FACT++  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * dim_JNI_Native.c : JNI native code for dim
3  * routines to be used by Java.
4  *
5  * Started on : 2000-08-16
6  * Written by : M.Jonker
7  *
8  * Version history:
9  * 20000911MJJ First Released Version (Not 100% complete yet)
10  * 31-Oct-2007 Adjustments for 64bit platforms Joern Adamczewski, gsi
11  * 03-Dec-2008 Fix in dim_Client releaseService Hans Essel, gsi
12  *
13  */
14 /* TODO Remove these kludges */
15 #define dim_Dbg_MEMORY dim_Dbg_SERIALIZER
16 #define dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY dim_Dbg_SERIALIZER
17 #define dim_Dbg_MEMORY_ALLOCATE dim_Dbg_SERIALIZER
19 /* TODO Split the Native and the serialization into two source files */
20 /* TODO Release global references when they are not anymore used */
22 #define DIMLIB
23 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include "dim.h"
25 #include "dic.h"
26 #include "dis.h"
27 #include "dim_jni.h"
30 #ifdef JNI_VERSION_1_4
32 #else
33 #ifdef JNI_VERSION_1_3
35 #else
36 #ifdef JNI_VERSION_1_2
38 #else
39 #define JNI_VERSION 0x00010001
40 #endif
41 #endif
42 #endif
43 #define dim_JNI_version DIM_VERSION_NUMBER
46 // Debug/tracing support ===============================================================================
47 // The DBGe (Entry) DBGx (exit) DBGm (middle) DBG (Message only) macros allow for tracing and trapping
48 // of native method calls.
49 // DBGe, DBGx and DBGm have corresponding trap mask to active entry exits and middle traps
50 // By setting DBG_filter to something restrictive, we suppress the code generation of the conditional
51 // printouts for all dbg conditions except the conditions specified in the DBG_filter. (Provided the
52 // optimiser does its job.)
53 #ifndef DBG_filter
54  #ifdef _DEBUG
55  // no filter
56  #define DBG_filter 0xFFFFFFFF
57  #else
58  // filter all but module loading and unloading
59  #define DBG_filter dim_Dbg_MODULE
60  #endif
61 #endif
63 #define DBG(test) if(((test&DBG_filter) & DBG_mask ) !=0) /* etc . */
64 #define DBGe(test) if(((test&DBG_filter) & DBGe_trap ) !=0) DBG_Trap(test); DBG(test) /* etc ; */
65 #define DBGm(test) if(((test&DBG_filter) & DBGm_trap ) !=0) DBG_Trap(test); DBG(test) /* etc ; */
66 #define DBGx(test) if(((test&DBG_filter) & DBGx_trap ) !=0) DBG_Trap(test); DBG(test) /* etc ; */
68 static int DBG_mask = dim_Dbg_MODULE;
69 static int DBGe_trap = 0;
70 static int DBGm_trap = 0;
71 static int DBGx_trap = 0;
73 static void DBG_Trap(int code)
74 {
75  /* if you set a break point here you can trap all */
76  /* native calls that are activated by the mask DBG_trap */
77 // TODO DBG_Trap should invoke the debugger
78  if(code){}
79  return;
80 }
81 // ===============================================================================Debug/tracing support=
84 // Static module variables
85 JavaVM* theJavaVM;
134 #ifdef WIN32
135  DWORD MainThreadId = 0;
136 #else
137 #ifdef __linux__
138  pthread_t MainThreadId = 0;
139 #else
140  int MainThreadId = 0;
141 #endif
142 #endif
143 JNIEnv* TheEnv;
145 #define NOT_STAMPED 0
147 // TODO need to get a hook into dim release services so that I can release global references
148 // Note: I can test on the user library beeing one of the four DIM_JNI specific callbacks to
149 // decide whether the tag was a global reference.
150 // I also have to control the copying of the tags by DIM libraries:
151 // There may be actually some complications because in certain cases the release service is
152 // not invoked but the service is kept on a 'hot-spare' list.
153 // In case of DIS, information from the servep structure maybe copied to a dtq structure.
155 // Forward defintions =====================================================================
157 void info_service_callback( jobject* _aDataDecoder, void* data, int* _size);
158 void info_service_callback_with_cleanup(jobject* _aDataDecoder, void* data, int* _size);
159 void send_callback(jobject* _aCompletionHandler, int* _status);
161 void server_getInfo_callback(jobject* _aDataEncoder, void* *address, int *size);
162 void server_setCmnd_callback(jobject* _aDataDecoder, void *address, int *size);
163 void timer_callback( jobject* _aDimTimer);
164 void server_error_callback(int severity, int code, char *msg);
165 void client_error_callback(int severity, int code, char *msg);
166 void server_exit_callback(int *code);
169 // DLL load, unload and init ==============================================================
171 int dim_jni_attachThread(JNIEnv **env)
172 {
173 #ifdef WIN32
174  DWORD tid;
175  tid = GetCurrentThreadId();
176 #else
177 #ifdef __linux__
178  pthread_t tid;
179  tid = pthread_self();
180 #else
181  int tid = 0;
182 #endif
183 #endif
185  if(tid == MainThreadId)
186  {
187  *env = TheEnv;
188  return 0;
189  }
190  (*theJavaVM)->AttachCurrentThread(theJavaVM, (void *)env, NULL);
191  if(MainThreadId == 0)
192  {
193  MainThreadId = tid;
194  }
195  return 1;
196 }
199 JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* jvm, void* reserved)
200 {
201  int bugs =0;
202  JNIEnv *env;
204 // DBGe(dim_Dbg_MODULE) ; /* trap only, report on exit */
206  if(reserved){}
207  theJavaVM = jvm;
209  dim_jni_attachThread(&env);
210  TheEnv = env;
211 // (*theJavaVM)->AttachCurrentThread(theJavaVM, (void *)&env, NULL);
213 #ifdef develop_a_better_understanding_of_java
214  {
215  jclass test_cid;
216  jmethodID test_mid;
218  test_cid = (*env)->FindClass(env,"dim/test/Ntest$static_class");
219  test_mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env,test_cid, "instance_method", "()V");
220  test_mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env,test_cid, "<init>", "()V");
221  test_mid = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env,test_cid, "static_method", "()V");
222  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);
224  test_cid = (*env)->FindClass(env,"dim/test/Ntest$instance_class");
225  test_mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env,test_cid, "instance_method", "()V");
226  test_mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env,test_cid, "<init>", "()V");
227  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);
229  test_cid = (*env)->FindClass(env,"dim/test/Ntest$method_class");
230  test_mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env,test_cid, "instance_method", "()V");
231  test_mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env,test_cid, "<init>", "()V");
232  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);
233  }
234 #endif
236  NativeDataMemory = (*env)->FindClass(env, "dim/Memory");
237  NativeDataMemory_new = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, NativeDataMemory, "<init>", "()V");
238  NativeDataMemory_decodeData = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, NativeDataMemory, "decodeData", "(JILdim/DataDecoder;)V");
239  NativeDataMemory_dataAddress = (*env)->GetFieldID (env, NativeDataMemory, "dataAddress", "J");
240  NativeDataMemory_dataSize = (*env)->GetFieldID (env, NativeDataMemory, "highWaterMark", "I");
241  NativeDataMemory = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, NativeDataMemory);
242  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {bugs++; (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);}
245  ourNativeMemoryObject = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, ourNativeMemoryObject);
246  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {bugs++; (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);}
248  SendSynchronizer = (*env)->FindClass(env, "dim/Client$SendSynchronizer");
249  SendSynchronizer_new = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, SendSynchronizer, "<init>", "(Ldim/CompletionHandler;)V");
250  SendSynchronizer_setCompletionCode = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, SendSynchronizer, "setCompletionCode", "(I)I");
251  SendSynchronizer_getCompletionCode = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, SendSynchronizer, "getCompletionCode", "(I)I");
252  SendSynchronizer = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, SendSynchronizer);
253  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {bugs++; (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);}
255  ReceiveSynchronizer = (*env)->FindClass(env, "dim/Client$ReceiveSynchronizer");
256  ReceiveSynchronizer_new = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, ReceiveSynchronizer, "<init>", "(Ldim/DataDecoder;)V");
257  ReceiveSynchronizer_decodeNativeData = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, ReceiveSynchronizer, "decodeData", "(Ldim/Memory;)V");
258  ReceiveSynchronizer_getCompletionCode = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, ReceiveSynchronizer, "getCompletionCode","(I)I" );
259  ReceiveSynchronizer = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, ReceiveSynchronizer);
260  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {bugs++; (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);}
262  CompletionHandler = (*env)->FindClass(env, "dim/CompletionHandler");
263  CompletionHandler_setCompletionCode = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, CompletionHandler, "setCompletionCode", "(I)I");
264  CompletionHandler = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, CompletionHandler);
265  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {bugs++; (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);}
267  NativeDataDecoder = (*env)->FindClass(env, "dim/DataDecoder");
268  NativeDataDecoder_decodeNativeData = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, NativeDataDecoder, "decodeData", "(Ldim/Memory;)V");
269  NativeDataDecoder = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, NativeDataDecoder);
270  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {bugs++; (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);}
272  NativeDataEncoder = (*env)->FindClass(env, "dim/DataEncoder");
273  NativeDataEncoder_encodeNativeData = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, NativeDataEncoder, "encodeData", "()Ldim/Memory;");
274  NativeDataEncoder = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, NativeDataEncoder);
275  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {bugs++; (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);}
277  NativeDimTimer = (*env)->FindClass(env, "dim/DimTimer");
278  NativeDimTimer_timerHandler = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, NativeDimTimer, "timerHandler", "()V");
279  NativeDimTimer = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, NativeDimTimer);
280  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {bugs++; (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);}
282  NativeDimSrvError = (*env)->FindClass(env, "dim/DimErrorHandler$DimSrvError");
283  NativeDimSrvError_new = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, NativeDimSrvError, "<init>", "()V");
284  NativeDimSrvError_errorHandler = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, NativeDimSrvError, "errorHandler", "(IILjava/lang/String;)V");
285  NativeDimSrvError = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, NativeDimSrvError);
287  ourNativeDimSrvError = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, ourNativeDimSrvError);
288  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {bugs++; (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);}
290  NativeDimCltError = (*env)->FindClass(env, "dim/DimErrorHandler$DimCltError");
291  NativeDimCltError_new = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, NativeDimCltError, "<init>", "()V");
292  NativeDimCltError_errorHandler = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, NativeDimCltError, "errorHandler", "(IILjava/lang/String;)V");
293  NativeDimCltError = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, NativeDimCltError);
295  ourNativeDimCltError = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, ourNativeDimCltError);
296  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {bugs++; (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);}
298  NativeDimExit = (*env)->FindClass(env, "dim/DimExitHandler$DimExit");
299  NativeDimExit_new = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, NativeDimExit, "<init>", "()V");
300  NativeDimExit_exitHandler = (*env)->GetMethodID (env, NativeDimExit, "exitHandler", "(I)V");
301  NativeDimExit = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, NativeDimExit);
302  ourNativeDimExit = (*env)->NewObject(env, NativeDimExit, NativeDimExit_new);
303  ourNativeDimExit = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, ourNativeDimExit);
304  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {bugs++; (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env);}
306  DBGx(dim_Dbg_MODULE) printf("DimJNI: loaded DLL with dim version %d and JNI %d.%d\n", dim_JNI_version,JNI_VERSION>>16,JNI_VERSION&0xFFFF);
308  return(JNI_VERSION);
309 }
312 JNI_OnUnLoad(JNIEnv* env, void* reserved)
313 {
314 // static JNIEnv* env;
316 // DBGe(dim_Dbg_MODULE) ; /* trap only, report on exit */
318  if(reserved){}
319 // (*jvm)->AttachCurrentThread(jvm, (void *)&env, NULL);
320  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, NativeDataMemory);
321  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, SendSynchronizer);
322  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, ReceiveSynchronizer);
323  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, CompletionHandler);
324  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, NativeDataDecoder);
325  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, NativeDataEncoder);
326  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, ourNativeMemoryObject);
328  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, NativeDimTimer);
329  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, NativeDimSrvError);
330  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, ourNativeDimSrvError);
331  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, NativeDimCltError);
332  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, ourNativeDimCltError);
333  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, NativeDimExit);
