" could not be found. abortin load." << endl;
658  return;
659  }
660  const fits::Table::Columns::const_iterator col = cols.find("Data");
661  if (col->second.type != 'I')
662  {
663  cout << "ERROR: Data Column has type " << col->second.type << " while viewer expects I" << endl;
664  return;
665  }
666  if (col->second.num % nPixels != 0)
667  {
668  cout << "ERROR: Num pixels (" << nPixels << ") does not match Data length (" << col->second.num << "). Aborting" << endl;
669  return;
670  }
671  nRoi = col->second.num/nPixels;
672  cout << "Estimate num samples per pixels to be " << nRoi;
673  _softwareOrdering = true;
674  }
675  else
676  _softwareOrdering = inputFile->Get<string>("ISMC", "F")=="T";
678  if (inputFile->HasKey("OFFSET"))
679  offSetRoi = inputFile->GetInt("OFFSET");
681  nbOk = 0;//inputFile->GetInt("NBEVTOK");
682  nbRej = 0;//inputFile->GetInt("NBEVTREJ");
683  nbBad = 0;//inputFile->GetInt("NBEVTBAD");
685  eventNum = 1;
687  if (eventData != NULL) {
688  delete[] eventData;
689  delete[] rawEventData;
690  delete[] waveLetArray;
691  }
692  eventData = new float[1440*nRoi + 160*nRoiTM];//(1440+160)*nRoi];
694  rawEventData = new int16_t[1440*nRoi + 160*nRoiTM];//(1440+160)*nRoi];
695  waveLetArray = new int16_t[1024*1440];
696  try
697  {
699  if (inputFile->HasColumn("EventNum"))
700  inputFile->SetPtrAddress("EventNum", &eventNum);
701  else
702  cout << "Warning: could not find column \"EventNum\"" << endl;
703  if (inputFile->HasColumn("TriggerType"))
704  inputFile->SetPtrAddress("TriggerType", &triggerType);
705  else
706  cout << "Warning: could not find column \"TriggerType\"" << endl;
707  if (inputFile->HasColumn("SoftTrig"))
708  inputFile->SetPtrAddress("SoftTrig", &softTrig);
709  else
710  cout << "Warning: could not find column \"SoftTrig\"" << endl;
711  if (inputFile->HasColumn("BoardTime"))
712  inputFile->SetPtrAddress("BoardTime", boardTime);
713  else
714  cout << "Warning: could not find column \"BoardTime\"" << endl;
715  if (inputFile->HasColumn("StartCellData"))
716  inputFile->SetPtrAddress("StartCellData", startPix);
717  else
718  cout << "Warning: could not find column \"StartCellData\"" << endl;
719  if (inputFile->HasColumn("StartCellTimeMarker"))
720  inputFile->SetPtrAddress("StartCellTimeMarker", startTM);
721  else
722  cout << "Warning: could not find column \"StartCellTimeMarker\"" << endl;
723  if (inputFile->HasColumn("TimeMarker"))
724  inputFile->SetPtrAddress("TimeMarker", &rawEventData[1440*nRoi]);
725  else
726  cout << "Warning: could not find column \"TimeMarker\"" << endl;
727  }
728  catch (const runtime_error &e)
729  {
730  cout << e.what() << endl;
731  cout << "Loading aborted." << endl;
733  nRoi = nRows = 0;
735  return;
736  }
738  try
739  {
740  pcTime[0] = pcTime[1] = 0;
741  if (inputFile->HasColumn("UnixTimeUTC"))
742  inputFile->SetPtrAddress("UnixTimeUTC", pcTime);
743  }
744  catch (const runtime_error&)
745  {
746  try
747  {
748  if (inputFile->HasColumn("PCTime"))
749  inputFile->SetPtrAddress("PCTime", pcTime);
750  else
751  cout << "Warning: could not find column \"UnixTimeUTC\" nor \"PCTime\"" << endl;
753  }
754  catch (const runtime_error&)
755  {
757  }
758  }
761  int backupStep = eventStep;
762  rowNum = -1;
763  eventStep = 1;
765  plusEvent();
766  eventStep = backupStep;
767  emit newFileLoaded();
769 }
772 {
773  //calibrationLoaded = false;
774  string msg;
775  try
776  {
777  msg = fDrsCalib.ReadFitsImp(file);
778  if (msg.empty())
779  {
780  emit newFileLoaded();
781  updateGL();
782  return;
783  }
784  }
785  catch (const runtime_error &e)
786  {
787  msg = string("Something went wrong while loading Drs Calib: ") + e.what() + string(".. Aborting file loading");
788  }
789  cerr << msg << endl;
790  fDrsCalib.Clear();
791 }
793 template <typename T>
795  const vector<T>& inputData,
796  const int roi,
797  const int roiTM)
798 {
800  eventData = new float[1440*roi + 160*roiTM];//(1440+160)*nRoi];
801  nRoi=roi;
802  nRoiTM=roiTM;
804  long long min, max, mean;
805  min = max = inputData[0];
806  mean=0;
807  for (int i=0;i<1440*roi + 160*roiTM;i++) {
808  eventData[i] = (float)inputData[i];
809  mean += inputData[i];
810  if (inputData[i] > max)
811  max = inputData[i];
812  if (inputData[i] < min)
813  min = inputData[i];
814  }
815  mean /= 1440*roi + 160*roiTM;
816  for (int i=0;i<1440*roi + 160*roiTM;i++)
817  eventData[i] -= (float)mean;
818  VALUES_SPAN = max - min;
819 // cout << VALUES_SPAN << " " << min << " " << max << " " << mean << endl;
820 // cout << 1440*roi + 160*roiTM << " " << roi << " " << roiTM << " " << inputData.size() << endl;
821 }
822 /************************************************************
824  ************************************************************/
826 {
827  eventStepping(true);
828 }
829 /************************************************************
831  ************************************************************/
833 {
834  eventStepping(false);
835 }
836 /************************************************************
838  ************************************************************/
840 {
841  eventStep = step;
842 }
843 /************************************************************
845  ************************************************************/
848 {
849  for (int i=0;i<1440*nRoi + 160*nRoiTM;i++)//(1440+160)*nRoi;i++)
850  eventData[i] = (float)rawEventData[i];
852  if (fIsDrsCalibration)
853  {
856  //TODO apply calibration to the Time markers
857  }
859  //hide the time markers
860  int nSlicesToRemove = 60;
861  float* backupData = 0;
862  if (nRoiTM == 0) //they are written into the regular channel
863  {
864  backupData = new float[nSlicesToRemove*160];
865  for (int i=0;i<1440;i++)
866  {
867  const PixelMapEntry& mapEntry = fPixelMap.index(i);
868  const int pixelIdInPatch = mapEntry.pixel();
869  const int patchId = mapEntry.patch();
870  const int boardId = mapEntry.board();
871  const int crateId = mapEntry.crate();
873  const int hw = mapEntry.hw();
874  if (pixelIdInPatch == 8)
875  {
876  for (int j=0;j<nSlicesToRemove;j++)
877  {
878  backupData[(40*crateId + 4*boardId + patchId)*nSlicesToRemove+j] = eventData[(hw*nRoi) + (nRoi-nSlicesToRemove) + j];
879  eventData[(hw*nRoi) + (nRoi-nSlicesToRemove) + j] = eventData[hw*nRoi + (nRoi-nSlicesToRemove) - 1];
880  }
881  }
882  }
883  }
885  vector<float> pixelStatsData(1440*4);
886  DrsCalibrate::GetPixelStats(pixelStatsData.data(), eventData, nRoi);
888  for (vector<PixelMapEntry>::const_iterator it=fPixelMap.begin(); it!=fPixelMap.end(); it++)
889  {
890  Meanvalues[it->index] = pixelStatsData[0*1440+it->hw()];
891  RMSvalues[it->index] = pixelStatsData[1*1440+it->hw()];
892  Maxvalues[it->index] = pixelStatsData[2*1440+it->hw()];
893  PosOfMaxvalues[it->index] = pixelStatsData[3*1440+it->hw()];
894  }
895  if (nRoiTM == 0)//move back the data back in place
896  {
897  for (int i=0;i<1440;i++)
898  {
899  const PixelMapEntry& mapEntry = fPixelMap.index(i);
900  const int pixelIdInPatch = mapEntry.pixel();
901  const int patchId = mapEntry.patch();
902  const int boardId = mapEntry.board();
903  const int crateId = mapEntry.crate();
904  if (patchId > 160)
905  cout << "Voila mon probleme: " << patchId << endl;
906  const int hw = mapEntry.hw();
907  if (pixelIdInPatch == 8)
908  {
909  // cout << "|" << crateId << " " << boardId << " " << patchId << " " << hw << "| ";
910  for (int j=0;j<nSlicesToRemove;j++)
911  {
912  eventData[(hw*nRoi) + (nRoi - nSlicesToRemove) + j] = backupData[(40*crateId + 4*boardId + patchId)*nSlicesToRemove+j];
913  }
914  }
915  }
916  delete[] backupData;
917  }
918  if (isVisible())
919  updateGL();
920 }
923 {
924  if (plus)
925  rowNum += eventStep;
926  else
927  rowNum -= eventStep;
928  if (rowNum >= nRows)
929  rowNum -= nRows;
930  if (rowNum < 0)
931  rowNum += nRows;
933  if (inputFile == NULL)
934  return;
936  if (_softwareOrdering)
937  {//remap pixels data according to hardware id
938  if (nRoiTM != 0)
939  cout << "Warning: did not expect Time Markers data from Monte-Carlo simulations. These will not be mapped properly." << endl;
940  //first copy the data
941  int16_t* tempData = new int16_t[1440*nRoi];
942  for (int i=0;i<1440*nRoi;i++)
943  tempData[i] = rawEventData[i];
944  //copy back the data and re-map it on the fly
945  for (int i=0;i<1440;i++)
946  for (int j=0;j<nRoi;j++)
947  rawEventData[i*nRoi + j] = tempData[softwareMapping[i]*nRoi + j];
949  delete[] tempData;
950  }
951 // cout << "Getting row " << rowNum << endl;
958 }
960 /************************************************************
961  * NEXT SLICE. deprec ?
