FACT++  1.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 C_time_formatHelper to manipulate the input and output format of a time in a stream
 Czofits::CompressedColumnRegular columns augmented with compression informations
 Czofits::CompressionTargetParameters required to compress a tile of data
 CConfigurationCommandline parsing, resource file parsing and database access
 CConverterA compiler for the DIM data format string
 CDescriptionA struct which stores a name, a unit and a comment
 CDimDescriptionServiceA DimService which broadcasts descriptions for services and commands
 CDimLogEnsures that the MessageDimTX is initialized before errors could be redirected to it
 CDimWriteStatisticsStatistics service telling the free space on disk and the total size written so far
 CedgeStructure for storing edges of hexagons (for blurry display)
 CEventImpA general base-class describing events issues in a state machine
 CRemoteControl< T >::EventInfo
 CFactFitsFITS writter for the FACT project
 CAutoScheduler< T >::FixedObs
 CHex< T >
 CInterpolator2DExtra- and interpolate in 2D
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cstd::list< T >STL class
 CMessageImpThe base implementation of a distributed messaging system
 CNumSubAndFitsTypeDistributes the number of opened subscriptions and fits files
 CAutoScheduler< T >::ObservationParameters
 COpenFileToDimDistributes which files were opened
 CPixelsNeighborsStructure for storing neighbors of pixels. For camera position calculation and blurry display
 CQueue< T, List >
 CQueue< pair< Time, array< double, 12 > > >
 CQueue< pair< Time, array< double, 2 > > >
 CQueue< pair< Time, array< uint16_t, 2 > > >
 CQueue< pair< Time, array< uint32_t, 4 > > >
 CQueue< pair< Time, array< uint8_t, 3 > > >
 CQueue< pair< Time, GUI_STAT > >
 CQueue< pair< Time, vector< char > > >
 CQueue< std::string >
 CQueue< std::tuple< Time, std::string, int > >
 CQueue< tuple< Time, array< uint32_t, 40 >, array< int16_t, 160 > > >
 CQueue< tuple< Time, bool, FAD::EventHeader > >
 CQueue< tuple< Time, char, array< uint32_t, 8 > > >
 CQueue< tuple< Time, uint32_t, EventBuilderWrapper::EventData > >
 CQueue< tuple< Time, vector< char >, bool > >
 CQueue< vector< char > >
 CQueue< zofits::CompressionTarget >
 CQueue< zofits::WriteTarget, zofits::QueueMin< zofits::WriteTarget > >
 CReadlineC++ wrapper for GNU's readline library
 CRemoteControlImpThis implements the basic functions of a remote control via dim
 CRunNumberTypeRun number record. Used to keep track of which run numbers are still active
 CAutoScheduler< T >::ScheduledObs
 CAutoScheduler< T >::ScheduledRun
 CStateA struct which stores an index, a comment and a name of a State
 CAutoScheduler< T >::StdObs
 CSubscriptionTypeDim subscription type. Stores all the relevant info to handle a Dim subscription
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 Czofits::WriteTargetParameters required to write a tile to disk