334  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, ourNativeDimExit);
336  DBGx(dim_Dbg_MODULE) printf("DimJNI: DLL unloaded\n");
337  return(0);
338 }
343 /* implementation of dim_native.h =============================================================== */
345 /*
346  * Class: dim_Native
347  * Method: init
348  * Signature: ()I
349  */
350 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Native_init
351  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass)
352 {
353  JavaVM* jvm;
355  if(nativeClass){}
356  if(theJavaVM!=NULL) return JNI_VERSION;
357  (*env)->GetJavaVM(env, &jvm);
358  return JNI_OnLoad(jvm, 0);
359 }
361 /*
362  * Class: dim_Native
363  * Method: stop
364  * Signature: ()I
365  */
366 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Native_stop
367  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass)
368 {
370  if(nativeClass){}
371  return JNI_OnUnLoad(env, 0);
372 }
375 /* implementation of dim_dbg.h ================================================================== */
377 /*
378  * Class: dim_Dbg
379  * Method: setMask
380  * Signature: (I)V
381  */
382 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Dbg_setMask
383  (JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jint dbg_mask)
384 {
385  if(env){}
386  if(nativeClass){}
387  if(dim_Dbg_TRANSACTIONS & (DBG_mask|dbg_mask))
388  printf("DimJNI: debug mask changed from %08x to %08x\n", DBG_mask, dbg_mask);
389  DBG_mask = dbg_mask;
390 }
392 /*
393  * Class: dim_Dbg
394  * Method: getMask
395  * Signature: ()I
396  */
397 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Dbg_getMask
398  (JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass)
399 {
400  if(env){}
401  if(nativeClass){}
402  return DBG_mask;
403 }
408 /* implementation of dim_client.h =============================================================== */
411 /* the send callback */
413 void send_callback(jobject* _theCompletionHandler, int* _status)
414 {
415  jobject theCompletionHandler = *_theCompletionHandler;
416  JNIEnv* env;
417  int doit;
419  DBGe(dim_Dbg_SEND_CALLBACK) printf("DimJNI: client SEND_CALLBACK status %08lx:%d\n", (dim_long)_status, *_status);
421  doit = dim_jni_attachThread(&env);
422 // (*theJavaVM)->AttachCurrentThread(theJavaVM, (void *)&env, NULL);
424  (*env)->CallIntMethod(env, theCompletionHandler, CompletionHandler_setCompletionCode, *_status);
425  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, theCompletionHandler);
427  if(doit)
428  (*theJavaVM)->DetachCurrentThread(theJavaVM);
429  return;
430 }
432 /* for debuging messages only, so I do not care about reentrance (which could potentially happen) */
433 static char* send_data_format;
435 /* general send service */
436 jint send_data
437  (JNIEnv *env, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, void* data_address, int data_size)
438 {
439  jint ret;
440  int stamped = 0;
441  void (*callback_funct)();
442  jobject callback_param;
443  jobject theSendSynchronizer;
445  extern int request_command(char *, void *, int , void (*)(), dim_long, int);
447  const char* cmnd = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, name, 0);
449 // DBGe(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) ; /* trap only, report later */
451  if(timeout){}
452  if(mode & dim_Native_F_STAMPED) stamped = 1;
453  if(mode & dim_Native_F_WAIT) // note: dim_Native_F_WAIT defined as -2147483648L //(0x80000000)
454  {
455  // Create a SendSynchronizer object using theCompletionHandler
456  theSendSynchronizer = (*env)->NewObject(env, SendSynchronizer, SendSynchronizer_new, theCompletionHandler);
457  callback_param = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, theSendSynchronizer);
458  callback_funct = &send_callback;
459  }
460  else if(theCompletionHandler)
461  {
462  // create a global reference of the CompletionHandler if present
463  callback_param = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, theCompletionHandler);
464  callback_funct = &send_callback;
465  }
466  else
467  {
468  callback_param = 0;
469  callback_funct = 0;
470  }
472  // Send the request
473  ret = request_command((char *)cmnd, data_address, data_size, callback_funct, (dim_long)callback_param, stamped);
474  DBGx(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) printf("DimJNI: Client.Send(%s,(%s) 0x%x) returns %d \n", cmnd, send_data_format, * (int*) data_address, ret);
476  // release the String
477  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, name, cmnd);
479 //if the send request was not queued and there is a CompletionHandler, we call the send_callback
480  if(!ret && callback_param)
481  {
482  DBGm(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) printf("DimJNI: Native.send calls callback as bug fix.\n");
483 // TODO we do not have to call send_callback(&callback_param, &ret); when not queued? //Apparently we do not need this.
484  }
486  if(mode & dim_Native_F_WAIT)
487  {
488  ret=(*env)->CallIntMethod(env, theSendSynchronizer, SendSynchronizer_getCompletionCode, 0);
489  DBGx(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) printf("DimJNI: SEND returns (after wait) %08x\n",ret);
490  }
492  return ret;
493 }
497 /*
498  * Class: dim_Client
499  * Method: send
500  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;IIZ)I
501  */
503  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jboolean data)
504 {
505  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jboolean";
506  if(This){}
507  return send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, &data, sizeof(data));
508 }
511 /*
512  * Class: dim_Client
513  * Method: send
514  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;IIC)I
515  */
517  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jchar data)
518 {
519  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jchar";
520  if(This){}
521  return send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, &data, sizeof(data));
522 }
525 /*
526  * Class: dim_Client
527  * Method: send
528  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;IIB)I
529  */
531  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jbyte data)
532 {
533  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jbyte";
534  if(This){}
535  return send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, &data, sizeof(data));
536 }
539 /*
540  * Class: dim_Client
541  * Method: send
542  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;IIS)I
543  */
545  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jshort data)
546 {
547  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jshort";
548  if(This){}
549  return send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, &data, sizeof(data));
550 }
553 /*
554  * Class: dim_Client
555  * Method: send
556  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;III)I
557  */
559  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jint data)
560 {
561  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jint";
562  if(This){}
563  return send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, &data, sizeof(data));
564 }
567 /*
568  * Class: dim_Client
569  * Method: send
570  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;IIJ)I
571  */
573  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jlong data)
574 {
575  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jlong";
576  if(This){}
577  return send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, &data, sizeof(data));
578 }
581 /*
582  * Class: dim_Client
583  * Method: send
584  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;IIF)I
585  */
587  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jfloat data)
588 {
589  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jfloat";
590  if(This){}
591  return send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, &data, sizeof(data));
592 }
595 /*
596  * Class: dim_Client
597  * Method: send
598  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;IID)I
599  */
601  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jdouble data)
602 {
603  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jdouble";
604  if(This){}
605  return send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, &data, sizeof(data));
606 }
609 /*
610  * Class: dim_Client
611  * Method: send
612  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;IILjava/lang/String;)I
613  */
615  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jstring sdata)
616 {
617  jint ret;
618  const char* data = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, sdata, 0);
620  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "String";
621  if(This){}
622  ret = send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, (void*) data, (int)strlen(data)+1);
624  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env,sdata, data);
625  return ret;
626 }
629 /*
630  * Class: dim_Client
631  * Method: send
632  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;II[Z)I
633  */
635  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jbooleanArray dataArray)
636 {
637  jboolean* nativeDataArray;
638  jint length;
639  jint ret;
641  nativeDataArray = (*env)->GetBooleanArrayElements(env,dataArray,0);
642  length = (jint)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env,dataArray) * (jint)sizeof(*nativeDataArray);
644  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "boolean[]";
645  if(This){}
646  ret = send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, nativeDataArray, length);
648  (*env)->ReleaseBooleanArrayElements(env,dataArray,nativeDataArray,JNI_ABORT);
649  return ret;
650 }
653 /*
654  * Class: dim_Client
655  * Method: send
656  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;II[C)I
657  */
659  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jcharArray dataArray)
660 {
661  jchar* nativeDataArray;
662  jint length;
663  jint ret;
665  nativeDataArray = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env,dataArray,0);
666  length = (jint)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env,dataArray) * (jint)sizeof(*nativeDataArray);
668  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jchar[]";
669  if(This){}
670  ret = send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, nativeDataArray, length);
672  (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env,dataArray,nativeDataArray,JNI_ABORT);
673  return ret;
674 }
677 /*
678  * Class: dim_Client
679  * Method: send
680  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;II[B)I
681  */
683  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jbyteArray dataArray)
684 {
685  jbyte* nativeDataArray;
686  jint length;
687  jint ret;
689  nativeDataArray = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env,dataArray,0);
690  length = (jint)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env,dataArray) * (jint)sizeof(*nativeDataArray);
692  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jbyte[]";
693  if(This){}
694  ret = send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, nativeDataArray, length);
696  (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env,dataArray,nativeDataArray,JNI_ABORT);
697  return ret;
698 }
701 /*
702  * Class: dim_Client
703  * Method: send
704  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;II[S)I
705  */
707  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jshortArray dataArray)
708 {
709  jshort* nativeDataArray;
710  jint length;
711  jint ret;
713  nativeDataArray = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env,dataArray,0);
714  length = (jint)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env,dataArray) * (jint)sizeof(*nativeDataArray);
716  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jshort[]";
717  if(This){}
718  ret = send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, nativeDataArray, length);
720  (*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env,dataArray,nativeDataArray,JNI_ABORT);
721  return ret;
722 }
725 /*
726  * Class: dim_Client
727  * Method: send
728  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;II[I)I
729  */
731  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jintArray dataArray)
732 {
733  jint* nativeDataArray;
734  jint length;
735  jint ret;
737  nativeDataArray = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env,dataArray,0);
738  length = (jint)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env,dataArray) * (jint)sizeof(*nativeDataArray);
740  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jint[]";
741  if(This){}
742  ret = send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, nativeDataArray, length);
744  (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env,dataArray,nativeDataArray,JNI_ABORT);
745  return ret;
746 }
749 /*
750  * Class: dim_Client
751  * Method: send
752  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;II[J)I
753  */
755  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jlongArray dataArray)
756 {
757  jlong* nativeDataArray;
758  jint length;
759  jint ret;
761  nativeDataArray = (*env)->GetLongArrayElements(env,dataArray,0);
762  length = (jint)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env,dataArray) * (jint)sizeof(*nativeDataArray);
764  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jlong[]";
765  if(This){}
766  ret = send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, nativeDataArray, length);
768  (*env)->ReleaseLongArrayElements(env,dataArray,nativeDataArray,JNI_ABORT);
769  return ret;
770 }
773 /*
774  * Class: dim_Client
775  * Method: send
776  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;II[F)I
777  */
779  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jfloatArray dataArray)
780 {
781  jfloat* nativeDataArray;
782  jint length;
783  jint ret;
785  nativeDataArray = (*env)->GetFloatArrayElements(env,dataArray,0);
786  length = (jint)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env,dataArray) * (jint)sizeof(*nativeDataArray);
788  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jfloat[]";
789  if(This){}
790  ret = send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, nativeDataArray, length);