962  ************************************************************/
964 {
965  whichSlice++;
966  if (whichSlice >= nRoi)
967  {
968  whichSlice = 0;
969  if (!loopCurrentEvent)
970  {
971  int backupStep = eventStep;
972  eventStep = 1;
973  eventStepping(true);
974  eventStep = backupStep;
975  }
976  }
978  updateGL();
979 }
981 {
982  whichSlice--;
983  if (whichSlice < 0)
984  {
985  whichSlice = nRoi-1;
986  if (!loopCurrentEvent)
987  {
988  int backupStep = eventStep;
989  eventStep = 1;
990  eventStepping(false);
991  eventStep = backupStep;
992  }
993  }
995  updateGL();
996 }
998 {
999  // if (pix == -1)
1000  // return;
1001  selectedPixel = pix;
1002  if (isVisible())
1003  updateGL();
1004  emit signalCurrentPixel(pix);
1005 }
1007 {
1008  if (!inputFile)
1009  {
1010  cout << "A FITS file must be open in order to complete this operation" << endl;
1011  return;
1012  }
1015 // for (int i=0;i<nRows;i++)//for all events
1016 // {
1017 // inputFile->GetRow(rowNum);
1018 // for (int i=0;i<(1440+160)*nRoi;i++)
1019 // eventData[i] = (float)rawEventData[i];
1021 // for (int j=0;j<ACTUAL_NUM_PIXELS;j++)
1023  int j = selectedPixel;
1024  if (j == -1)
1025  return;
1026  for (int i=0;i<nRoi;i++)
1027  {
1028  aMeas[i] = eventData[j*nRoi+i];// * adcCount;
1030  }
1031  for (int i=0;i<nRoi;i++)
1032  {
1033  if (i==0)
1034  n1mean[i] = aMeas[i+1];
1035  else
1036  {
1037  if (i==1023)
1038  n1mean[i] = aMeas[i-1];
1039  else
1040  n1mean[i] = (aMeas[i-1]+aMeas[i+1])/2.f;
1041  }
1042  }
1043  //find spike
1044  for (int i=0;i<nRoi-3;i++)
1045  {
1046  const float fract = 0.8f;
1047  float xx, xp, xpp;
1048  vCorr[i] = 0;//aMeas[i];
1049  xx = aMeas[i] - n1mean[i];
1050  if (xx < -8.f)
1051  {
1052  xp = aMeas[i+1] - n1mean[i+1];
1053  xpp = aMeas[i+2] - n1mean[i+2];
1054  if ((aMeas[i+2] - (aMeas[i] + aMeas[i+3])/2.f) > 10.f)
1055  {
1056  vCorr[i+1] = (aMeas[i] + aMeas[i+3])/2.f;
1057  vCorr[i+2] = (aMeas[i] + aMeas[i+3])/2.f;
1058  i = i+2;
1059  }
1060  else
1061  {
1062  if ((xp > -2.*xx*fract) && (xpp < -10.f))
1063  {
1064  vCorr[i+1] = n1mean[i+1];
1065  n1mean[i+2] = aMeas[i+1] - aMeas[i+3]/2.f;
1066  i++;
1067  }
1068  }
1069  }
1070  }
1071  for (int i=0;i<nRoi;i++)
1072  n1mean[i] = aMeas[i]-n1mean[i];
1073  // }
1074  // }
1075 }
1076 /************************************************************
1078  ************************************************************/
1080 {
1081  setupUi(this);
1082  initHistograms();
1084  currentFile = "none";
1085  currentCalibFile = "none";
1087  updateSpinnerDisplay = true;
1088  updating = false;
1090  timer.setInterval(10.0);
1091  QObject::connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
1092  this, SLOT(nextSlicePlease()));
1094  QButtonGroup &scaleGroup = *new QButtonGroup(p);// = new QButtonGroup(canvas);
1095  QButtonGroup &animateGroup = *new QButtonGroup(p);// = new QButtonGroup(canvas);
1097  scaleGroup.addButton(currentPixelScale);
1098  scaleGroup.addButton(entireCameraScale);
1100  animateGroup.addButton(playEventsRadio);
1101  animateGroup.addButton(playSlicesRadio);
1102  animateGroup.addButton(playPixelsRadio);
1104  entireCameraScale->setChecked(true);
1106  RMS_window->enableText(false);
1107  Mean_window->enableText(false);
1108  PosOfMax_window->enableText(false);
1109  Max_window->enableText(false);
1111  // RMS_window->ShowPatchCursor(true);
1113  QObject::connect(GLWindow, SIGNAL(colorPaletteHasChanged()),
1114  this, SLOT(on_autoScaleColor_clicked()));
1115  QObject::connect(GLWindow, SIGNAL(signalCurrentSlice(int)),
1116  this, SLOT(currentSliceHasChanged(int)));
1117  QObject::connect(GLWindow, SIGNAL(signalCurrentEvent(int)),
1118  this, SLOT(currentEventHasChanged(int)));
1119  QObject::connect(GLWindow, SIGNAL(signalCurrentPixel(int)),
1120  this, SLOT(pixelChanged(int)));
1121  QObject::connect(GLWindow, SIGNAL(newFileLoaded()),
1122  this, SLOT(newFileLoaded()));
1124  QObject::connect(RMS_window, SIGNAL(signalCurrentPixel(int)),
1125  GLWindow, SLOT(setCurrentPixel(int)));
1126  QObject::connect(Max_window, SIGNAL(signalCurrentPixel(int)),
1127  GLWindow, SLOT(setCurrentPixel(int)));
1128  QObject::connect(PosOfMax_window, SIGNAL(signalCurrentPixel(int)),
1129  GLWindow, SLOT(setCurrentPixel(int)));
1130  QObject::connect(Mean_window, SIGNAL(signalCurrentPixel(int)),
1131  GLWindow, SLOT(setCurrentPixel(int)));
1135  show();
1136 }
1138 {
1139  grid1->detach();
1140  grid2->detach();
1141  grid3->detach();
1142  grid4->detach();
1143  grid5->detach();
1144  grid6->detach();
1145  boardsTimeHistoItem.detach();
1146  startCellHistoItem.detach();
1147  startTimeMarkHistoItem.detach();
1148  pixelValueCurveItem.detach();
1149  pixelAverageCurveItem.detach();
1150  aMeanCurveItem.detach();
1151  vCorrCurveItem.detach();
1152  meanCurveItem.detach();
1153 }
1155 {
1156  GLWindow->nextSlice();
1157 }
1159 {
1160  GLWindow->previousSlice();
1161 }
1163 {
1164  GLWindow->fIsDrsCalibration = state;
1165  GLWindow->ApplyCalibration();
1166  threeD_Window->setData(GLWindow->eventData);
1168  on_autoScaleColor_clicked();
1169  pixelChanged(GLWindow->selectedPixel);
1171 }
1172 /************************************************************
1173  * DRAW PATCHES CHECK CHANGE. checkbox handler
1174  ************************************************************/
1176 {
1177  GLWindow->drawPatch = state;
1178  GLWindow->updateGL();
1179  RMS_window->fDrawPatch = state;
1180  RMS_window->updateGL();
1181  Mean_window->fDrawPatch = state;
1182  Mean_window->updateGL();
1183  Max_window->fDrawPatch = state;
1184  Max_window->updateGL();
1185  PosOfMax_window->fDrawPatch = state;
1186  PosOfMax_window->updateGL();
1187 }
1188 /************************************************************
1189  * DRAW IMPULSE CHECK CHANGE. checkbox handler
1190  ************************************************************/
1192 {
1193  GLWindow->drawImpulse = state;
1194  TriggerOffset_window->drawImpulse = state;
1195  Gain_window->drawImpulse = state;
1196  Baseline_window->drawImpulse = state;
1197  GLWindow->updateGL();
1198  TriggerOffset_window->updateGL();
1199  Gain_window->updateGL();
1200  Baseline_window->updateGL();
1201 }
1202 /************************************************************
1203  * DRAW BLUR CHECK CHANGE. checkbox handler
1204  ************************************************************/
1206 {
1207  GLWindow->drawBlur = state;
1208  GLWindow->updateGL();
1209 }
1211 {
1212  GLWindow->loopCurrentEvent = state;
1213 }
1215 /************************************************************
1217  ************************************************************/
1219 {
1220  if (playEventsRadio->isChecked ())
1221  GLWindow->eventStepping(true);
1222  else
1223  if (playPixelsRadio->isChecked())
1224  GLWindow->setCurrentPixel((GLWindow->getCurrentPixel()+1)%1440);
1225  else
1226  GLWindow->nextSlice();
1227 }
1229 /************************************************************
1230  * SET VIEWER.
1231  ************************************************************/
1232 //void UIConnector::setViewer(RawDataViewer* v)
1233 //{
1234 // viewer = v;
1235 //}
1236 /************************************************************
1237  * SLICES PER SECOND CHANGED. timing ui handler
1238  ************************************************************/
1240 {
1241  timer.setInterval(1000.0/value);
1242 }
1244 void UIConnector::on_colorRange0_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->ss[0] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1245 void UIConnector::on_colorRange1_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->ss[1] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1246 void UIConnector::on_colorRange2_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->ss[2] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1247 void UIConnector::on_colorRange3_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->ss[3] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1248 void UIConnector::on_colorRange4_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->ss[4] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1250 void UIConnector::on_redValue0_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->rr[0] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1251 void UIConnector::on_redValue1_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->rr[1] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1252 void UIConnector::on_redValue2_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->rr[2] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1253 void UIConnector::on_redValue3_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->rr[3] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1254 void UIConnector::on_redValue4_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->rr[4] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1256 void UIConnector::on_greenValue0_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->gg[0] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1257 void UIConnector::on_greenValue1_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->gg[1] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1258 void UIConnector::on_greenValue2_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->gg[2] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1259 void UIConnector::on_greenValue3_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->gg[3] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1260 void UIConnector::on_greenValue4_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->gg[4] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1262 void UIConnector::on_blueValue0_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->bb[0] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1263 void UIConnector::on_blueValue1_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->bb[1] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1264 void UIConnector::on_blueValue2_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->bb[2] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1265 void UIConnector::on_blueValue3_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->bb[3] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1266 void UIConnector::on_blueValue4_valueChanged(double value) { GLWindow->bb[4] = (float)value; GLWindow->updateGL(); }
1268 /************************************************************
1269  * LOAD NEW FILE CLICKED. button handler
1270  ************************************************************/
1272 {
1273  QFileDialog dialog;
1274  dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile);
1275  dialog.open(this, SLOT(fileSelected(QString)));
1276  dialog.setVisible(true);
1277  dialog.exec();
1278 }
1280 {
1281  QFileDialog dialog;
1282  dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile);
1283  dialog.open(this, SLOT(calibFileSelected(QString)));
1284  dialog.setVisible(true);
1285  dialog.exec();
1286 }
1287 /************************************************************
1288  * FILE SELECTED. return of the file open dialog handler
1289  ************************************************************/
1290 void UIConnector::fileSelected(QString file)
1291 {
1292  currentFile = file.toStdString();
1293  if (currentFile != "")
1294  GLWindow->openFile(currentFile);
1295 }
1297 {
1298  currentCalibFile = file.toStdString();
1299  if (currentCalibFile != "")
1300  GLWindow->openCalibFile(currentCalibFile);
1301  if (GLWindow->fDrsCalib.fRoi != 0)
1302  {//spread the calibration data to the displayers
1303  Baseline_window->getCalibrationDataForDisplay(RawDataViewer::CALIB_BASELINE,
1304  GLWindow->fDrsCalib.fOffset,
1305  GLWindow->fDrsCalib.fRoi,
1306  GLWindow->fDrsCalib.fNumTm);
1308  Gain_window->getCalibrationDataForDisplay(RawDataViewer::CALIB_GAIN,
1309  GLWindow->fDrsCalib.fGain,
1310  GLWindow->fDrsCalib.fRoi,
1311  GLWindow->fDrsCalib.fNumTm);
1313  TriggerOffset_window->getCalibrationDataForDisplay(RawDataViewer::CALIB_TRIG_OFFSET,
1314  GLWindow->fDrsCalib.fTrgOff,
1315  GLWindow->fDrsCalib.fRoi,
1316  GLWindow->fDrsCalib.fNumTm);
1318  }
1319 }
1320 /************************************************************
1321  * NEW FILE LOADED. update of the UI after a new file has been loaded
1322  ************************************************************/
1324 {
1325  ostringstream str;
1327  //extract the file name only (no path) from the full name
1328  str << "File: ";
1329  if (currentFile.size() > 2)
1330  str << currentFile.substr(currentFile.find_last_of("//")+1, currentFile.size()) << "\n";
1331  else
1332  str << "--\n";
1333  str << "Calibration: ";
1334  if (currentCalibFile.size() > 2)
1335  str << currentCalibFile.substr(currentCalibFile.find_last_of("//")+1, currentCalibFile.size()) << "\n";
1336  else
1337  str << "--\n";
1338 // fileLoadedLabel->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1339 // str.str("");
1340  str << "Run number: " << GLWindow->runNumber << "\n";
1341 // runNumberLabel->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1342 // str.str("");
1343  str << "Number of Events: " << GLWindow->nRows << "\n";
1345  displayingEventBox->setMaximum(GLWindow->nRows-1);
1347  str << "Number of Slices: " << GLWindow->nRoi << "\n";// << "/1024";
1348 // numberOfSlicesLabel->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1349 // str.str("");
1350  str << "Number of Time Marks: " << GLWindow->nTM << "\n";
1351 // numberOfTimeMarksLabel->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1353 // str.str("");
1354  str << "Run Type: " << GLWindow->runType << "\n";
1355 // runTypeLabel->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1356 // str.str("");
1357  str << "Time of 1st data: " << GLWindow->firstDataTime << "\n";
1358 // firstTimeLabel->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1359 // str.str("");
1360  str << "Time of last data: " << GLWindow->lastDataTime << "\n";
1361 // lastTimeLabel->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1362 // str.str("");
1363  str << "SVN revision: " << GLWindow->revision << '\n';
1364  str << "Number of boards: " << GLWindow->nBoards << '\n';
1365  str << "Number of pixels: " << GLWindow->nPixels << '\n';
1366  str << "Number of Slices TM: " << GLWindow->nRoiTM << '\n';
1367  str << "Time system: " << GLWindow->timeSystem << '\n';
1368  str << "Date: " << GLWindow->creationDate << '\n';
1369  str << "Night: " << GLWindow->nightInt << '\n';
1370  str << "Camera: " << GLWindow->camera << '\n';
1371  str << "DAQ: " << GLWindow->daq << '\n';
1372  str << "ADC Count: " << GLWindow->adcCount << '\n';
1373  str << "NB Evts OK:" << GLWindow->nbOk << '\n';
1374  str << "NB Evts Rejected: " << GLWindow->nbRej << '\n';
1375  str << "NB Evts Bad: " << GLWindow->nbBad << '\n';
1376  extraInfoLabel->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1378  /*
1379  if (GLWindow->calibrationLoaded)
1380  {
1381  drawCalibrationCheckBox->setEnabled(true);
1382  }*/
1385 }
1386 /************************************************************
1387  * PLAY PAUSE CLICKED. ui handler
1388  ************************************************************/
1390 {
1391  if (timer.isActive())
1392  timer.stop();
1393  else
1394  timer.start();
1395 }
1398 {
1399  if (!GLWindow->nRoi)
1400  return;
1401  if (GLWindow->selectedPixel == -1)
1402  {
1403  ostringstream str;
1404  str << " Current Pixel val.: --";