792  (*env)->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(env,dataArray,nativeDataArray,JNI_ABORT);
793  return ret;
794 }
797 /*
798  * Class: dim_Client
799  * Method: send
800  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;II[D)I
801  */
803  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jdoubleArray dataArray)
804 {
805  jdouble* nativeDataArray;
806  jint length;
807  jint ret;
809  nativeDataArray = (*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements(env,dataArray,0);
810  length = (jint)(*env)->GetArrayLength(env,dataArray) * (jint)sizeof(*nativeDataArray);
812  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "jdouble[]";
813  if(This){}
814  ret = send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, nativeDataArray, length);
816  (*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(env,dataArray,nativeDataArray,JNI_ABORT);
817  return ret;
818 }
821 /*
822  * Class: dim_Client
823  * Method: send
824  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/CompletionHandler;IIJI)I
825  */
827  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jlong nativeDataBlock, jint nativeDataSize)
828 {
830  DBG(dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE) send_data_format = "nativeDataBlock";
831  if(This){}
832  return send_data(env, name, theCompletionHandler, mode, timeout, (void*) nativeDataBlock, nativeDataSize);
833 }
837 /* This function is called by callback there is new data to be decoded */
838 void decodeData(jobject* _theDataDecoder, void* dataAddress, int* _dataSize, int cleanup)
839 {
840  jobject theDataDecoder = *_theDataDecoder;
841  int dataSize = *_dataSize;
842  JNIEnv* env;
843  int doit;
845  doit = dim_jni_attachThread(&env);
846 // (*theJavaVM)->AttachCurrentThread(theJavaVM, (void *)&env, NULL);
847  if(dataAddress == NULL)
848  {
849  (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, theDataDecoder, NativeDataDecoder_decodeNativeData, NULL);
850  }
851  else
852  {
853  /* the decode method will further complete the Memory object and call the decodeData method of the DataDecoder object */
854  (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, ourNativeMemoryObject, NativeDataMemory_decodeData, (jlong) dataAddress, (jint) dataSize, theDataDecoder);
855  }
857  /* and cleanup */
858  if(cleanup) (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, theDataDecoder);
859  if(doit)
860  (*theJavaVM)->DetachCurrentThread(theJavaVM);
862  return;
863 }
867 /* This call back is called when there is new data for a client subscription */
868 void info_service_callback(jobject* _theDataDecoder, void* dataAddress, int* _dataSize)
869 {
870  DBGe(dim_Dbg_INFO_CALLBACK) printf("DimJNI: INFO_CALLBACK(data: %08lx(%08x))\n", (dim_long) dataAddress, *_dataSize);
872  decodeData(_theDataDecoder, dataAddress, _dataSize, 0);
873 }
876 /* This call back is called when a client once_only subscription completes (so we clean up) */
877 void info_service_callback_with_cleanup(jobject* _theDataDecoder, void* dataAddress, int* _dataSize)
878 {
879  DBGe(dim_Dbg_INFO_CALLBACK) printf("DimJNI: INFO_CALLBACK/ONCE_ONLY(data: %08lx(%08x))\n", (dim_long)dataAddress, *_dataSize);
881  decodeData(_theDataDecoder, dataAddress, _dataSize, 1);
883 }
885 /* This function is called by callback when timer fires */
886 void callTimerHandler(jobject* _aDimTimer)
887 {
888 // jobject aDimTimer = *_aDimTimer;
889  JNIEnv* env;
890  int doit;
892  doit = dim_jni_attachThread(&env);
893 // (*theJavaVM)->AttachCurrentThread(theJavaVM, (void *)&env, NULL);
894 //printf("Got callback %08x\n", _aDimTimer);
895  (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, (jobject)_aDimTimer, NativeDimTimer_timerHandler, NULL);
896  if(doit)
897  (*theJavaVM)->DetachCurrentThread(theJavaVM);
899  return;
900 }
902 /* This call back is called when the timer expires */
903 void timer_callback(jobject* _aDimTimer)
904 {
905  callTimerHandler(_aDimTimer);
906 }
908 /* This function is called by callback when Server Error detected */
909 void callServerErrorHandler(int severity, int code, char *msg)
910 {
911  JNIEnv* env;
912  int doit;
914  doit = dim_jni_attachThread(&env);
915 // (*theJavaVM)->AttachCurrentThread(theJavaVM, (void *)&env, NULL);
916  (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, ourNativeDimSrvError, NativeDimSrvError_errorHandler,
917  (jint)severity, (jint)code, (jstring)(*env)->NewStringUTF(env, msg));
918  if(doit)
919  (*theJavaVM)->DetachCurrentThread(theJavaVM);
920  return;
921 }
923 /* This callback is called when the server gets an error*/
924 void server_error_callback(int severity, int code, char *msg)
925 {
926  callServerErrorHandler(severity, code, msg);
927 }
929 /* This function is called by callback when Client Error detected */
930 void callClientErrorHandler(int severity, int code, char *msg)
931 {
932  JNIEnv* env;
933  int doit;
935  doit = dim_jni_attachThread(&env);
936 // (*theJavaVM)->AttachCurrentThread(theJavaVM, (void *)&env, NULL);
937  (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, ourNativeDimCltError, NativeDimCltError_errorHandler,
938  (jint)severity, (jint)code, (jstring)(*env)->NewStringUTF(env, msg));
939  if(doit)
940  (*theJavaVM)->DetachCurrentThread(theJavaVM);
941  return;
942 }
944 /* This callback is called when the client gets an error*/
945 void client_error_callback(int severity, int code, char *msg)
946 {
947  callClientErrorHandler(severity, code, msg);
948 }
950 void callServerExitHandler(int code)
951 {
952 // jobject aDimTimer = *_aDimTimer;
953  JNIEnv* env;
954  int doit;
956  doit = dim_jni_attachThread(&env);
957 // (*theJavaVM)->AttachCurrentThread(theJavaVM, (void *)&env, NULL);
958  (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, ourNativeDimExit, NativeDimExit_exitHandler,
959  (jint)code);
960  if(doit)
961  (*theJavaVM)->DetachCurrentThread(theJavaVM);
962  return;
963 }
965 /* This call back is called when the timer expires */
966 void server_exit_callback(int *code)
967 {
968  callServerExitHandler(*code);
969 }
971 /*
972  * Class: dim_Client
973  * Method: infoService
974  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/DataDecoder;II)I
975  */
976 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_infoService
977  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theNativeDataDecoder, jint mode, jint timeout)
978 {
979  jint ret;
980  int no_link;
981  int stamped = 0;
982  int service_type = mode & 0x0FFF;
983  void (*callback_function)();
984  jobject callback_param;
985  jobject theReceiveSynchronizer;
986  const char* info = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, name, 0);
987  extern unsigned request_service(char *, int, int , void *, int , void (*)(),
988  dim_long, void *, int, int);
990 // DBGe(dim_Dbg_INFO_SERVICE); /* trap only, we report on exit */
992  if(This){}
993  if(mode & dim_Native_F_STAMPED) stamped = 1;
994  if(mode & dim_Native_F_WAIT)
995  {
996  // Create a ReceiveSynchronizer object using the dataDecoder
997  theReceiveSynchronizer = (*env)->NewObject(env, ReceiveSynchronizer, ReceiveSynchronizer_new, theNativeDataDecoder);
998  callback_param = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, theReceiveSynchronizer);
999  }
1000  else
1001  {
1002  callback_param = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, theNativeDataDecoder);
1003  }
1005  if(service_type == dim_Native_ONCE_ONLY)
1006  callback_function = &info_service_callback_with_cleanup;
1007  else
1008  callback_function = &info_service_callback; //TODO who should do the cleanup?
1011  ret = (jint)request_service((char *)info, service_type, timeout, 0, 0, callback_function, (dim_long)callback_param, &no_link, 0, stamped);
1012  DBGx(dim_Dbg_INFO_SERVICE) printf("DimJNI: client infoService(%s, DataDecoder@0x%08lx, mode=%d, timeout=%d ) returns %d\n", info, (dim_long)theNativeDataDecoder, mode, timeout, ret);
1013  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, name, info);
1015  if(mode & dim_Native_F_WAIT)
1016  {
1017  /* we synchronize by calling the getCompletionCode method of the ReceiveSynchronizer */
1018  (*env)->CallIntMethod(env, theReceiveSynchronizer, ReceiveSynchronizer_getCompletionCode, 0);
1019  DBGx(dim_Dbg_INFO_SERVICE) printf("DimJNI: infoService(%s) completed with %08x\n",info, ret);
1020  }
1022  return ret;
1023 }
1025 /*
1026  * Class: dim_DimTimer
1027  * Method: start
1028  * Signature: (Ldim/DimTimer;I)V
1029  */
1030 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_dim_DimTimer_start
1031  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jobject aDimTimer, jint secs)
1032 {
1033  jobject callback_param;
1034  void (*callback_function)();
1036  if(This){}
1037  callback_param = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, aDimTimer);
1038  callback_function = &timer_callback; //TODO who should do the cleanup?
1040 //printf("Starting timer %d, %08x %08x\n", secs, (long)callback_param, aDimTimer);
1041  dtq_start_timer(secs, callback_function, callback_param);
1043  return (jlong)callback_param;
1044 }
1046 /*
1047  * Class: dim_DimTimer
1048  * Method: stop
1049  * Signature: (Ldim/DimTimer)V
1050  */
1051 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimTimer_stop
1052 // (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jobject aDimTimer)
1053  (JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jlong aDimTimer)
1054 {
1055  jobject callback_param;
1056  int ret;
1058  if(env){}
1059  if(This){}
1060 // callback_param = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, aDimTimer);
1061  callback_param = (jobject) aDimTimer;
1063 //printf("Stopping timer %08x %08X\n", callback_param, aDimTimer);
1064  ret = dtq_stop_timer((dim_long)callback_param);
1065  //printf("ret = %d\n", ret);
1067  return;
1068 }
1071 /*
1072  * Class: dim_Client
1073  * Method: releaseService
1074  * Signature: (I)V
1075  */
1076 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Client_releaseService
1077  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jint sid)
1078 {
1080  DIC_SERVICE *servp;
1082 // DBGe(dim_Dbg_INFO_SERVICE) ; /* Trap only, report later */
1084  if(This){}
1085  servp = (DIC_SERVICE *)id_get_ptr(sid, SRC_DIC);
1087 /*
1088 Hans Essel, 3.12.08
1089 Without deleting the global reference, the Java GC could not free the object!
1090 Any DimInfo object would stay forever. This is a memory leak.
1091 */
1092  if(servp != NULL)
1093  {
1094  // DBGx(dim_Dbg_INFO_SERVICE) printf("DimJNI: Client.releaseService(%d (%s))\n", sid, servp->serv_name);
1095  servp->user_routine = NULL; // make sure this is not called anymore
1096  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, (jobject) servp->tag);
1097  servp->tag = 0;
1098  }
1100  dic_release_service(sid);
1101  return;
1102 }
1104 /*
1105  * Class: dim_Client
1106  * Method: noPadding
1107  * Signature: ()V
1108  */
1109 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Client_noPadding
1110  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1111 {
1113  if(env){}
1114  if(This){}
1116  return;
1117 }
1119 /*
1120  * Class: dim_Client
1121  * Method: getFormat
1122  * Signature: (I)Ljava/lang/String;
1123  */
1124 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Client_getFormat
1125  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jint sid)
1126 {
1128  if(This){}
1129  return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, (char*)dic_get_format(sid));
1130 }
1132 /*
1133  * Class: dim_Client
1134  * Method: stop
1135  * Signature: ()V
1136  */
1137 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Client_stop
1138  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1139 {
1140  extern void dim_stop();
1142  if(env){}
1143  if(This){}
1144  dim_stop();
1145  return;
1146 }
1148 /*
1149  * Class: dim_DimInfo
1150  * Method: getQuality
1151  * Signature: (I)I;
1152  */
1153 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_DimInfo_getQuality
1154  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jint sid)
1155 {
1156  int ret;
1158  if(env){}
1159  if(This){}
1160  ret = dic_get_quality(sid);
1161  return ret;
1162 }
1164 /*
1165  * Class: dim_DimInfo
1166  * Method: getTimestamp
1167  * Signature: (I)I;
1168  */
1169 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_DimInfo_getTimestamp
1170  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jint sid)
1171 {
1172  int mysecs, mymilli;
1173  if(env){}
1174  if(This){}
1175  dic_get_timestamp(sid, &mysecs, &mymilli);
1176  return mysecs;
1177 }
1179 /*
1180  * Class: dim_DimInfo
1181  * Method: getTimestampMillisecs
1182  * Signature: (I)I;
1183  */
1184 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_DimInfo_getTimestampMillisecs
1185  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jint sid)
1186 {
1187  int mysecs, mymilli;
1188  if(env){}
1189  if(This){}
1190  dic_get_timestamp(sid, &mysecs, &mymilli);
1191  return mymilli;
1192 }
1194 /* implementation of dim_server.h =============================================================== */
1197 /*
1198  * Class: dim_Server
1199  * Method: startServing
1200  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)I
1201  */
1202 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_startServing
1203  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jstring serverName)
1204 {
1205  const char* serverNameUTF = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, serverName, 0);
1207  if(This){}
1209  dis_start_serving(serverNameUTF);
1211  DBGe(dim_Dbg_SERVER) printf("DimJNI: Start serving\n");
1213  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, serverName, serverNameUTF);
1214  return 0;
1215 }
1217 /*
1218  * Class: dim_Server
1219  * Method: stopServing
1220  * Signature: ()V
1221  */
1222 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Server_stopServing
1223  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1224 {
1225  DBGe(dim_Dbg_SERVER) printf("DimJNI: Stop serving\n");
1226  if(env){}
1227  if(This){}
1228  dis_stop_serving();
1229  return;
1230 }
1232 void server_getInfo_callback(jobject* _dataEncoder, void* *address, int *size)
1233 {
1234  /* server_getInfo_callback is invoked when dim needs the data for a service.