1405  currentPixelValue->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1406  return;
1407  }
1408 // int mapping = GLWindow->_softwareOrdering ? GLWindow->selectedPixel : GLWindow->hardwareMapping[GLWindow->selectedPixel];
1409  int mapping = GLWindow->hardwareMapping[GLWindow->selectedPixel];
1410  const int idx = GLWindow->nRoi*mapping + GLWindow->whichSlice;
1412  ostringstream str;
1413  str << "Current Pixel val.: " << GLWindow->eventData[idx];
1414  currentPixelValue->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1415 }
1417 /************************************************************
1418  * CURRENT SLICE HAS CHANGE. ui handler
1419  ************************************************************/
1421 {
1422  if (!GLWindow->nRoi)
1423  return;
1425  if (updateSpinnerDisplay)
1426  displayingSliceBox->setValue(slice);
1428  displaySliceValue();
1429 }
1431 /*****
1432  *******************************************************
1433  * CURRENT EVENT HAS CHANGED. ui handler
1434  ************************************************************/
1436 double xval[50000];
1437 double yval[50000];
1439 {
1440 // cout << "Here " << updateSpinnerDisplay << endl;
1441  if (!updateSpinnerDisplay)
1442  return;
1443  updateSpinnerDisplay = false;
1444 // currentEventHasChanged(cEvent);
1445  GLWindow->rowNum = cEvent - GLWindow->eventStep;
1446  GLWindow->eventStepping(true);
1447  updateSpinnerDisplay = true;
1449 // GLWindow->updateGL();
1450 }
1452 {
1453  timer.setInterval(1000.0/value);
1454 }
1456 {
1457  updateSpinnerDisplay = false;
1458  currentSliceHasChanged(cSlice);
1459  updateSpinnerDisplay = true;
1460  GLWindow->whichSlice = cSlice;
1461  GLWindow->updateGL();
1462 }
1464 {
1466  RMS_window->SetData(GLWindow->RMSvalues);
1467  Mean_window->SetData(GLWindow->Meanvalues);
1468  PosOfMax_window->SetData(GLWindow->PosOfMaxvalues);
1469  Max_window->SetData(GLWindow->Maxvalues);
1470  threeD_Window->setData(GLWindow->eventData);//rawEventData);
1472  if (RMS_window->isVisible())
1473  RMS_window->updateGL();
1474  if (Mean_window->isVisible())
1475  Mean_window->updateGL();
1476  if (PosOfMax_window->isVisible())
1477  PosOfMax_window->updateGL();
1478  if (Max_window->isVisible())
1479  Max_window->updateGL();
1480  ostringstream str;
1481 // str << "Displaying Event " << cEvent;
1482 // QString qstr(str.str().c_str());
1483 // emit updateCurrentEventDisplay(qstr);
1484  if (updateSpinnerDisplay)
1485  {
1486  updateSpinnerDisplay = false;
1487  displayingEventBox->setValue(GLWindow->rowNum);
1488  updateSpinnerDisplay = true;
1489  }
1491  // GLWindow->doWaveLetOnCurrentEventPlease();
1493  //retrieve the data that we want to display
1494  boost::posix_time::ptime hrTime( boost::gregorian::date(1970, boost::gregorian::Jan, 1),
1495  boost::posix_time::seconds(GLWindow->pcTime[0]) + boost::posix_time::microsec(GLWindow->pcTime[1]));
1497  str.str("");
1498  str << "PC Time: " << boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(hrTime);
1499  PCTimeLabel->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1501  str.str("");
1502  str << "Software Trigger: " << GLWindow->softTrig;
1503  softwareTriggerLabel->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1505  str.str("");
1506  str << "Trigger Type: " << GLWindow->triggerType;
1507  triggerTypeLabel->setText(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1509  displaySliceValue();
1511  if (autoScaleColor->isChecked())
1512  emit GLWindow->colorPaletteHasChanged();//autoScalePressed();
1514  boardsTimeList->clear();
1515  startPixelsList->clear();
1516  startTimeMarksList->clear();
1517  triggerDelayList->clear();
1518  std::map<int, int> boardsHistoMap;
1519  for (int i=0;i <NBOARDS; i++)
1520  {
1521  str.str("");
1522  str << i;
1523  if (i<10) str << " ";
1524  if (i<100) str << " ";
1525  if (i<1000) str << " ";
1526  str << ": " << GLWindow->boardTime[i];
1527  boardsTimeList->addItem(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1528  if (boardsHistoMap.find(GLWindow->boardTime[i]) != boardsHistoMap.end())
1529  boardsHistoMap[GLWindow->boardTime[i]]++;
1530  else
1531  boardsHistoMap[GLWindow->boardTime[i]] = 1;
1532  }
1533  std::map<int, int> pixelHistoMap;
1534  for (int i=0;i <NPIX; i++)
1535  {
1536  str.str("");
1537  str << i;
1538  if (i<10) str << " ";
1539  if (i<100) str << " ";
1540  if (i<1000) str << " ";
1541  str << ": " << GLWindow->startPix[i];
1542  startPixelsList->addItem(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1543  if (pixelHistoMap.find(GLWindow->startPix[i]) != pixelHistoMap.end())
1544  pixelHistoMap[GLWindow->startPix[i]]++;
1545  else
1546  pixelHistoMap[GLWindow->startPix[i]] = 1;
1547  }
1549  std::map<int, int> timeMarksMap;
1550  for (int i=0;i <NTMARK; i++)
1551  {
1552  str.str("");
1553  str << i;
1554  if (i<10) str << " ";
1555  if (i<100) str << " ";
1556  if (i<1000) str << " ";
1557  str << ": " << GLWindow->startTM[i];
1558  startTimeMarksList->addItem(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1559  if (timeMarksMap.find(GLWindow->startTM[i]) != timeMarksMap.end())
1560  timeMarksMap[GLWindow->startTM[i]]++;
1561  else
1562  timeMarksMap[GLWindow->startTM[i]] = 1;
1563  }
1564  std::map<int,int> delayMap;
1565  triggerDelayList->addItem(QString("Patch | Slice:Delay Slice:Delay..."));
1566  for (int i=0;i<NTMARK; i++)
1567  {
1568  str.str("");
1569  str << i << " | ";
1570  for (int j=0;j<GLWindow->nRoi;j++)
1571  {
1572  int value = GLWindow->eventData[1440*GLWindow->nRoi + i*GLWindow->nRoi + j];
1573  if (delayMap.find(value) != delayMap.end())
1574  delayMap[value]++;
1575  else
1576  delayMap[value] = 1;
1577  str << j << ":" << value << " ";
1578  }
1579  triggerDelayList->addItem(QString(str.str().c_str()));
1580  }
1582  std::map<int,int>::iterator it = boardsHistoMap.begin();
1583  int nsamples = 0;
1584  int previousValue = it->first-10;
1585  for (unsigned int i=0;i<boardsHistoMap.size();i++)
1586  {
1587  if (previousValue != it->first-1)
1588  {
1589  xval[nsamples] = previousValue+1;
1590  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1591  nsamples++;
1592  xval[nsamples] = it->first-1;
1593  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1594  nsamples++;
1595  }
1596  xval[nsamples] = it->first;
1597  yval[nsamples] = it->second;
1598  previousValue = it->first;
1599  it++;
1600  nsamples++;
1601  xval[nsamples] = previousValue;
1602  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1603  nsamples++;
1604  if (nsamples > 4090)
1605  {
1606  cout << "Error: Maximum number of samples reached for histograms. skipping what's remaining" << endl;
1607  break;
1608  }
1609  }
1610  xval[nsamples] = it==boardsHistoMap.begin() ? 0 : (--it)->first+1;
1611  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1612  nsamples++;
1613  // if (nsamples > 5)
1614 #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000
1615  boardsTimeHistoItem.setData(xval, yval, nsamples);
1616 #else
1617  boardsTimeHistoItem.setSamples(xval, yval, nsamples);
1618 #endif
1620  it = pixelHistoMap.begin();
1621  nsamples = 0;
1622  previousValue = it->first-10;
1623  for (unsigned int i=0;i<pixelHistoMap.size();i++)
1624  {
1625  if (previousValue != it->first-1)
1626  {
1627  xval[nsamples] = previousValue+1;
1628  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1629  nsamples++;
1630  xval[nsamples] = it->first-1;
1631  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1632  nsamples++;
1633  }
1634  xval[nsamples] = it->first;
1635  yval[nsamples] = it->second;
1636  previousValue = it->first;
1637  it++;
1638  nsamples++;
1639  xval[nsamples] = previousValue;
1640  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1641  nsamples++;
1642  if (nsamples > 4090)
1643  {
1644  cout << "Error: Maximum number of samples reached for histograms. skipping what's remaining" << endl;
1645  break;
1646  }
1647  }
1648  xval[nsamples] = it==pixelHistoMap.begin() ? 0 : (--it)->first+1;
1649  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1650  nsamples++;
1651 // if (nsamples > 5)
1652 #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000
1653  startCellHistoItem.setData(xval, yval, nsamples);
1654 #else
1655  startCellHistoItem.setSamples(xval, yval, nsamples);
1656 #endif
1658  it = timeMarksMap.begin();
1659  nsamples = 0;
1660  previousValue = it->first-10;
1661  for (unsigned int i=0;i<timeMarksMap.size();i++)
1662  {
1663  if (previousValue != it->first-1)
1664  {
1665  xval[nsamples] = previousValue+1;
1666  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1667  nsamples++;
1668  xval[nsamples] = it->first-1;
1669  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1670  nsamples++;
1671  }
1672  xval[nsamples] = it->first;
1673  yval[nsamples] = it->second;
1674  previousValue = it->first;
1675  it++;
1676  nsamples++;
1677  xval[nsamples] = previousValue;
1678  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1679  nsamples++;
1680  if (nsamples > 4090)
1681  {
1682  cout << "Error: Maximum number of samples reached for histograms. skipping what's remaining" << endl;
1683  break;
1684  }
1685  }
1686  xval[nsamples] = it==timeMarksMap.begin() ? 0 : (--it)->first+1;
1687  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1688  nsamples++;
1689  // if (nsamples > 5)
1690 #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000
1691  startTimeMarkHistoItem.setData(xval, yval, nsamples);
1692 #else
1693  startTimeMarkHistoItem.setSamples(xval, yval, nsamples);
1694 #endif
1696  it = delayMap.begin();
1697  nsamples = 0;
1698  previousValue = it->first-10;
1699  for (unsigned int i=0;i<delayMap.size();i++)
1700  {
1701  if (previousValue != it->first-1)
1702  {
1703  xval[nsamples] = previousValue+1;
1704  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1705  nsamples++;
1706  xval[nsamples] = it->first-1;
1707  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1708  nsamples++;
1709  }
1710  xval[nsamples] = it->first;
1711  yval[nsamples] = it->second;
1712  previousValue = it->first;
1713  it++;
1714  nsamples++;
1715  xval[nsamples] = previousValue;
1716  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1717  nsamples++;
1718  if (nsamples > 4090)
1719  {
1720  cout << "Error: Maximum number of samples reached for histograms. skipping what's remaining" << endl;
1721  break;
1722  }
1723  }
1724  xval[nsamples] = it==delayMap.begin() ? 0 : (--it)->first+1;
1725  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1726  nsamples++;
1727  // if (nsamples > 5)
1728 #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000
1729  triggerDelayHistoItem.setData(xval, yval, nsamples);
1730 #else
1731  triggerDelayHistoItem.setSamples(xval, yval, nsamples);
1732 #endif
1734 /* std::map<int, int> valuesHistoMap;
1735  std::map<int, int> waveletHistoMap;
1736  for (int i=0;i<1024*1440;i++)
1737  {
1738  if (valuesHistoMap.find(GLWindow->rawEventData[i]) != valuesHistoMap.end())
1739  valuesHistoMap[GLWindow->rawEventData[i]]++;
1740  else
1741  valuesHistoMap[GLWindow->rawEventData[i]] = 1;
1742  if (waveletHistoMap.find(GLWindow->waveLetArray[i]) != waveletHistoMap.end())
1743  waveletHistoMap[GLWindow->waveLetArray[i]]++;
1744  else
1745  waveletHistoMap[GLWindow->waveLetArray[i]] = 1;
1746  }
1748  it = valuesHistoMap.begin();
1749  nsamples = 0;
1750  previousValue = it->first-10;
1751  cout << "Num values Original: " << valuesHistoMap.size() << endl;
1752  for (unsigned int i=0;i<valuesHistoMap.size();i++)
1753  {
1754  if (previousValue != it->first-1)
1755  {
1756  xval[nsamples] = previousValue+1;
1757  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1758  nsamples++;
1759  xval[nsamples] = it->first-1;
1760  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1761  nsamples++;
1762  }
1763  xval[nsamples] = it->first;
1764  yval[nsamples] = it->second;
1765  previousValue = it->first;
1766  it++;
1767  nsamples++;
1768  xval[nsamples] = previousValue;
1769  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1770  nsamples++;
1771  if (nsamples > 50000)
1772  {
1773  cout << "Error: Maximum number of samples reached for histograms. skipping what's remaining" << endl;
1774  break;
1775  }
1776  }
1777  xval[nsamples] = it==valuesHistoMap.begin() ? 0 : (--it)->first+1;
1778  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1779  nsamples++;
1780  // if (nsamples > 5)
1781  #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000
1782  triggerDelayHistoItem.setData(xval, yval, nsamples);
1783  #else
1784  triggerDelayHistoItem.setSamples(xval, yval, nsamples);
1785  #endif
1787  it = waveletHistoMap.begin();
1788  nsamples = 0;
1789  previousValue = it->first-10;
1790  cout << "Num values WaveLets: " << waveletHistoMap.size() << endl;
1791  for (unsigned int i=0;i<waveletHistoMap.size();i++)
1792  {
1793  if (previousValue != it->first-1)
1794  {
1795  xval[nsamples] = previousValue+1;
1796  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1797  nsamples++;
1798  xval[nsamples] = it->first-1;
1799  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1800  nsamples++;
1801  }
1802  xval[nsamples] = it->first;
1803  yval[nsamples] = it->second;
1804  previousValue = it->first;
1805  it++;
1806  nsamples++;
1807  xval[nsamples] = previousValue;
1808  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1809  nsamples++;
1810  if (nsamples > 50000)
1811  {
1812  cout << "Error: Maximum number of samples reached for histograms. skipping what's remaining" << endl;
1813  break;
1814  }
1815  }
1816  xval[nsamples] = it==waveletHistoMap.begin() ? 0 : (--it)->first+1;
1817  yval[nsamples] = 0;
1818  nsamples++;
1819  // if (nsamples > 5)
1820  #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000
1821  startTimeMarkHistoItem.setData(xval, yval, nsamples);
1822  #else
1823  startTimeMarkHistoItem.setSamples(xval, yval, nsamples);
1824  #endif
1825 */
1827  // startCellHistoZoom->setZoomBase(startCellHistoItem.boundingRect());
1828  QStack< QRectF > stack;
1829 // QRectF cRectangle = boardsTimeHistoItem.boundingRect();
1830  stack.push(scaleBoundingRectangle(boardsTimeHistoItem.boundingRect(), 1.05f));//cRectangle);//boardsTimeHistoItem.boundingRect());
1831  boardsTimeHistoZoom->setZoomStack(stack);
1832  stack.pop();
1833  stack.push(scaleBoundingRectangle(startCellHistoItem.boundingRect(), 1.05f));
1834  startCellHistoZoom->setZoomStack(stack);
1835  stack.pop();
1836  stack.push(scaleBoundingRectangle(startTimeMarkHistoItem.boundingRect(), 1.05f));
1837  startTimeMarkHistoZoom->setZoomStack(stack);
1838  stack.pop();
1839  stack.push(scaleBoundingRectangle(triggerDelayHistoItem.boundingRect(), 1.05f));
1840  triggerDelayHistoZoom->setZoomStack(stack);
1841  stack.pop();
1843  pixelChanged(GLWindow->selectedPixel);
1844 }
1845 //can't use a ref to rectangle, as the type must be converted first
1846 QRectF UIConnector::scaleBoundingRectangle(QRectF rectangle, float scale)
1847 {
1848  QPointF bottomRight = rectangle.bottomRight();
1849  QPointF topLeft = rectangle.topLeft();
1850  QPointF center = rectangle.center();
1851  return QRectF(topLeft + (topLeft-center)*(scale-1.0f), //top left
1852  bottomRight + (bottomRight-center)*(scale-1.0f)); //bottom right
1853 }
1855 {
1856 // QwtPlot* boardsTimeHisto;
1857 // QwtPlotHistogram boardsTimeHistoItem;
1858  grid1 = new QwtPlotGrid;
1859  grid1->enableX(false);
1860  grid1->enableY(true);
1861  grid1->enableXMin(false);
1862  grid1->enableYMin(false);
1863  grid1->setMajPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::DotLine));
1864  grid1->attach(boardsTimeHisto);
1866  grid2 = new QwtPlotGrid;
1867  grid2->enableX(false);
1868  grid2->enableY(true);
1869  grid2->enableXMin(false);
1870  grid2->enableYMin(false);
1871  grid2->setMajPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::DotLine));
1872  grid2->attach(startCellsHisto);
1874  grid3 = new QwtPlotGrid;
1875  grid3->enableX(false);
1876  grid3->enableY(true);
1877  grid3->enableXMin(false);
1878  grid3->enableYMin(false);
1879  grid3->setMajPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::DotLine));
1880  grid3->attach(startTimeMarkHisto);
1882  grid4 = new QwtPlotGrid;
1883  grid4->enableX(false);
1884  grid4->enableY(true);
1885  grid4->enableXMin(false);
1886  grid4->enableYMin(false);
1887  grid4->setMajPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::DotLine));
1888  grid4->attach(pixelValueCurve);
1890  grid6 = new QwtPlotGrid;
1891  grid6->enableX(false);
1892  grid6->enableY(true);
1893  grid6->enableXMin(false);
1894  grid6->enableYMin(false);
1895  grid6->setMajPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::DotLine));
1896  grid6->attach(pixelAverageCurve);
1898  grid5 = new QwtPlotGrid;
1899  grid5->enableX(false);
1900  grid5->enableY(true);
1901  grid5->enableXMin(false);
1902  grid5->enableYMin(false);
1903  grid5->setMajPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::DotLine));
1904  grid5->attach(triggerDelayHisto);