1235  * The data is obtained by calling the encodeData method of the DataEncoder
1236  * interface which returns us a Memory object. Next we extract the data address
1237  * and size from the returned Memory object.
1238  */
1239  /* Note, the DataEncoder can obtain the identity of the client by calling
1240  * getClient or getClientConnID */
1242  /* thou shall not not use volatile storage to return info to dim */
1243  jobject dataEncoder = *_dataEncoder;
1244  jobject theMemory;
1245  JNIEnv* env;
1246  int doit;
1248 // DBGe(dim_Dbg_SERVICE_CALLBACK) ; /* no report, only trap */
1250  doit = dim_jni_attachThread(&env);
1251 // (*theJavaVM)->AttachCurrentThread(theJavaVM, (void *)&env, NULL);
1253  theMemory = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, dataEncoder, NativeDataEncoder_encodeNativeData);
1254  if(theMemory == NULL)
1255  {
1256  *address = 0;
1257  *size = 0;
1258  }
1259  else
1260  {
1261  *address = (void*) (*env)->GetLongField(env, theMemory, NativeDataMemory_dataAddress);
1262  *size = (*env)->GetIntField(env, theMemory, NativeDataMemory_dataSize);
1263 // printf("data address = %x, data size = %d\n",*address, *size);
1264  }
1265  DBGx(dim_Dbg_SERVICE_CALLBACK) printf("DimJNI: server_SERVICE_CALLBACK(dataEncoder=%08lx)\n ==> data: %08lx size %08x\n", (dim_long)dataEncoder, (dim_long) *address, *size);
1267  if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); // clear any possible exception, if we do not do this, all further methods will fail!!
1268  if(doit)
1269  (*theJavaVM)->DetachCurrentThread(theJavaVM);
1271  return;
1272 }
1275 /*
1276  * Class: dim_Server
1277  * Method: getClientConnID
1278  * Signature: ()I
1279  */
1280 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_getClientConnID
1281  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1282 {
1283  DBGe(dim_Dbg_GETCLIENT) printf("DimJNI: Server.getClientConnID\n");
1285  if(env){}
1286  if(This){}
1287  return dis_get_conn_id();
1288 }
1290 /*
1291  * Class: dim_Server
1292  * Method: getClient
1293  * Signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;
1294  */
1295 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Server_getClient
1296  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1297 {
1298  char name[MAX_NODE_NAME+MAX_TASK_NAME+4];
1300  DBGe(dim_Dbg_GETCLIENT) printf("DimJNI: Server.getClient\n");
1302  if(This){}
1303  if(dis_get_client(name))
1304  return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, name);
1305  else
1306  return NULL;
1307 }
1309 /*
1310  * Class: dim_Server
1311  * Method: getServices
1312  * Signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;
1313  */
1314 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Server_getServices
1315  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1316 {
1317  int id;
1319  DBGe(dim_Dbg_GETCLIENT) printf("DimJNI: Server.getClientServices\n");
1321  if(This){}
1322  if( (id = dis_get_conn_id()) )
1323  return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, dis_get_client_services(id));
1324  else
1325  return NULL;
1326 }
1328 /*
1329  * Class: dim_Client
1330  * Method: getServerPID
1331  * Signature: ()I
1332  */
1333 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_getServerPID
1334  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1335 {
1336  int pid, ret;
1338  if(env){}
1339  if(This){}
1340  ret = dic_get_server_pid(&pid);
1341  if(!ret)
1342  return 0;
1343  return pid;
1344 }
1346 /*
1347  * Class: dim_Client
1348  * Method: getServerConnID
1349  * Signature: ()I
1350  */
1351 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_getServerConnID
1352  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1353 {
1354  if(env){}
1355  if(This){}
1356  return dic_get_conn_id();
1357 }
1359 /*
1360  * Class: dim_Client
1361  * Method: getServer
1362  * Signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;
1363  */
1364 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Client_getServer
1365  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1366 {
1367  char name[MAX_NODE_NAME+MAX_TASK_NAME+4];
1369  if(This){}
1370  if(dic_get_server(name))
1371  return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, name);
1372  else
1373  return NULL;
1374 }
1376 /*
1377  * Class: dim_Client
1378  * Method: getServices
1379  * Signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;
1380  */
1381 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Client_getServices
1382  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1383 {
1384  int id;
1386  if(This){}
1387  if( (id = dic_get_conn_id()) )
1388  return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, dic_get_server_services(id));
1389  else
1390  return NULL;
1391 }
1393 /*
1394  * Class: dim_Server
1395  * Method: addService
1396  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/DataEncoder;)I
1397  */
1398 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_addService
1399  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jstring serviceName, jstring serviceType, jobject dataEncoder)
1400 {
1401  const char* serviceNameUTF = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, serviceName, 0);
1402  const char* serviceTypeUTF = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, serviceType, 0);
1403  jint sid;
1405 // DBGe(dim_Dbg_ADD_SERVICE) ; /* no reporting, for trap only */
1407  if(This){}
1408  dataEncoder = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, dataEncoder);
1409  sid = (jint)dis_add_service(serviceNameUTF, serviceTypeUTF, 0, 0, server_getInfo_callback, dataEncoder);
1411  DBGx(dim_Dbg_ADD_SERVICE) printf("DimJNI: Server.addService(%s,%s, @%08lx)=%d\n",serviceNameUTF, serviceTypeUTF, (dim_long)dataEncoder, sid);
1413  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, serviceName, serviceNameUTF);
1414  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, serviceType, serviceTypeUTF);
1415  return sid;
1416 }
1419 void server_cmnd_callback(jobject* _theDataDecoder, void* dataAddress, int* _dataSize)
1420 {
1422  DBGe(dim_Dbg_CMND_CALLBACK) printf("DimJNI: server CMND_CALLBACK(data: %08lx(%08x))\n", (dim_long) dataAddress, *_dataSize);
1424  decodeData(_theDataDecoder, dataAddress, _dataSize, 0);
1425 }
1428 /*
1429  * Class: dim_Server
1430  * Method: addCommand
1431  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ldim/DataDecoder;)I
1432  */
1433 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_addCommand
1434  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jstring serviceName, jstring serviceType, jobject dataDecoder)
1435 {
1436  const char* serviceNameUTF = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, serviceName, 0);
1437  const char* serviceTypeUTF = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, serviceType, 0);
1438  jint sid;
1440 // DBGe(dim_Dbg_ADD_CMND) ; /* trap only, repot later */
1441  if(This){}
1442  dataDecoder = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, dataDecoder);
1443  sid = (jint)dis_add_cmnd(serviceNameUTF, serviceTypeUTF, server_cmnd_callback, dataDecoder);
1445  DBGx(dim_Dbg_ADD_CMND) printf("DimJNI: Server.addCmnd(%s,%s, @%08lx) = %d\n",serviceNameUTF, serviceTypeUTF, (dim_long) dataDecoder, sid);
1447  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, serviceName, serviceNameUTF);
1448  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, serviceType, serviceTypeUTF);
1449  return sid;
1450 }
1453 /*
1454  * Class: dim_Server
1455  * Method: selectiveUpdateService
1456  * Signature: (I[I)I
1457  */
1458 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_selectiveUpdateService
1459  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jint sid, jintArray clients)
1460 {
1461  jint* clientArray;
1462  extern void do_update_service(unsigned, int *);
1464  if(This){}
1465  if(clients==NULL) clientArray = NULL;
1466  else clientArray = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env,clients,0);
1468  DBGe(dim_Dbg_UPDATE_SERVICE) printf("DimJNI: Server.updateService %d\n", sid);
1469  do_update_service((unsigned int)sid, (int *)clientArray);
1471  if(clientArray!=NULL) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env,clients,clientArray,JNI_ABORT);
1474  return 0;
1475 }
1477 /*
1478  * Class: dim_Server
1479  * Method: removeService
1480  * Signature: (I)I
1481  */
1482 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_removeService
1483  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jint sid)
1484 {
1485  DBGe(dim_Dbg_RELEASE_SERVICE) printf("DimJNI: Server.removedService %d\n", sid);
1486  if(env){}
1487  if(This){}
1488  dis_remove_service(sid);
1489  return 0;
1490 }
1492 /*
1493  * Class: dim_Server
1494  * Method: noPadding
1495  * Signature: ()V
1496  */
1497 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Server_noPadding
1498  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1499 {
1501  if(env){}
1502  if(This){}
1504  return;
1505 }
1507 /*
1508  * Class: dim_DimErrorHandler
1509  * Method: addSrvErrorHandler
1510  * Signature: ()V
1511  */
1512 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimErrorHandler_addSrvErrorHandler
1513  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1514 {
1516  void (*callback_function)();
1518  if(env){}
1519  if(This){}
1520  callback_function = &server_error_callback;
1522  dis_add_error_handler( callback_function );
1524  return;
1525 }
1527 /*
1528  * Class: dim_DimErrorHandler
1529  * Method: addCltErrorHandler
1530  * Signature: ()V
1531  */
1532 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimErrorHandler_addCltErrorHandler
1533  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1534 {
1536  void (*callback_function)();
1538  if(env){}
1539  if(This){}
1540  callback_function = &client_error_callback;
1542  dic_add_error_handler( callback_function );
1544  return;
1545 }
1547 /*
1548  * Class: dim_DimExitHandler
1549  * Method: addExitHandler
1550  * Signature: ()V
1551  */
1552 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimExitHandler_addExitHandler
1553  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1554 {
1556  void (*callback_function)();
1558  if(env){}
1559  if(This){}
1560  callback_function = &server_exit_callback;
1562  dis_add_exit_handler( callback_function );
1564  return;
1565 }
1567 /*
1568  * Class: dim_DimServer
1569  * Method: disableAST
1570  * Signature: ()V;
1571  */
1572 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_disableAST
1573  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1574 {
1576  DIM_LOCK
1577  if(env){}
1578  if(This){}
1579  return;
1580 }
1582 /*
1583  * Class: dim_DimServer
1584  * Method: enableAST
1585  * Signature: ()V;
1586  */
1587 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_enableAST
1588  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1589 {
1591  if(env){}
1592  if(This){}
1594  return;
1595 }
1597 /*
1598  * Class: dim_DimClient
1599  * Method: disableAST
1600  * Signature: ()V;
1601  */
1602 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_disableAST
1603  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1604 {
1606  DIM_LOCK
1607  if(env){}
1608  if(This){}
1609  return;
1610 }
1612 /*
1613  * Class: dim_DimClient
1614  * Method: enableAST
1615  * Signature: ()V;
1616  */
1617 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_enableAST
1618  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1619 {
1621  if(env){}
1622  if(This){}
1624  return;
1625 }
1627 /*
1628  * Class: dim_DimServer
1629  * Method: setDnsNode
1630  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String)V;
1631  */
1632 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_setDnsNode
1633  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jstring nodes)
1634 {
1635  const char* nodesUTF = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, nodes, 0);
1637  if(env){}
1638  if(This){}
1639  dis_set_dns_node(nodesUTF);
1640  return;
1641 }
1643 /*
1644  * Class: dim_DimServer
1645  * Method: setDnsPort
1646  * Signature: (I)V;
1647  */
1648 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_setDnsPort
1649  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jint port)
1650 {
1651  if(env){}
1652  if(This){}
1653  dis_set_dns_port(port);
1654  return;
1655 }
1657 /*
1658  * Class: dim_DimClient
1659  * Method: setDnsNode
1660  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String)V;
1661  */
1662 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_setDnsNode
1663  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jstring nodes)
1664 {
1665  const char* nodesUTF = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, nodes, 0);
1667  if(env){}
1668  if(This){}
1669  dic_set_dns_node(nodesUTF);
1670  dic_close_dns();
1671  return;
1672 }
1674 /*
1675  * Class: dim_DimClient
1676  * Method: setDnsPort
1677  * Signature: (I)V;
1678  */
1679 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_setDnsPort
1680  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jint port)
1681 {
1682  if(env){}
1683  if(This){}
1684  dic_set_dns_port(port);
1685  return;
1686 }
1688 /*
1689  * Class: dim_DimServer
1690  * Method: getDnsNode
1691  * Signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;
1692  */
1693 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_getDnsNode
1694  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1695 {
1696  char nodes[255];
1698  if(This){}
1699  dis_get_dns_node(nodes);
1700  return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, (char*)nodes);
1701 }
1703 /*
1704  * Class: dim_DimClient
1705  * Method: getDnsNode
1706  * Signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;
1707  */
1708 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_getDnsNode
1709  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1710 {
1711  char nodes[255];
1713  if(This){}
1714  dic_get_dns_node(nodes);
1715  return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, (char*)nodes);
1716 }
1718 /*
1719  * Class: dim_DimServer
1720  * Method: getDnsPort
1721  * Signature: ()I;
1722  */
1723 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_getDnsPort
1724  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1725 {
1727  if(env){}
1728  if(This){}