1906  boardsTimeHisto->setAutoReplot(true);
1907  startCellsHisto->setAutoReplot(true);
1908  startTimeMarkHisto->setAutoReplot(true);
1909  pixelValueCurve->setAutoReplot(true);
1910  pixelAverageCurve->setAutoReplot(true);
1911  triggerDelayHisto->setAutoReplot(true);
1912  boardsTimeHisto->setTitle("Boards time values");
1913  startCellsHisto->setTitle("Start Cell values");
1914  startTimeMarkHisto->setTitle("Start Time Marks values");
1915  pixelValueCurve->setTitle("Current pixel values");
1916  pixelAverageCurve->setTitle("Average pixels values");
1917  triggerDelayHisto->setTitle("Trigger Delays");
1919  // boardsTimeHistoItem.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::red));
1920 // startCellHistoItem.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::red));
1921 // startTimeMarkHistoItem.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::red));
1922 // triggerDelayHistoItem.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::red));
1923 // pixelValueCurveItem.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::red));
1925  boardsTimeHistoItem.setPen(QColor(Qt::darkGreen));
1926  boardsTimeHistoItem.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve::Steps);
1927  startCellHistoItem.setPen(QColor(Qt::darkGreen));
1928  startCellHistoItem.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve::Steps);
1929  startTimeMarkHistoItem.setPen(QColor(Qt::darkGreen));
1930  startTimeMarkHistoItem.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve::Steps);
1931  triggerDelayHistoItem.setPen(QColor(Qt::darkGreen));
1932  triggerDelayHistoItem.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve::Steps);
1934  boardsTimeHistoItem.attach(boardsTimeHisto);
1935  startCellHistoItem.attach(startCellsHisto);
1936  startTimeMarkHistoItem.attach(startTimeMarkHisto);
1937  triggerDelayHistoItem.attach(triggerDelayHisto);
1939  //curve
1940 // pixelValueCurveItem.setSymbol(new QwtSymbol(QwtSymbol::Cross, Qt::NoBrush, QPen(Qt::black), QSize(5,5)));
1941  pixelValueCurveItem.setPen(QColor(Qt::black));
1942  pixelAverageCurveItem.setPen(QColor(Qt::black));
1943  aMeanCurveItem.setPen(QColor(Qt::darkGreen));
1944  vCorrCurveItem.setPen(QColor(Qt::red));
1945  meanCurveItem.setPen(QColor(Qt::blue));
1946  pixelValueCurveItem.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve::Lines);
1947  pixelAverageCurveItem.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve::Lines);
1948  aMeanCurveItem.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve::Lines);
1949  vCorrCurveItem.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve::Lines);
1950  meanCurveItem.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve::Lines);
1952 // pixelValueCurveItem.setCurveAttribute(QwtPlotCurve::Fitted);
1953  pixelValueCurveItem.attach(pixelValueCurve);
1954  pixelAverageCurveItem.attach(pixelAverageCurve);
1955 // aMeanCurveItem.attach(pixelValueCurve);
1956  // vCorrCurveItem.attach(pixelValueCurve);
1957 // meanCurveItem.attach(pixelValueCurve);
1959  //FIXME delete these pointers with the destructor
1960  curveZoom = new QwtPlotZoomer(pixelValueCurve->canvas());
1961  curveZoom->setRubberBandPen(QPen(Qt::gray, 2, Qt::DotLine));
1962  curveZoom->setTrackerPen(QPen(Qt::gray));
1963  averageCurveZoom = new QwtPlotZoomer(pixelAverageCurve->canvas());
1964  averageCurveZoom->setRubberBandPen(QPen(Qt::gray, 2, Qt::DotLine));
1965  averageCurveZoom->setTrackerPen(QPen(Qt::gray));
1967  boardsTimeHistoZoom = new QwtPlotZoomer(boardsTimeHisto->canvas());
1968  boardsTimeHistoZoom->setRubberBandPen(QPen(Qt::gray, 2, Qt::DotLine));
1969  boardsTimeHistoZoom->setTrackerPen(QPen(Qt::gray));
1971  startCellHistoZoom = new QwtPlotZoomer(startCellsHisto->canvas());
1972  startCellHistoZoom->setRubberBandPen(QPen(Qt::gray, 2, Qt::DotLine));
1973  startCellHistoZoom->setTrackerPen(QPen(Qt::gray));
1975  startTimeMarkHistoZoom = new QwtPlotZoomer(startTimeMarkHisto->canvas());
1976  startTimeMarkHistoZoom->setRubberBandPen(QPen(Qt::gray, 2, Qt::DotLine));
1977  startTimeMarkHistoZoom->setTrackerPen(QPen(Qt::gray));
1979  triggerDelayHistoZoom = new QwtPlotZoomer(triggerDelayHisto->canvas());
1980  triggerDelayHistoZoom->setRubberBandPen(QPen(Qt::gray, 2, Qt::DotLine));
1981  triggerDelayHistoZoom->setTrackerPen(QPen(Qt::gray));
1984 }
1987 {
1988  RMS_window->fWhite = pixel;
1989  Mean_window->fWhite = pixel;
1990  Max_window->fWhite = pixel;
1991  PosOfMax_window->fWhite = pixel;
1992  if (pixel != -1)
1993  {
1994  RMS_window->fWhitePatch = RMS_window->pixelsPatch[pixel];
1995  Mean_window->fWhitePatch = Mean_window->pixelsPatch[pixel];
1996  Max_window->fWhitePatch = Max_window->pixelsPatch[pixel];
1997  PosOfMax_window->fWhitePatch = PosOfMax_window->pixelsPatch[pixel];
1998  }
1999  else
2000  {
2001  RMS_window->fWhitePatch = -1;
2002  Mean_window->fWhitePatch = -1;
2003  Max_window->fWhitePatch = -1;
2004  PosOfMax_window->fWhitePatch = -1;
2005  }
2006  if (pixel == -1)
2007  return;
2008  int softwarePix = pixel;
2009 // if (!GLWindow->_softwareOrdering)
2010  pixel = GLWindow->hardwareMapping[pixel];
2012  HwIDBox->setValue(pixel);
2014  if (!GLWindow->nRoi)
2015  return;
2017 int currentPixel = pixel;
2019  for (int i=0;i<GLWindow->nRoi;i++)
2020  {
2021  xval[i] = i;
2022  yval[i] = GLWindow->eventData[GLWindow->nRoi*currentPixel + i];
2023  }
2026 int realNumSamples = GLWindow->nRoi;
2027  if (GLWindow->nRoiTM != 0)
2028  {
2029  const PixelMapEntry& mapEntry = GLWindow->fPixelMap.index(softwarePix);
2030  const int pixelIdInPatch = mapEntry.pixel();
2031  const int patchId = mapEntry.patch();
2032  const int boardId = mapEntry.board();
2033  const int crateId = mapEntry.crate();
2034  if (pixelIdInPatch == 8)
2035  {
2036  int TMIndex = 0;
2037  int xIndex = GLWindow->nRoi;
2038  int arrayIndex = GLWindow->nRoi;
2039  if (GLWindow->offSetRoi < 0)
2040  TMIndex -= GLWindow->offSetRoi;
2041  if (GLWindow->offSetRoi > 0)
2042  xIndex += GLWindow->offSetRoi;
2043  for (int i=TMIndex;i<GLWindow->nRoiTM;i++, xIndex++, arrayIndex++)
2044  {
2045  xval[arrayIndex] = xIndex;
2046  yval[arrayIndex] = GLWindow->eventData[GLWindow->nRoi*1440 + GLWindow->nRoiTM*(40*crateId + 4*boardId + patchId) + i];
2047  }
2048  realNumSamples += GLWindow->nRoiTM - TMIndex;
2049  }
2050  // cout << pixelIdInPatch << " " ;
2051  }
2053 #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000
2054  pixelValueCurveItem.setData(xval, yval, realNumSamples);
2055 #else
2056  pixelValueCurveItem.setSamples(xval, yval, realNumSamples);
2057 #endif
2059 //now compute the average value of all pixels
2060  currentPixel = 0;
2061  for (int i=0;i<GLWindow->nRoi;i++)
2062  yval[i] = 0;
2063  for (int j=0;j<1440;j++) {
2064  currentPixel = j;
2065  for (int i=0;i<GLWindow->nRoi;i++)
2066  {
2067  xval[i] = i;
2068  yval[i] += GLWindow->eventData[GLWindow->nRoi*currentPixel + i];
2069  }
2070  }
2071  for (int i=0;i<GLWindow->nRoi;i++)
2072  yval[i] /= 1440;
2073 #if QWT_VERSION < 0x060000
2074  pixelAverageCurveItem.setData(xval, yval, GLWindow->nRoi);
2075 #else
2076  pixelAverageCurveItem.setSamples(xval, yval, realNumSamples);
2077 #endif
2079  QStack< QRectF > stack;
2080  stack.push(scaleBoundingRectangle(pixelValueCurveItem.boundingRect(), 1.5f));
2081  curveZoom->setZoomBase(scaleBoundingRectangle(pixelValueCurveItem.boundingRect(), 1.5f));
2082  curveZoom->setZoomStack(stack);
2083  stack.pop();
2084  stack.push(scaleBoundingRectangle(pixelAverageCurveItem.boundingRect(), 1.5f));
2085  averageCurveZoom->setZoomBase(scaleBoundingRectangle(pixelAverageCurveItem.boundingRect(), 1.5f));
2086  averageCurveZoom->setZoomStack(stack);
2087  stack.pop();
2089  displaySliceValue();
2090  on_autoScaleColor_clicked();
2091 }
2094 {
2095  updating = true;
2097  const int hwID = HwIDBox->value();
2099  const int crateID = hwID/360;
2100  const int boardID = (hwID%360)/36;
2101  const int patchID = (hwID%36 )/9;
2102  const int pixelID = hwID%9;
2104  SwIDBox->setValue(GLWindow->softwareMapping[hwID]);
2106  crateIDBox->setValue(crateID);
2107  boardIDBox->setValue(boardID);
2108  patchIDBox->setValue(patchID);
2109  pixelIDBox->setValue(pixelID);
2111  updating = false;
2113  GLWindow->selectedPixel = GLWindow->softwareMapping[hwID];
2114  GLWindow->updateGL();
2116  pixelChanged(GLWindow->selectedPixel);
2117 }
2120 {
2121  if (updating)
2122  return;
2124  const int hwid = crateIDBox->value()*360 + boardIDBox->value()*36 + patchIDBox->value()*9 + pixelIDBox->value();