1729  return dis_get_dns_port();
1730 }
1732 /*
1733  * Class: dim_DimClient
1734  * Method: getDnsPort
1735  * Signature: ()I;
1736  */
1737 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_getDnsPort
1738  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This)
1739 {
1741  if(env){}
1742  if(This){}
1743  return dic_get_dns_port();
1744 }
1746 /*
1747  * Class: dim_DimService
1748  * Method: setQuality
1749  * Signature: (II)V;
1750  */
1751 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimService_setQuality
1752  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jint sid, jint qual)
1753 {
1755  if(env){}
1756  if(This){}
1757  dis_set_quality(sid, qual);
1758  return;
1759 }
1762 /*
1763  * Class: dim_DimService
1764  * Method: setTimestamp
1765  * Signature: (III)V;
1766  */
1767 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimService_setTimestamp
1768  (JNIEnv* env, jclass This, jint sid, jint secs, jint millisecs)
1769 {
1771  if(env){}
1772  if(This){}
1773  dis_set_timestamp(sid, secs, millisecs);
1774  return;
1775 }
1777 /* implementation of dim_memory,h =============================================================== */
1779 /*
1780  * Class: dim_Memory
1781  * Method: dumpInternalData
1782  * Signature: (III)V
1783  */
1784 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_dumpInternalData
1785  (JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong internalDataAddress, jint internalDataSize, jint dumpOptions)
1786 {
1787  {
1788  int* data = (int*) internalDataAddress;
1789  int leng = (int)internalDataSize/(int)sizeof(int);
1790  int i;
1792  if(env){}
1793  if(dumpOptions){}
1794  if(nativeClass){}
1795  for (i=0;i<leng;i++)
1796  {
1797  if((i%8)==0) printf("%04x:",i);
1798  printf(" %08x", *(data++));
1799  if((i%8)==7) printf("\n");
1800  }
1801  if((leng%8)!=0) printf("\n");
1802  }
1803  return;
1804 }
1807 /*
1808  * Class: dim_Memory
1809  * Method: getBoolean
1810  * Signature: (I)Z
1811  */
1812 JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getBoolean
1813  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
1814 {
1815  if(env){}
1816  if(nativeClass){}
1817  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.getBoolean\n");
1818  return *(jboolean*)nativeDataAddress;
1819 }
1821 /*
1822  * Class: dim_Memory
1823  * Method: getChar
1824  * Signature: (I)C
1825  */
1826 JNIEXPORT jchar JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getChar
1827  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
1828 {
1829  if(env){}
1830  if(nativeClass){}
1831  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.getChar\n");
1832  return *(jchar*)nativeDataAddress;
1833 }
1835 /*
1836  * Class: dim_Memory
1837  * Method: getByte
1838  * Signature: (I)B
1839  */
1840 JNIEXPORT jbyte JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getByte
1841  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
1842 {
1843  if(env){}
1844  if(nativeClass){}
1845  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.getByte\n");
1846  return *(jbyte*)nativeDataAddress;
1847 }
1849 /*
1850  * Class: dim_Memory
1851  * Method: getShort
1852  * Signature: (I)S
1853  */
1854 JNIEXPORT jshort JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getShort
1855  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
1856 {
1857  if(env){}
1858  if(nativeClass){}
1859  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.getShort\n");
1860  return *(jshort*)nativeDataAddress;
1861 }
1863 /*
1864  * Class: dim_Memory
1865  * Method: getInt
1866  * Signature: (I)I
1867  */
1868 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getInt
1869  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
1870 {
1871  if(env){}
1872  if(nativeClass){}
1873  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.getInt\n");
1874  return *(jint*)nativeDataAddress;
1875 }
1877 /*
1878  * Class: dim_Memory
1879  * Method: getLong
1880  * Signature: (I)J
1881  */
1882 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getLong
1883  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
1884 {
1885  if(env){}
1886  if(nativeClass){}
1887  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.getLong\n");
1888  return *(jlong*)nativeDataAddress;
1889 }
1891 /*
1892  * Class: dim_Memory
1893  * Method: getFloat
1894  * Signature: (I)F
1895  */
1896 JNIEXPORT jfloat JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getFloat
1897  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
1898 {
1899  if(env){}
1900  if(nativeClass){}
1901  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.getFloat\n");
1902  return *(jfloat*)nativeDataAddress;
1903 }
1905 /*
1906  * Class: dim_Memory
1907  * Method: getDouble
1908  * Signature: (I)D
1909  */
1910 JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getDouble
1911  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
1912 {
1913  if(env){}
1914  if(nativeClass){}
1915  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.getDouble\n");
1916  return *(jdouble*)nativeDataAddress;
1917 }
1920 /*
1921  * Class: dim_Memory
1922  * Method: getString
1923  * Signature: (I,I)Ljava/lang/String;
1924  */
1925 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getString
1926  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jint maxSize)
1927 {
1928  if(env){}
1929  if(nativeClass){}
1930  if(maxSize){}
1931  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.getString\n");
1932  return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, (char*)nativeDataAddress);
1933 }
1936 /*
1937  * Class: dim_Memory
1938  * Method: copyIntoBooleanArray
1939  * Signature: (I[ZII)V
1940  */
1941 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoBooleanArray
1942  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jbooleanArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
1943 {
1944  if(nativeClass){}
1945  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.copyIntoBooleanArray\n");
1946  (*env)->SetBooleanArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
1947  return ;
1948 }
1950 /*
1951  * Class: dim_Memory
1952  * Method: copyIntoCharArray
1953  * Signature: (I[CII)V
1954  */
1955 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoCharArray
1956  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jcharArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
1957 {
1958  if(nativeClass){}
1959  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.copyIntoCharArray\n");
1960  (*env)->SetCharArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
1961  return ;
1962 }
1964 /*
1965  * Class: dim_Memory
1966  * Method: copyIntoByteArray
1967  * Signature: (I[BII)V
1968  */
1969 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoByteArray
1970  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jbyteArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
1971 {
1972  if(nativeClass){}
1973  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.copyIntoByteArray\n");
1974  (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
1975  return ;
1976 }
1978 /*
1979  * Class: dim_Memory
1980  * Method: copyIntoShortArray
1981  * Signature: (I[SII)V
1982  */
1983 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoShortArray
1984  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jshortArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
1985 {
1986  if(nativeClass){}
1987  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.copyIntoShortArray\n");
1988  (*env)->SetShortArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
1989  return ;
1990 }
1992 /*
1993  * Class: dim_Memory
1994  * Method: copyIntoIntArray
1995  * Signature: (I[III)V
1996  */
1997 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoIntArray
1998  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jintArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
1999 {
2000  if(nativeClass){}
2001  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.copyIntoIntArray\n");
2002  (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2003  return ;
2004 }
2006 /*
2007  * Class: dim_Memory
2008  * Method: copyIntoLongArray
2009  * Signature: (I[JII)V
2010  */
2011 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoLongArray
2012  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jlongArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
2013 {
2014  if(nativeClass){}
2015  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.copyIntoLongArray\n");
2016  (*env)->SetLongArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2017  return ;
2018 }
2020 /*
2021  * Class: dim_Memory
2022  * Method: copyIntoFloatArray
2023  * Signature: (I[FII)V
2024  */
2025 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoFloatArray
2026  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jfloatArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
2027 {
2028  if(nativeClass){}
2029  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.copyIntoFloatArray\n");
2030  (*env)->SetFloatArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2031  return ;
2032 }
2034 /*
2035  * Class: dim_Memory
2036  * Method: copyIntoDoubleArray
2037  * Signature: (I[DII)V
2038  */
2039 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoDoubleArray
2040  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jdoubleArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
2041 {
2042  if(nativeClass){}
2043  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: Memory.copyIntoDoubleArray\n");
2044  (*env)->SetDoubleArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2045  return ;
2046 }
2051 /* implementation of dim_mutablememory.h ======================================================== */
2053 /*
2054  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2055  * Method: allocateNativeDataBlock
2056  * Signature: (I)I
2057  */
2058 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_allocateNativeDataBlock
2059  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jint size)
2060 {
2061  jlong address;
2062  if(env){}
2063  if(nativeClass){}
2064 // DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY_ALLOCATE) ; /* report only */
2065  address = (jlong) malloc((size_t)size);
2066  DBGx(dim_Dbg_MEMORY_ALLOCATE) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.allocateNativeDataBlock of %d bytes at 0x%08lx\n", size, address);
2067  return address;
2068 }
2070 /*
2071  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2072  * Method: releaseNativeDataBlock
2073  * Signature: (I)V
2074  */
2075 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_releaseNativeDataBlock
2076  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong desc)
2077 {
2078  if(env){}
2079  if(nativeClass){}
2080  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MEMORY_ALLOCATE) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.releaseNativeDataBlock 0x%08lx\n", desc);
2081  //printf("free %08X\n", desc);
2082  free((void*)desc);
2083  return;
2084 }
2086 /*
2087  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2088  * Method: setBoolean
2089  * Signature: (IZ)V
2090  */
2091 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setBoolean
2092  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jboolean data)
2093 {
2094  if(env){}
2095  if(nativeClass){}
2096  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.setBoolean(0x%08lx, %02x)\n", nativeDataAddress, data);
2097  *(jboolean*)nativeDataAddress = data;
2098 }
2100 /*
2101  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2102  * Method: setChar
2103  * Signature: (IC)V
2104  */
2105 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setChar
2106  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jchar data)
2107 {
2108  if(env){}
2109  if(nativeClass){}
2110  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.setChar(0x%08lx, %02x)\n", nativeDataAddress, data);
2111  *(jchar*)nativeDataAddress = data;
2112 }
2114 /*
2115  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2116  * Method: setByte
2117  * Signature: (IB)V
2118  */
2119 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setByte
2120  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jbyte data)
2121 {
2122  if(env){}
2123  if(nativeClass){}
2124  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.setByte(0x%08lx, %02x)\n", nativeDataAddress, data);
2125  *(jbyte*)nativeDataAddress = data;
2126 }
2128 /*
2129  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2130  * Method: setShort
2131  * Signature: (IS)V
2132  */
2133 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setShort
2134  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jshort data)
2135 {
2136  if(env){}
2137  if(nativeClass){}
2138  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.setShort(0x%08lx, %04x)\n", nativeDataAddress, data);
2139  *(jshort*)nativeDataAddress = data;
2140 }
2142 /*
2143  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2144  * Method: setInt
2145  * Signature: (II)V
2146  */
2147 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setInt
2148  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jint data)
2149 {
2150  if(env){}
2151  if(nativeClass){}
2152  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.setInt(0x%08lx, %0x)\n", nativeDataAddress, data);
2153  *(jint*)nativeDataAddress = data;
2154 }
2156 /*
2157  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2158  * Method: setLong
2159  * Signature: (IJ)V
2160  */
2161 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setLong
2162  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jlong data)
2163 {
2164  if(env){}
2165  if(nativeClass){}
2166  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.setLong(0x%08lx, %08x)\n", nativeDataAddress, (unsigned)data);
2167  *(jlong*)nativeDataAddress = data;
2168 }
2170 /*
2171  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2172  * Method: setFloat
2173  * Signature: (IF)V
2174  */
2175 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setFloat
2176  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jfloat data)
2177 {
2178  if(env){}
2179  if(nativeClass){}
2180  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.setFloat(0x%08lx, %f)\n", nativeDataAddress, data);
2181  *(jfloat*)nativeDataAddress = data;