2125  HwIDBox->setValue(hwid);
2126 }
2129 {
2130  if (updating)
2131  return;
2133 // if (GLWindow->_softwareOrdering)
2134 // HwIDBox->setValue(swid);
2135 // else
2136  HwIDBox->setValue(GLWindow->hardwareMapping[swid]);
2137 }
2140 {
2141  if (!autoScaleColor->isChecked())
2142  {
2143  GLWindow->ss[0] = 0.496;
2144  GLWindow->ss[1] = 0.507;
2145  GLWindow->ss[2] = 0.518;
2146  GLWindow->ss[3] = 0.529;
2147  GLWindow->ss[4] = 0.540;;
2148  colorRange0->setValue(GLWindow->ss[0]);
2149  colorRange1->setValue(GLWindow->ss[1]);
2150  colorRange2->setValue(GLWindow->ss[2]);
2151  colorRange3->setValue(GLWindow->ss[3]);
2152  colorRange4->setValue(GLWindow->ss[4]);
2153  return;
2154  }
2155  if (!GLWindow->nRoi)
2156  return;
2158  int start = 0;
2159  int end = 1440;
2161  if (!entireCameraScale->isChecked())
2162  {
2163  start = GLWindow->selectedPixel;
2164  end = GLWindow->selectedPixel+1;
2165  if (end == 0)
2166  {
2167  start = 0;
2168  end = 1440;
2169  }
2170  }
2172  int min = 100000; //real min = -2048, int_16 = -32768 to 32767
2173  int max = -100000; //real max = 2047
2175  long average = 0;
2176  long numSamples = 0;
2177  int errorDetected = -1;
2179  for (int i=start;i<end;i++)
2180  {
2181  if (i==863)//keep crazy pixel out of the autoscale
2182  continue;
2183  for (int j=10;j<GLWindow->nRoi-50;j++)
2184  {
2185  int cValue = GLWindow->eventData[i*GLWindow->nRoi+j];
2186  if (cValue > max && cValue < 32767)
2187  max = cValue;
2188  if (cValue < min && cValue > -32768)
2189  min = cValue;
2190  if (cValue < 32767 && cValue > -32768)
2191  {
2192  average+=cValue;
2193  numSamples++;
2194  }
2195  else
2196  {
2197  errorDetected = i;
2198  }
2199 // numSamples++;
2200  }
2201  }
2202  average /= numSamples;
2203  if (errorDetected != -1)
2204  {
2205  cout << "Overflow detected at pixel " << errorDetected << " (at least)" << endl;
2206  }
2207 // cout << "min: " << min << " max: " << max << " average: " << average << endl;
2208  float minRange = (float)(min+(GLWindow->VALUES_SPAN/2))/(float)(GLWindow->VALUES_SPAN-1);
2209  float maxRange = (float)(max+(GLWindow->VALUES_SPAN/2))/(float)(GLWindow->VALUES_SPAN-1);
2210  float midRange = (float)(average+(GLWindow->VALUES_SPAN/2))/(float)(GLWindow->VALUES_SPAN-1);
2211  if (GLWindow->logScale)
2212  {
2213  minRange *= 9;
2214  maxRange *= 9;
2215 // midRange *= 9;
2216  minRange += 1;
2217  maxRange += 1;
2218 // midRange += 1;
2219  minRange = log10(minRange);
2220  maxRange = log10(maxRange);
2221 // midRange = (minRange + maxRange)/2.f;
2222  midRange = log10(midRange);
2223  }
2225  GLWindow->ss[0] = minRange;
2226  colorRange0->setValue(GLWindow->ss[0]);
2227  GLWindow->ss[4] = maxRange;
2228  colorRange4->setValue(GLWindow->ss[4]);
2229 // GLWindow->ss[2] = midRange;
2230 // range2->setValue(GLWindow->ss[2]);
2231 // GLWindow->ss[1] = (minRange+midRange)/2;
2232 // range1->setValue(GLWindow->ss[1]);
2233 // GLWindow->ss[3] = (maxRange+midRange)/2;
2234 // range3->setValue(GLWindow->ss[3]);
2236  GLWindow->ss[2] = (maxRange+minRange)/2;
2237  colorRange2->setValue(GLWindow->ss[2]);
2239  GLWindow->ss[1] = minRange+(maxRange-minRange)/4;
2240  colorRange1->setValue(GLWindow->ss[1]);
2242  GLWindow->ss[3] = minRange+3*(maxRange-minRange)/4;
2243  colorRange3->setValue(GLWindow->ss[3]);
2244 }
2247 {
2248  cout << "\n"
2249  "The FACT++ raw data viewer.\n"
2250  "\n"
2251  "Usage: viewer [OPTIONS] [datafile.fits[.gz|.fz] [calibration.drs.fits[.gz]]]\n"
2252  " or: viewer [OPTIONS]\n";
2253  cout << endl;
2255 }
2258 {
2259  cout <<
2260  "\n"
2261  << endl;
2262 }
2265 {
2266  RawDataViewer *canvas = GLWindow;
2268  if (conf.Has("mappingFile"))
2269  {
2270  canvas->assignPixelMapFile(conf.Get<string>("mappingFile"));
2271  }
2272  else
2273  canvas->assignPixelMapFile("");
2275  if (conf.Has("color.range"))
2276  {
2277  vector<double> value = conf.Vec<double>("color.range");
2278  if (value.size() != 5)
2279  {
2280  cout << "Error, colorRange option should have exactly 5 double values" << endl;
2281  return -1;
2282  }
2283  for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
2284  canvas->ss[i] = value[i];
2285  }
2287  if (conf.Has("color.red"))
2288  {
2289  vector<double> value = conf.Vec<double>("color.red");
2290  if (value.size() != 5)
2291  {
2292  cout << "Error, colorRed option should have exactly 5 double values" << endl;
2293  return -1;
2294  }
2295  for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
2296  canvas->rr[i] = value[i];
2297  }
2299  if (conf.Has("color.green"))
2300  {
2301  vector<double> value = conf.Vec<double>("color.green");
2302  if (value.size() != 5)
2303  {
2304  cout << "Error, colorGreen option should have exactly 5 double values" << endl;
2305  return -1;
2306  }
2307  for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
2308  canvas->gg[i] = value[i];
2309  }
2311  if (conf.Has("color.blue"))
2312  {
2313  vector<double> value = conf.Vec<double>("color.blue");
2314  if (value.size() != 5)
2315  {
2316  cout << "Error, colorBlue option should have exactly 5 double values" << endl;
2317  return -1;
2318  }
2319  for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
2320  canvas->bb[i] = value[i];
2321  }
2323  colorRange0->setValue(canvas->ss[0]);
2324  colorRange1->setValue(canvas->ss[1]);
2325  colorRange2->setValue(canvas->ss[2]);
2326  colorRange3->setValue(canvas->ss[3]);
2327  colorRange4->setValue(canvas->ss[4]);
2328  redValue0->setValue(canvas->rr[0]);
2329  redValue1->setValue(canvas->rr[1]);
2330  redValue2->setValue(canvas->rr[2]);
2331  redValue3->setValue(canvas->rr[3]);
2332  redValue4->setValue(canvas->rr[4]);
2333  greenValue0->setValue(canvas->gg[0]);
2334  greenValue1->setValue(canvas->gg[1]);
2335  greenValue2->setValue(canvas->gg[2]);
2336  greenValue3->setValue(canvas->gg[3]);
2337  greenValue4->setValue(canvas->gg[4]);
2338  blueValue0->setValue(canvas->bb[0]);
2339  blueValue1->setValue(canvas->bb[1]);
2340  blueValue2->setValue(canvas->bb[2]);
2341  blueValue3->setValue(canvas->bb[3]);
2342  blueValue4->setValue(canvas->bb[4]);
2344  if (conf.Has("drs"))
2345  {
2346  const QString qstr(conf.Get<string>("drs").c_str());
2347  calibFileSelected(qstr);
2348  }
2350  if (conf.Has("file"))
2351  {
2352  const QString qstr(conf.Get<string>("file").c_str());
2353  fileSelected(qstr);
2354  }
2357  return 0;
2358 }
2361 {
2362  po::options_description configs("Raw Events Viewer Options");
2363  configs.add_options()
2364  ("color.range", vars<double>(), "Range of the display colours")
2365  ("color.red", vars<double>(), "Range of red values")
2366  ("color.green", vars<double>(), "Range of green values")
2367  ("color.blue", vars<double>(), "Range of blue values")
2368  ("file,f", var<string>(), "File to be loaded")
2369  ("drs,d", var<string>(), "DRS calibration file to be loaded")
2370  ("mappingFile", var<string>(), "Which pixels mapping file to use")
2371  ;
2372  conf.AddOptions(configs);
2374  po::positional_options_description p;
2375  p.add("file", 1); // The first positional options
2376  p.add("drs", 2); // The first positional options
2377  conf.SetArgumentPositions(p);
2379 }
2381 /************************************************************
2383  ************************************************************/
2384 int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
2385 {
2386  QApplication app(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv));
2388  if (!QGLFormat::hasOpenGL()) {
2389  std::cerr << "This system has no OpenGL support" << std::endl;
2390  return 1;
2391  }
2393  Configuration conf(argv[0]);
2394  conf.SetPrintUsage(PrintUsage);
2395  SetupConfiguration(conf);
2396  if (!conf.DoParse(argc, argv, PrintHelp))
2397  return 2;
2399  UIConnector myUi;
2400  if (myUi.SetupConfiguration(conf)<0)
2401  return 3;
2403  return app.exec();
2404 }
int start(int initState)
Definition: feeserver.c:1740
int16_t startTM[NTMARK]
void on_playPauseButton_clicked()
void toggleInterfaceDisplay()
void assignPixelMapFile(const string &map="")
void on_displayingEventBox_valueChanged(int)
void signalCurrentSlice(int slice)
void on_autoScaleColor_clicked()
bool HasKey(const std::string &key) const
Definition: fits.h:1002
std::string GetStr(const std::string &key) const
Definition: fits.h:1011
int16_t * rawEventData
void signalCurrentPixel(int pixel)
void * SetPtrAddress(const std::string &name)
Definition: fits.h:886
int crate() const
Bias supply channel.
Definition: PixelMap.h:35
bool setCorrectSlice(QMouseEvent *event)
void on_blueValue4_valueChanged(double)
valarray< double > RMSvalues
bool IsCompressedFITS() const
Definition: fits.h:1029
std::map< std::string, Column > Columns
Definition: fits.h:113
int patch() const
Definition: PixelMap.h:37
void fileSelected(QString file)
void pixelChanged(int)
valarray< double > Maxvalues
void on_HwIDBox_valueChanged(int=0)
void on_greenValue1_valueChanged(double)
void calcBlurColor(int pixel, int vertex)
std::string daq
valarray< double > PosOfMaxvalues
virtual void drawPatches()
int i
Definition: db_dim_client.c:21
int64_t second
offset of this column in the tile, from the start of the heap area
Definition: zofits.h:27
void getCalibrationDataForDisplay(const CalibDataTypes calibTypes, const vector< T > &inputData, const int roi, const int roiTM)
bool Apply(float *vec, const int16_t *val, const int16_t *start, uint32_t roi)
Definition: DrsCalib.h:1608
void on_greenValue2_valueChanged(double)
char str[80]
Definition: test_client.c:7
void SetPrintUsage(const std::function< void(void)> &func)
T Get(const std::string &var)
std::string runType
void close()
Definition: izstream.h:91
uint32_t boardTime[NBOARDS]
void openFile(std::string &file)
void slicesMinusMinus()
STL namespace.
void slicesPerSecondChanged(double value)
void drawCamera(bool alsoWire)
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
float bboxMin[2]
void Clear()
Definition: DrsCalib.h:1366
void on_loadDRSCalibButton_clicked()
function gray(id, str)
Definition: index.js:108
std::string ReadFitsImp(const std::string &str, std::vector< float > &vec)
Definition: DrsCalib.h:1390
std::vector< T > Vec(const std::string &var)
void on_blueValue1_valueChanged(double)
void on_blueValue2_valueChanged(double)
void signalCurrentEvent(int event)
void on_redValue3_valueChanged(double)
void openCalibFile(std::string &file)
void currentSliceHasChanged(int slice)
double aMeas[1024]
void SetArgumentPositions(const po::positional_options_description &desc)
int64_t first
Size of this column in the tile.
Definition: zofits.h:26
void PrintHelp()
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
static void RemoveSpikes(float *p, uint32_t roi)
Definition: DrsCalib.h:567
void calcMidBlurColor(int pixel, int vertex)
double yval[50000]
void currentEventHasChanged(int event)
int32_t pcTime[2]
void displaySliceValue()
void drawBlurryHexagon(int index)
double xval[50000]
int pixel() const
Definition: PixelMap.h:38
void SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf)
void on_drawBlurCheckBox_stateChanged(int)
void SetAutoRefresh(bool on)
void on_blueValue0_valueChanged(double)
void allocateZeroArray()
Used to load zero data in case of missing fits columns.
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
void calibFileSelected(QString file)
float bboxMax[2]
bool Has(const std::string &var)
void on_redValue2_valueChanged(double)
void AddOptions(const po::options_description &opt, bool visible=true)
Definition: Configuration.h:92
UIConnector(QWidget *parent=0)
double GetFloat(const std::string &key) const
Definition: fits.h:1010
int board() const
Definition: PixelMap.h:36
int SetupConfiguration(Configuration &conf)
void PrintUsage()
void on_displayingSliceBox_valueChanged(int)
std::string timeSystem
DrsCalibration fDrsCalib
#define NPIX
Definition: BasicGlCamera.h:5
void on_colorRange4_valueChanged(double)
void on_SwIDBox_valueChanged(int)
void eventStepping(bool plus)
const PixelMapEntry & index(int idx) const
Definition: PixelMap.h:107
int64_t GetInt(const std::string &key) const
Definition: fits.h:1008
void on_redValue4_valueChanged(double)
void on_greenValue3_valueChanged(double)
void setCurrentPixel(int)
QButtonGroup * scaleGroup
void on_colorRange1_valueChanged(double)
double vCorr[1024]
void on_colorRange3_valueChanged(double)
uint16_t triggerType
void assignPixelMap(const PixelMap &)
double end
Commandline parsing, resource file parsing and database access.
Definition: Configuration.h:9
void drawHexagon(int index, bool solid)
int16_t startPix[NPIX]
std::string creationDate
virtual int PixelAtPosition(const QPoint &pos)
void on_greenValue0_valueChanged(double)
#define NTMARK
Definition: BasicGlCamera.h:6
float height
Definition: HeadersGPS.h:26
void on_redValue1_valueChanged(double)
void on_blueValue3_valueChanged(double)
#define NBOARDS
Definition: BasicGlCamera.h:4
void on_loadNewFileButton_clicked()
bool HasColumn(const std::string &col) const
Definition: fits.h:1003
void on_slicesPerSecValue_valueChanged(double)
void on_drawPatchCheckBox_stateChanged(int)
void on_redValue0_valueChanged(double)
RawDataViewer(QWidget *parent=0)
void colorPaletteHasChanged()
static PixelMap fPixelMap
Definition: BasicGlCamera.h:60
valarray< double > Meanvalues
void on_greenValue4_valueChanged(double)
void newFileLoaded()
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
QRectF scaleBoundingRectangle(QRectF rectangle, float scale)
void on_calibratedCheckBox_stateChanged(int state)
function color(col)
Definition: color.js:31
void on_drawImpulseCheckBox_stateChanged(int)
std::string camera
static double GetPixelStats(float *ptr, const float *data, uint16_t roi, uint16_t begskip=0, uint16_t endskip=0)
Definition: DrsCalib.h:855
int hw() const
Definition: PixelMap.h:39
const Table::Columns & GetColumns() const
Definition: fits.h:1004
void on_loopOverCurrentEventBox_stateChanged(int)
GLfloat patchesColor[160][3]
int16_t * waveLetArray
bool Read(const std::string &fname)
Definition: PixelMap.h:56
void nextSlicePlease()
bool DoParse(int argc, const char **argv, const std::function< void()> &func=std::function< void()>())
static int softwareMapping[NPIX]
T Get(const std::string &key) const
Definition: fits.h:962
void computePulsesStatistics()
void setEventStep(int step)
void on_colorRange0_valueChanged(double)
virtual bool GetRow(size_t row, bool check=true)
Definition: fits.h:827
void on_colorRange2_valueChanged(double)
double n1mean[1024]