2182 }
2184 /*
2185  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2186  * Method: setDouble
2187  * Signature: (ID)V
2188  */
2189 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setDouble
2190  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jdouble data)
2191 {
2192  if(env){}
2193  if(nativeClass){}
2194  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.setDouble(0x%08lx, %08x)\n", nativeDataAddress, (unsigned)data);
2195  *(jdouble*)nativeDataAddress = data;
2196 }
2198 /*
2199  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2200  * Method: setString
2201  * Signature: (ILjava/lang/String;)V
2202  */
2203 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setString
2204  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jstring data)
2205 {
2206  const char* charData = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, data, 0);
2208  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.setString(0x%08lx, %s)\n", nativeDataAddress, charData);
2210  if(nativeClass){}
2211  strcpy((char*)nativeDataAddress, charData);
2212  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, data, charData);
2213 }
2216 /*
2217  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2218  * Method: copyFromBooleanArray
2219  * Signature: (I[ZII)V
2220  */
2221 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromBooleanArray
2222  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jbooleanArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
2223 {
2224  if(nativeClass){}
2225  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.copyFromBooleanArray\n");
2226  (*env)->GetBooleanArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2227  return ;
2228 }
2230 /*
2231  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2232  * Method: copyFromCharArray
2233  * Signature: (I[CII)V
2234  */
2235 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromCharArray
2236  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jcharArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
2237 {
2238  if(nativeClass){}
2239  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.copyFromCharArray\n");
2240  (*env)->GetCharArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2241  return ;
2242 }
2244 /*
2245  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2246  * Method: copyFromByteArray
2247  * Signature: (I[BII)V
2248  */
2249 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromByteArray
2250  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jbyteArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
2251 {
2252  if(nativeClass){}
2253  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.copyFromByteArray\n");
2254  (*env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2255  return ;
2256 }
2258 /*
2259  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2260  * Method: copyFromShortArray
2261  * Signature: (I[SII)V
2262  */
2263 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromShortArray
2264  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jshortArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
2265 {
2266  if(nativeClass){}
2267  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.copyFromShortArray\n");
2268  (*env)->GetShortArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2269  return ;
2270 }
2272 /*
2273  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2274  * Method: copyFromIntArray
2275  * Signature: (I[III)V
2276  */
2277 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromIntArray
2278  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jintArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
2279 {
2280  if(nativeClass){}
2281  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.copyFromIntArray\n");
2282  (*env)->GetIntArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2283  return ;
2284 }
2286 /*
2287  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2288  * Method: copyFromLongArray
2289  * Signature: (I[JII)V
2290  */
2291 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromLongArray
2292  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jlongArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
2293 {
2294  if(nativeClass){}
2295  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.copyFromLongArray\n");
2296  (*env)->GetLongArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2297  return ;
2298 }
2300 /*
2301  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2302  * Method: copyFromFloatArray
2303  * Signature: (I[FII)V
2304  */
2305 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromFloatArray
2306  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jfloatArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
2307 {
2308  if(nativeClass){}
2309  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.copyFromFloatArray\n");
2310  (*env)->GetFloatArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2311  return ;
2312 }
2314 /*
2315  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2316  * Method: copyFromDoubleArray
2317  * Signature: (I[DII)V
2318  */
2319 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromDoubleArray
2320  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jdoubleArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
2321 {
2322  if(nativeClass){}
2323  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.copyFromDoubleArray\n");
2324  (*env)->GetDoubleArrayRegion(env, array, arrayOffset, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2325  return ;
2326 }
2328 /*
2329  * Class: dim_MutableMemory
2330  * Method: copyNativeDataBlock
2331  * Signature: (II)V
2332  */
2333 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyNativeDataBlock
2334  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong destinationDataAddress, jlong sourceDataAddress, jint length)
2335 {
2336  if(env){}
2337  if(nativeClass){}
2338  DBGe(dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY) printf("DimJNI: MutableMemory.copyNativeDataBlock\n");
2339  memcpy((void *)destinationDataAddress, (void *)sourceDataAddress, (size_t)length);
2340  return ;
2341 }
2346 /* implementation of dim_objectdescriptor.h ===================================================== */
2348 /* fancy packing methods */
2350 typedef enum {f_skip,
2354  } FieldType;
2357 {
2358  FieldType type;
2359  int length;
2360  int offset;
2361  jfieldID fieldID;
2362  jarray array;
2364 };
2368 {
2369  jclass objectClass;
2370  int entries;
2373 };
2376 /*
2377  * Class: dim_ObjectDescriptor
2378  * Method: newObjectDescriptor
2379  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/Class;I)I
2380  */
2381 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_dim_ObjectDescriptor_newObjectDescriptor
2382  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jclass objectClass, jint maxEntries)
2383 {
2384  objectDescriptor_type* descriptor;
2386 // DBGe(dim_Dbg_DESCRIPTORS) ; /* trap only, report on exit */
2387  // todo put object descriptor and entry array in the same malloc (for dump purposes)
2388 //printf("malloc descriptor\n");
2389  if(env){}
2390  if(nativeClass){}
2391  if(maxEntries==0) maxEntries = 10;
2392  descriptor = (objectDescriptor_type*) malloc(sizeof(objectDescriptor_type));
2393  descriptor->entry = (objectDescriptorEntry_type*) malloc((size_t)(maxEntries * (jint)sizeof(objectDescriptorEntry_type)));
2394  descriptor->objectClass = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, objectClass);
2395  descriptor->entries = 0;
2396  descriptor->maxEntries = maxEntries;
2398  DBGx(dim_Dbg_DESCRIPTORS) printf("DimJNI: Native.newObjectDescriptor %08lx\n", (dim_long)descriptor);
2399  return (dim_long) descriptor;
2400 }
2403 {
2404  if(descriptor->entries == descriptor->maxEntries)
2405  {
2406  objectDescriptorEntry_type* entry = realloc(descriptor->entry, (size_t)(descriptor->maxEntries+10));
2407 //printf("realloc descriptor\n");
2408  if(entry==NULL) return NULL;
2410  descriptor->entry = entry;
2411  descriptor->maxEntries = descriptor->maxEntries+10;
2412  }
2413  return descriptor->entry + descriptor->entries++;
2414 }
2418 /*
2419  * Class: dim_ObjectDescriptor
2420  * Method: addFieldToObjectDescriptor
2421  * Signature: (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)I
2422  */
2424  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong desc, jstring fieldName, jstring fieldType, jint offset)
2425 {
2426 // FieldType field_type = f_int;
2428  const char* name = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, fieldName, 0);
2429  const char* type = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, fieldType, 0);
2430  jfieldID fieldID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, ((objectDescriptor_type*) desc)->objectClass, name, type);
2432  // TODO throw an error if there is no such FieldID
2434  DBGe(dim_Dbg_DESCRIPTORS) printf("DimJNI: Native.addFieldToObjectDescriptor %08lx Field %s Type %s\n", (dim_long) desc, name, type);
2435  // TODO: if(entry==NULL) throw out-of-memory exception, set length to 0
2437  // TODO: if(fieldType == "I") field_type = f_int; etc
2439  if(nativeClass){}
2440  entry->type =f_skip;
2441  entry->length =0;
2442  entry->offset =offset;
2443  entry->fieldID =fieldID;
2444  entry->array =0;
2445  entry->arrayOffset =0;
2447  switch (*type)
2448  {
2449  case 'Z':
2450  {
2451  entry->type =f_boolean;
2452  entry->length =sizeof(jboolean);
2453  break;
2454  }
2455  case 'B':
2456  {
2457  entry->type =f_byte;
2458  entry->length =sizeof(jbyte);
2459  break;
2460  }
2462  case 'C':
2463  {
2464  entry->type =f_char;
2465  entry->length =sizeof(jchar);
2466  break;
2467  }
2469  case 'S':
2470  {
2471  entry->type =f_short;
2472  entry->length =sizeof(jshort);
2473  break;
2474  }
2476  case 'I':
2477  {
2478  entry->type =f_int;
2479  entry->length =sizeof(jint);
2480  break;
2481  }
2483  case 'J':
2484  {
2485  entry->type =f_long;
2486  entry->length =sizeof(jlong);
2487  break;
2488  }
2490  case 'F':
2491  {
2492  entry->type =f_float;
2493  entry->length =sizeof(jfloat);
2494  break;
2495  }
2497  case 'D':
2498  {
2499  entry->type =f_double;
2500  entry->length =sizeof(jdouble);
2501  break;
2502  }
2504  //case '[':
2505  //{
2506  // // TODO deal with array types
2507  //}
2508  default :
2509  {
2510  printf("DimJNI: addFieldToObjectDescriptor - type %s not yet supported. (field %s)\n", name, type);
2511  }
2512  }
2515  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, fieldName, name);
2516  (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, fieldType, type);
2517  return entry->length;
2518 }
2521 /*
2522  * Class: dim_ObjectDescriptor
2523  * Method: deleteObjectDescriptor
2524  * Signature: (I)V
2525  */
2527  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong desc)
2528 {
2529  objectDescriptor_type* descriptor = (objectDescriptor_type*) desc;
2531  if(nativeClass){}
2532  DBGe(dim_Dbg_DESCRIPTORS) printf("DimJNI: Native.deleteObjectDescriptor %08lx\n", (dim_long)desc);
2533  (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, descriptor->objectClass);
2534 //printf("free descriptor\n");
2535  free(descriptor->entry);
2536  free(descriptor);
2537  return;
2538 }
2541 /*
2542  * Class: dim_ObjectDescriptor
2543  * Method: copyIntoObject
2544  * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;I)V
2545  */
2547 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_ObjectDescriptor_copyIntoObject
2548  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jobject theObject, jlong desc)
2549 {
2550  int i;
2553  objectDescriptor_type* descriptor = (objectDescriptor_type*) desc;
2554  jclass objectClass = descriptor->objectClass;
2556  DBGe(dim_Dbg_DESCRIPTORS) printf("DimJNI: Native.copyIntoObject %08lx\n", (dim_long)desc);
2558  if(nativeClass){}
2559  // test if object can be cast to object class
2560  if((*env)->IsInstanceOf(env, theObject, objectClass) != JNI_TRUE)
2561  {
2562  // throw exception
2563  jclass exceptionClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException");
2564  (*env)->ThrowNew(env, exceptionClass, " (Sorry...)");
2565  return;
2566  }
2568  // loop over descriptor entries
2569  entry = descriptor->entry;
2570  for (i=0; i<descriptor->entries; i++)
2571  {
2572  switch (entry->type)
2573  {
2574  case f_boolean:
2575  (*env)->SetBooleanField(env, theObject, entry->fieldID, *(jboolean*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset));
2576  break;
2577  case f_byte:
2578  (*env)->SetByteField( env, theObject, entry->fieldID, *(jbyte*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset));
2579  break;
2580  case f_char:
2581  (*env)->SetCharField( env, theObject, entry->fieldID, *(jchar*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset));
2582  break;
2583  case f_short:
2584  (*env)->SetShortField( env, theObject, entry->fieldID, *(jshort*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset));
2585  break;
2586  case f_int:
2587  (*env)->SetIntField( env, theObject, entry->fieldID, *(jint*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset));
2588  break;
2589  case f_long:
2590  (*env)->SetLongField( env, theObject, entry->fieldID, *(jlong*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset));
2591  break;
2592  case f_float:
2593  (*env)->SetFloatField( env, theObject, entry->fieldID, *(jfloat*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset));
2594  break;
2595  case f_double:
2596  (*env)->SetDoubleField( env, theObject, entry->fieldID, *(jdouble*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset));
2597  break;
2598  case a_boolean:
2599  (*env)->SetBooleanArrayRegion(env, entry->array, entry->arrayOffset, entry->length, (void*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset));
2600  break;
2601  case c_boolean:
2602  (*env)->SetBooleanArrayRegion(env, entry->array, entry->arrayOffset, entry->length, (void*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset));
2603  //TODO :: complete this list, including recursive call to this function for objects
2604  break;
2605  default:
2606  break;
2607  }
2608  //TODO :: ?? if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); // clear any possible exception, if we do not do this, all further methods will fail!!
2609  entry++;
2610  }
2611  return;
2612 }
2614 /*
2615  * Class: dim_ObjectDescriptor
2616  * Method: copyFromObject
2617  * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;I)V
2618  */
2619 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_ObjectDescriptor_copyFromObject
2620  (JNIEnv* env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jobject theObject, jlong desc)
2621 {
2622  int i;
2625  objectDescriptor_type* descriptor = (objectDescriptor_type*) desc;
2626  jclass objectClass = descriptor->objectClass;
2628  DBGe(dim_Dbg_DESCRIPTORS) printf("DimJNI: Native.copyFromObject %08x\n", (int)desc);
2630  if(nativeClass){}
2631  // test if object can be cast to object class
2632  if((*env)->IsInstanceOf(env, theObject, objectClass) != JNI_TRUE)
2633  {
2634  // throw exception
2635  jclass exceptionClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException");
2636  (*env)->ThrowNew(env, exceptionClass, " (Sorry...)");
2637  return;
2638  }
2640  // loop over descriptor entries
2641  entry = descriptor->entry;
2642  for (i=0; i<descriptor->entries; i++)
2643  {
2644  switch (entry->type)
2645  {
2646  case f_boolean:
2647  *(jboolean*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset) = (*env)->GetBooleanField(env, theObject, entry->fieldID);
2648  break;
2649  case f_byte:
2650  *(jbyte*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset) = (*env)->GetByteField(env, theObject, entry->fieldID);
2651  break;
2652  case f_char:
2653  *(jchar*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset) = (*env)->GetCharField(env, theObject, entry->fieldID);
2654  break;
2655  case f_short:
2656  *(jshort*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset) = (*env)->GetShortField(env, theObject, entry->fieldID);
2657  break;
2658  case f_int:
2659  *(jint*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset) = (*env)->GetIntField(env, theObject, entry->fieldID);
2660  break;
2661  case f_long:
2662  *(jlong*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset) = (*env)->GetLongField(env, theObject, entry->fieldID);
2663  break;
2664  case f_float:
2665  *(jfloat*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset) = (*env)->GetFloatField(env, theObject, entry->fieldID);
2666  break;
2667  case f_double:
2668  *(jdouble*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset) = (*env)->GetDoubleField(env, theObject, entry->fieldID);
2669  break;
2670 // case a_boolean:
2671 // (*env)->GetBooleanArrayRegion(env, array, 0, length, (void*) nativeDataAddress);
2672 // break;
2673 // case c_boolean:
2674 // *(jbyte*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset) = (*env)->GetField(env, theObject, entry->fieldID);
2675 // (*env)->SetBooleanArrayRegion(env, entry->array, entry->arrayOffset, entry->length, (void*) (nativeDataAddress+entry->offset));
2676 // //TODO :: complete this list, including recursive call to this function for objects
2677 // break;
2678  default:
2679  break;
2680  }
2681  //TODO :: ?? if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); // clear any possible exception, if we do not do this, all further methods will fail!!
2682  entry++;
2683  }
2684  return;
2685 }
2688 #ifdef zombies
2691 // jstring myFormat;
2692 // myFormat = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "x");
2693 // (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, dataObject, setDimFormatMID, myFormat); // JUST TO TRY
2695 // jintArray dataArray;
2696 // int data[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-1};
2697 // dataArray = (*env)->NewIntArray(env,10);
2698 // (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, dataArray,0,10,data);
2699 // (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, dataObject, NativeDataDecoder_decodeNativeData, dataArray); // JUST TO TRY
2701 // jclass dataClass = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, dataObject);
2703 // (*env)->CallIntMethod(env,dataObject,dimOIlengthMID);
2704 // (*env)->CallNonvirtualIntMethod(env,dataObject, dataItemInterface, dimOIlengthMID);// formatString = (jstring) (*env)->CallNonvirtualObjectMethod(env, dataObject, dataItemInterface, getDimFormatMID);
2706  // Print the current thread ID in the Debug Window
2707  // TRACE("Current Thread ID = 0x%X\n", AfxGetThread()->m_nThreadID);
2708  _RPT1(_CRT_ERROR, "Invalid allocation size: %u bytes.\n", nSize);
2711 // formatString = (jstring) (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env,dataObject,getDimFormatMID);
2712 // format = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, formatString, 0);
2713 // printf("Format string in native: %s\n",format);
2714 // (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, formatString, format);
2716  /* server_getInfo_callback is invoked when dim needs the data for a service.
2717  * The data is obtained by calling the encodeData method of the DataEncoder
2718  * interface which returns us a Memory object. Next we extract the data address
2719  * and size from the returned Memory object.
2720  *
2721  * Alternative:
2722  * I call the following class method: Server.sendMeTheData(theDataEncoder)
2723  * This method is implemented as
2724  * sendMeTheData(DataEncoder theDataEncoder)
2725  * {
2726  * Memory theData = theDataEncoder.encodeData();
2727  * Server.setDataReference(Memory.dataAddress, Memory.DataSize);
2728  * }
2729  * The method setDataReference(int dataAddress, int dataSize) is implemented
2730  * as a native method and receives directly the data which one can store in
2731  * a global variable.
2732  * More complicated, not convinced that it would be more efficient.
2733  */
2737 #endif
void dim_stop()
Definition: dim_thr.c:186
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromByteArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jbyteArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2250
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_ObjectDescriptor_addFieldToObjectDescriptor(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong desc, jstring fieldName, jstring fieldType, jint offset)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2424
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromCharArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jcharArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2236
#define dim_Dbg_CMND_CALLBACK
Definition: dim_jni.h:50
JavaVM * theJavaVM
Definition: dim_jni.c:85
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromDoubleArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jdoubleArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2320
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_enableAST(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1588
jmethodID NativeDataDecoder_decodeNativeData
Definition: dim_jni.c:109
#define dim_Native_F_STAMPED
Definition: dim_jni.h:24
jmethodID NativeDimTimer_timerHandler
Definition: dim_jni.c:115
objectDescriptorEntry_type * getNextDescriptorEntry(objectDescriptor_type *descriptor)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2402
static int DBGx_trap
Definition: dim_jni.c:71
#define dis_remove_service
Definition: dis.h:19
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoBooleanArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jbooleanArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1942
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromFloatArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jfloatArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2306
int dis_get_dns_port()
Definition: open_dns.c:139
void dic_add_error_handler(void(*user_routine)())
Definition: dic.c:112
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2II_3I(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jintArray dataArray)
Definition: dim_jni.c:731
void dis_disable_padding()
Definition: copy_swap.c:30
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoByteArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jbyteArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1970
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getInt(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1869
JNIEXPORT jchar JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getChar(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1827
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_disableAST(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1603
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setInt(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jint data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2148
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Client_releaseService(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jint sid)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1077
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_setDnsNode(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring nodes)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1633
#define dim_Dbg_INFO_SERVICE
Definition: dim_jni.h:40
int dis_set_dns_port(int port)
Definition: open_dns.c:114
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2IIC(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jchar data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:517
#define dim_Dbg_MUTABLE_MEMORY
Definition: dim_jni.c:16
#define dim_Dbg_DESCRIPTORS
Definition: dim_jni.h:60
jobject ourNativeDimExit
Definition: dim_jni.c:130
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2IILjava_lang_String_2(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jstring sdata)
Definition: dim_jni.c:615
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Client_getServer(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1365
void server_cmnd_callback(jobject *_theDataDecoder, void *dataAddress, int *_dataSize)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1419
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Client_stop(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1138
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2IIJ(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jlong data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:573
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Native_stop(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass)
Definition: dim_jni.c:367
void timer_callback(jobject *_aDimTimer)
Definition: dim_jni.c:903
jobject ourNativeDimCltError
Definition: dim_jni.c:125
int mode
jmethodID NativeDimExit_new
Definition: dim_jni.c:129
#define dim_Dbg_TRANSACTIONS
Definition: dim_jni.h:32
int i
Definition: db_dim_client.c:21
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getBoolean(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1813
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_getDnsNode(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1709
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setString(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jstring data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2204
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_addService(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring serviceName, jstring serviceType, jobject dataEncoder)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1399
void * id_get_ptr(int id, SRC_TYPES type)
Definition: conn_handler.c:184
#define dim_Dbg_MEMORY_ALLOCATE
Definition: dim_jni.c:17
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_addCommand(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring serviceName, jstring serviceType, jobject dataDecoder)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1434
JNIEnv * TheEnv
Definition: dim_jni.c:143
JNIEXPORT jshort JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getShort(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1855
#define dim_Dbg_SERVER
Definition: dim_jni.h:42
static int DBG_mask
Definition: dim_jni.c:68
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2II_3B(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jbyteArray dataArray)
Definition: dim_jni.c:683
void client_error_callback(int severity, int code, char *msg)
Definition: dim_jni.c:945
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getLong(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1883
#define dim_Dbg_SEND_CALLBACK
Definition: dim_jni.h:34
void info_service_callback_with_cleanup(jobject *_aDataDecoder, void *data, int *_size)
Definition: dim_jni.c:877
jclass NativeDimSrvError
Definition: dim_jni.c:117
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromShortArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jshortArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2264
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Client_getFormat(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jint sid)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1125
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_getClientConnID(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1281
jmethodID ReceiveSynchronizer_decodeNativeData
Definition: dim_jni.c:102
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setByte(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jbyte data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2120
jmethodID NativeDimSrvError_new
Definition: dim_jni.c:119
jobject ourNativeDimSrvError
Definition: dim_jni.c:120
int dic_set_dns_node(char *node)
Definition: open_dns.c:58
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimTimer_stop(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jlong aDimTimer)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1053
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2II_3F(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jfloatArray dataArray)
Definition: dim_jni.c:779
#define dim_Dbg_ADD_SERVICE
Definition: dim_jni.h:46
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_dim_DimTimer_start(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jobject aDimTimer, jint secs)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1031
void * malloc()
Definition: EventBuilder.cc:99
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_getDnsPort(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1724
char id[4]
Definition: FITS.h:71
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getString(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jint maxSize)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1926
jmethodID SendSynchronizer_new
Definition: dim_jni.c:96
jclass ReceiveSynchronizer
Definition: dim_jni.c:100
jmethodID ReceiveSynchronizer_getCompletionCode
Definition: dim_jni.c:103
int dic_get_dns_port()
Definition: open_dns.c:130
int dic_get_server(char *name)
Definition: dic.c:2305
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setLong(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jlong data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2162
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_dim_ObjectDescriptor_newObjectDescriptor(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jclass objectClass, jint maxEntries)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2382
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_selectiveUpdateService(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jint sid, jintArray clients)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1459
jmethodID SendSynchronizer_setCompletionCode
Definition: dim_jni.c:97
jclass NativeDataDecoder
Definition: dim_jni.c:108
#define dim_Dbg_MODULE
Definition: dim_jni.h:30
jint send_data(JNIEnv *env, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, void *data_address, int data_size)
Definition: dim_jni.c:437
void callServerErrorHandler(int severity, int code, char *msg)
Definition: dim_jni.c:909
void server_error_callback(int severity, int code, char *msg)
Definition: dim_jni.c:924
unsigned request_service(char *serv_name, int req_type, int req_timeout, void *serv_address, int serv_size, void(*usr_routine)(), dim_long tag, void *fill_addr, int fill_size, int stamped)
Definition: dic.c:625
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimErrorHandler_addSrvErrorHandler(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1513
#define dis_set_timestamp
Definition: dis.h:23
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setFloat(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jfloat data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2176
int dic_get_quality(unsigned serv_id)
Definition: dic.c:937
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Server_getClient(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1296
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoFloatArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jfloatArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2026
jfieldID NativeDataMemory_dataSize
Definition: dim_jni.c:91
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setShort(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jshort data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2134
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_disableAST(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1573
int dis_get_conn_id()
Definition: dis.c:2795
void server_setCmnd_callback(jobject *_aDataDecoder, void *address, int *size)
#define dim_Dbg_GETCLIENT
Definition: dim_jni.h:56
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2IIS(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jshort data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:545
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoLongArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jlongArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2012
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2IIF(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jfloat data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:587
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_setDnsNode(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring nodes)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1663
void dis_add_error_handler(void(*user_routine)())
Definition: dis.c:540
static char * send_data_format
Definition: dim_jni.c:433
int do_update_service(unsigned service_id, int *client_ids)
Definition: dis.c:1714
#define dim_Dbg_UPDATE_SERVICE
Definition: dim_jni.h:54
char name[132]
Definition: did.h:46
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2IIZ(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jboolean data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:503
int dic_set_dns_port(int port)
Definition: open_dns.c:107
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_getServerConnID(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1352
#define dim_Dbg_SERVICE_CALLBACK
Definition: dim_jni.h:44
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_getServerPID(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1334
#define dim_Dbg_INFO_CALLBACK
Definition: dim_jni.h:38
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_startServing(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring serverName)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1203
int dic_get_server_pid(int *pid)
Definition: dic.c:2324
JNIEXPORT jfloat JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getFloat(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1897
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Native_init(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass)
Definition: dim_jni.c:351
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_DimInfo_getQuality(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jint sid)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1154
char * dic_get_server_services(int conn_id)
Definition: dic.c:2238
void(* user_routine)()
Definition: dim.h:472
char * dis_get_client_services(int conn_id)
Definition: dis.c:2536
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimService_setQuality(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jint sid, jint qual)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1752
#define dis_add_cmnd
Definition: dis.h:13
jmethodID SendSynchronizer_getCompletionCode
Definition: dim_jni.c:98
dim_long tag
Definition: dim.h:473
void dtq_start_timer(int time, void(*user_routine)(), dim_long tag)
Definition: dtq.c:790
jmethodID NativeDimCltError_errorHandler
Definition: dim_jni.c:123
#define dis_set_quality
Definition: dis.h:22
int dic_get_dns_node(char *node)
Definition: open_dns.c:81
#define dim_Dbg_ADD_CMND
Definition: dim_jni.h:52
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2II_3S(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jshortArray dataArray)
Definition: dim_jni.c:707
#define DBGm(test)
Definition: dim_jni.c:65
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_ObjectDescriptor_copyFromObject(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jobject theObject, jlong desc)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2620
JNIEXPORT jbyte JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getByte(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1841
int dtq_stop_timer(dim_long tag)
Definition: dtq.c:806
jclass NativeDimCltError
Definition: dim_jni.c:122
jclass CompletionHandler
Definition: dim_jni.c:105
void server_getInfo_callback(jobject *_aDataEncoder, void **address, int *size)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1232
static int DBGm_trap
Definition: dim_jni.c:70
#define dis_start_serving
Definition: dis.h:8
JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_getDouble(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1911
static int DBGe_trap
Definition: dim_jni.c:69
Definition: dim.h:457
Definition: dim.h:181
void callClientErrorHandler(int severity, int code, char *msg)
Definition: dim_jni.c:930
long dim_long
Definition: dim_common.h:57
void send_callback(jobject *_aCompletionHandler, int *_status)
Definition: dim_jni.c:413
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_setDnsPort(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jint port)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1649
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromBooleanArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jbooleanArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2222
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2IIB(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jbyte data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:531
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_dumpInternalData(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong internalDataAddress, jint internalDataSize, jint dumpOptions)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1785
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Server_stopServing(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1223
jclass ObjectDescriptor
Definition: dim_jni.c:93
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoShortArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jshortArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1984
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_allocateNativeDataBlock(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jint size)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2059
jmethodID NativeDimExit_exitHandler
Definition: dim_jni.c:128
jmethodID NativeDataEncoder_encodeNativeData
Definition: dim_jni.c:112
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyNativeDataBlock(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong destinationDataAddress, jlong sourceDataAddress, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2334
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_DimServer_getDnsNode(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1694
#define dis_stop_serving
Definition: dis.h:9
jobject ourNativeMemoryObject
Definition: dim_jni.c:132
void callServerExitHandler(int code)
Definition: dim_jni.c:950
int dis_get_dns_node(char *node)
Definition: open_dns.c:90
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setChar(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jchar data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2106
void info_service_callback(jobject *_aDataDecoder, void *data, int *_size)
Definition: dim_jni.c:868
#define DBGx(test)
Definition: dim_jni.c:66
static char no_link
Definition: did.c:909
void dic_disable_padding()
Definition: copy_swap.c:25
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_setDnsPort(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jint port)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1680
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_ObjectDescriptor_copyIntoObject(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jobject theObject, jlong desc)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2548
Definition: dim_jni.c:39
void callTimerHandler(jobject *_aDimTimer)
Definition: dim_jni.c:886
void dic_close_dns()
Definition: dic.c:2142
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Client_noPadding(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1110
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_enableAST(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1618
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Dbg_getMask(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass)
Definition: dim_jni.c:398
static char * serverName
Definition: feeserver.c:183
#define dis_get_client
Definition: dis.h:11
jclass NativeDimExit
Definition: dim_jni.c:127
#define dim_Dbg_MEMORY
Definition: dim_jni.c:15
int size
Definition: db_dim_server.c:17
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoDoubleArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jdoubleArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2040
float data[4 *1440]
void server_exit_callback(int *code)
Definition: dim_jni.c:966
int dis_set_dns_node(char *node)
Definition: open_dns.c:65
void free(void *mem)
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_DimInfo_getTimestamp(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jint sid)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1170
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_infoService(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theNativeDataDecoder, jint mode, jint timeout)
Definition: dim_jni.c:977
#define DBGe(test)
Definition: dim_jni.c:64
jmethodID NativeDimCltError_new
Definition: dim_jni.c:124
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setBoolean(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jboolean data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2092
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2II_3C(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jcharArray dataArray)
Definition: dim_jni.c:659
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnUnLoad(JNIEnv *env, void *reserved)
Definition: dim_jni.c:312
Definition: dim.h:180
#define dim_Dbg_SEND_NATIVE
Definition: dim_jni.h:36
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_setDouble(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jdouble data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2190
#define dis_add_service
Definition: dis.h:12
void decodeData(jobject *_theDataDecoder, void *dataAddress, int *_dataSize, int cleanup)
Definition: dim_jni.c:838
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoIntArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jintArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1998
jmethodID ReceiveSynchronizer_new
Definition: dim_jni.c:101
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimService_setTimestamp(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jint sid, jint secs, jint millisecs)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1768
#define dim_JNI_version
Definition: dim_jni.c:43
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2IID(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jdouble data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:601
#define dis_add_exit_handler
Definition: dis.h:15
int dic_get_conn_id()
Definition: dic.c:2300
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Client_getServices(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1382
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_DimClient_getDnsPort(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1738
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimErrorHandler_addCltErrorHandler(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1533
jclass NativeDataMemory
Definition: dim_jni.c:87
int dim_jni_attachThread(JNIEnv **env)
Definition: dim_jni.c:171
static void DBG_Trap(int code)
Definition: dim_jni.c:73
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2III(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jint data)
Definition: dim_jni.c:559
jclass SendSynchronizer
Definition: dim_jni.c:95
jmethodID NativeDimSrvError_errorHandler
Definition: dim_jni.c:118
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_ObjectDescriptor_deleteObjectDescriptor(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong desc)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2527
int request_command(char *serv_name, void *serv_address, int serv_size, void(*usr_routine)(), dim_long tag, int stamped)
Definition: dic.c:736
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_releaseNativeDataBlock(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong desc)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2076
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *jvm, void *reserved)
Definition: dim_jni.c:199
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromIntArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jintArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2278
void dic_release_service(unsigned service_id)
Definition: dic.c:1025
objectDescriptorEntry_type * entry
Definition: dim_jni.c:2372
#define dim_Dbg_RELEASE_SERVICE
Definition: dim_jni.h:48
jmethodID CompletionHandler_setCompletionCode
Definition: dim_jni.c:106
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_dim_Server_getServices(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1315
jclass NativeDataEncoder
Definition: dim_jni.c:111
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_DimInfo_getTimestampMillisecs(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jint sid)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1185
char * dic_get_format(unsigned serv_id)
Definition: dic.c:961
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_DimExitHandler_addExitHandler(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1553
#define dim_Native_ONCE_ONLY
Definition: dim_jni.h:10
int MainThreadId
Definition: dim_jni.c:140
jmethodID NativeDataMemory_decodeData
Definition: dim_jni.c:89
Definition: dim_jni.c:2350
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_MutableMemory_copyFromLongArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jlongArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:2292
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2IIJI(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jlong nativeDataBlock, jint nativeDataSize)
Definition: dim_jni.c:827
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Dbg_setMask(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jint dbg_mask)
Definition: dim_jni.c:383
#define dim_Native_F_WAIT
Definition: dim_jni.h:26
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Server_removeService(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jint sid)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1483
jfieldID NativeDataMemory_dataAddress
Definition: dim_jni.c:90
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2II_3D(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jdoubleArray dataArray)
Definition: dim_jni.c:803
#define DBG(test)
Definition: dim_jni.c:63
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2II_3J(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jlongArray dataArray)
Definition: dim_jni.c:755
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Memory_copyIntoCharArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass nativeClass, jlong nativeDataAddress, jcharArray array, jint arrayOffset, jint length)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1956
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dim_Server_noPadding(JNIEnv *env, jclass This)
Definition: dim_jni.c:1498
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_dim_Client_send__Ljava_lang_String_2Ldim_CompletionHandler_2II_3Z(JNIEnv *env, jclass This, jstring name, jobject theCompletionHandler, jint mode, jint timeout, jbooleanArray dataArray)
Definition: dim_jni.c:635
jmethodID NativeDataMemory_new
Definition: dim_jni.c:88
jclass NativeDimTimer
Definition: dim_jni.c:114
int dic_get_timestamp(unsigned serv_id, int *secs, int *milisecs)
Definition: dic.c:984